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Enhancing Accessibility: EASTIN Assistive Technology Network

Explore EASTIN, a European network offering information on all kinds of assistive technologies. Learn about the project's origins, data improvements, and dataset updates. Discover user queries, product listings, and the connection with GPII. Find out about the validation procedure for product records and the solution registry. Access web services and protocols for seamless integration into the network.

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Enhancing Accessibility: EASTIN Assistive Technology Network

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  1. Background - Whatis EASTIN • A European network that offers information on Assistive Technologies of all kind (mobility, self care, ICT, ….) • The core is the EASTIN website www.eastin.euthat includes information on assistive technology products, manufacturers and associated info (articles, case studies, …) • EASTIN stems from a project founded by the European Commission in 2004-2005 (eTEN programme) • Now is a self financing association • EASTIN is currently expanding (including new information providers), and improving the dataset for the description of products

  2. the EASTIN Website

  3. The current EASTIN approach Query from the user I want an on screen keyboard EASTIN User interface (eastin website) Retrieved productlist <SmallProductDto[]> EASTIN Search engine Product details <ProductDto[]> Webservice Client Data in EASTIN format Provider 1 (e.g. SIVA) Provider 2 (e.g. HMI Basen) Provider 3 (e.g. DLF Data) Provider N Webservice Server Webservice Server Webservice Server Webservice Server … Product DB Product DB Product DB Product DB

  4. Product description in the EASTIN portal Basic information • Example Additional technical details Currently sent to EASTIN as Free text => will be separate fields from January 2013

  5. The newdataset(from Jan 2013) – basic information

  6. The newdataset(from Jan 2013) – AdditionalTechnicaldetails(only somefieldsare shownhereasanexemple) New dataset for product description TITLE Featureswithnumericvalue (measures) Featureswithoutnumericvalue

  7. Information flowing from the EASTIN database to the GPII Unified listing EASTIN User GPII User EASTIN Web Portal Marketplace web site Unified Listing Web Portal EASTIN search engine API Output Web Service 4 Input Web Service (client) Validation procedure 2 3 1 Validator 5 W.S. Client Input W.S. (server) Input W.S. (server) Input W.S. (server) Input W.S. (server) Marketpl. database GPII Unif. listing SIVA (Italy) DLF (UK) Rehadat (Germany) … EASTIN Distributed DB of AT products Queries Retrieved data

  8. Connection of GPII into the EASTIN network EASTIN User EASTIN Web Portal EASTIN search engine Input Web Service (client) Input W.S. (server) Input W.S. (server) Input W.S. (server) Input W.S. (server) Input W.S. (server) GPII Unif. listing SIVA (Italy) DLF (UK) Rehadat (Germany) … EASTIN Distributed DB of AT products Queries Retrieved data

  9. Overall EASTIN-GPII connection scheme EASTIN User GPII User EASTIN Web Portal Unified Listing Web Portal Marketplace web site EASTIN search engine Output Web Service Validation procedure Input Web Service (client) W.S. Client Validator Input W.S. (server) Input W.S. (server) Input W.S. (server) Input W.S. (server) Input W.S. (server) Marketpl. database GPII Unif. listing SIVA (Italy) DLF (UK) Rehadat (Germany) … EASTIN Distributed DB of AT products Queries Retrieved data

  10. Validation procedure DRAFT! ? = • Find out duplicated products (aided by automatic functions) • Information of duplicates is merged into one record (automatic procedure) that will include: • all the commercial names (alias) • all the manufacturer names • all the ISO codes • all the images • all the text descriptions • the sum of the detailed information • if needed, technical data are completed/modified and feedback is sent to the information provider • Specificsettings are added for the product (automatically if the product is Cloud4all compliant) • Seewikipage: http://wiki.gpii.net/index.php/Unified_%28Federated%29_Listing_validation_procedure Settings

  11. Product description in the Solution Registry Basic information technical details Specific settings

  12. EASTIN “input” Web services EASTIN User EASTIN Web Portal EASTIN search engine Input Web Service (client) Input W.S. (server) Input W.S. (server) Input W.S. (server) Input W.S. (server) Input W.S. (server) GPII Unif. listing SIVA (Italy) DLF (UK) Rehadat (Germany) … EASTIN Distributed DB of AT products Queries Retrieved data

  13. “input” Web services protocol • Protocol: XML-SOAP 1.2 • SIVA Web Service for Eastin is an example of implementation based on Microsoft .NET Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) technology. Other Eastin partners used Java-based or PHP-based frameworks. Here you can get the WSDL of SIVA Web Service for Eastin: http://www.portale.siva.it/eastinetnawebservices/searches.svc?wsdl

  14. “input” Web services product search function The Web service must implement 9 functions. The most important function in Cloud4all repository perspective is: SmallProductDto[] FindSmallProducts(string[] isoCodes, FeatureDto[] features, stringcommercialName, stringmanufacturer, DateTimeinsertDateMin, DateTimeinsertDateMax); features parameter is an array of FeatureDto objects that represent the new Eastin-Etnataxonomy (from Jan 2013) and can be used together with isoCodes parameter to find all ICT products caracterized by a specified techincal feature.

  15. “input” Web services returned object 1 • The function returns an array of SmallProductDto objects which are defined here: • publicclassSmallProductDto • { • publicstringProductCode { get; set; } • publicstringIsoCodePrimary { get; set; } • publicstring[] IsoCodesOptional { get; set; } • publicstringCommercialName { get; set; } • publicstringManufacturerCode { get; set; } • publicstringManufacturerName { get; set; } • publicDateTimeInsertDate { get; set; } • publicDateTimeLastUpdateDate { get; set; } • publicstringThumbnailImageUrl { get; set; } • }

  16. “input” Web services product detail function Once you get the product ID (called ProductCode) you can get all the possible information about a single product calling the function: ProductDtoGetProduct(stringproductCode, stringlanguageCode); The languageCode parameter (for ex.: “en”, “it”, “de”) is used to decide how to localize some of the textual content contained in the returned object.

  17. “input” Web services returned objects 2 The ProductDtoreturned object is defined here: publicclassProductDto { <... all fields contained in SmallProductDto plus ... > publicstringManufacturerAddress { get; set; } publicstringManufacturerPostalCode { get; set; } publicstringManufacturerTown { get; set; } publicstringManufacturerCountry { get; set; } publicstringManufacturerPhone { get; set; } publicstringManufacturerFax { get; set; } publicstringManufacturerEmail { get; set; } publicstringManufacturerSkype { get; set; } publicstringManufacturerWebSiteUrl { get; set; } publicstring[] ManufacturerSocialNetworkUrls { get; set; } publicstringImageUrl { get; set; } publicstring Description { get; set; } publicstringOriginalUrl { get; set; } publicstringDownloadUrl { get; set; } publicstring[] UserManualUrls { get; set; } publicstring[] VideoUrls { get; set; } publicstring[] BrochureUrls { get; set; } publicstring[] FurtherInfoUrls { get; set; } publicFeatureDto[] Features { get; set; } } basic information Additionaltechnicaldetails

  18. EASTIN “output” Web services EASTIN User GPII User EASTIN Web Portal Marketplace web site Unified Listing Web Portal EASTIN search engine API Output Web Service 4 Input Web Service (client) Validation procedure 2 3 1 Validator 5 W.S. Client Input W.S. (server) Input W.S. (server) Input W.S. (server) Input W.S. (server) Marketpl. database GPII Unif. listing SIVA (Italy) DLF (UK) Rehadat (Germany) … EASTIN Distributed DB of AT products Queries Retrieved data

  19. “output” Web services protocol • XML-SOAP 1.2 • or • REST • The decision about the protocol to be used will be taken in the first quarter of 2013 but there is the possibility that both protocols will be supported.

  20. “output” Web services product search function Again, the most important functions for Cloud4all project are: SmallProductDto[] FindSmallProducts(string[] isoCodes, FeatureDto[] features, stringcommercialName, stringmanufacturer, DateTimeinsertDateMin, DateTimeinsertDateMax); ProductDtoGetProduct(stringrepositoryCode, stringproductCode, stringlanguageCode); Here the only difference is that in GetProduct() you must pass the repository ID (repositoryCode parameter). The RepositoryCode field is contained (together with ProductCode) in SmallProductDto objects, returned by FindSmallProducts().

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