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Presentation on IT Data Governance Meeting by EUROSTAT covering metadata-driven integrated statistical data management system (MD.ISDMS) at Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia dataset. The system works with macrodata and microdata to estimate statistical characteristics using a box structure covering alfa, beta, gamma, tau attributes. The system processes business statistics, managing vectors of objects and indicators. It includes extensive modules such as data entry, validation, analysis, and dissemination. Metadata and registers are key components integrated for efficient data management. The system is designed using ISDMS architecture with various software modules linked with databases for comprehensive data handling in statistical processes.
Metadata Driven Integrated Statistical Data Management system “MD ISDMS” Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia October23 – 24, 2006 Presentation on IT DG Meeting, EUROSTAT
A bit from Approach A bit from Fuctionality Key Rezults Content
PROCESSES Covered by MD ISDMS in the Business Statistics Domain
Description of Microdata By Bo Sundgren
Description of macrodata by Bo Sundgren Macrodata are the result of estimations(aggregations). The estimations are made on the basis of a set of microdata. Statistical characteristics:Cs = O(t).V(t).f, where: O and V - is an object characteristics; t - is a time parameter, f – is a aggregation function (sum,count,average, etc) summarizing the true values of V(t) for the objects in O(t). The structure for macrodata is referred in metadata base to as box structure or “alfa-beta-gamma-tau” structure ( ). For data interchange alfa refers to the selection property of objects (O), beta – summarized values ofvariables (V), gamma – cross classifying variables, tau – time parameters (t).
DEFINITION of VARIABLES ATTRIBUTES(CLASSIFICATORS) =VARIABLES INDICATOR + Vector of indicators Example: Number of employees no attribute = Number of employees, total + Local kind of activity (NACE) = Number of employees in breakdown by kind of activity + Regional code (ATVK or NUTS) = Number of employees in breakdown by regions
Vektors of objects and indicators(example) Main vectors of respondents(objects O(t) ) NACE REGIONS OWNERSHIP AND ENTERPRENERSHIP EMPLOYEES GROUP TURNOVER GROUP vectors of indicators Number of employees in breakdown by regions
Name of Questionnaire, index, code, corroboration date, Nr. Respondents(object)code, name and address; Period (year, quarter, month) Name of chapter PRODUCTIONAL METADATAStructure of trade statistics questionnaire(data matrix - fixed table) Metadata repository: common table of statistical indicators, table of attributes (classifications)and table of variables INDICATOR 1 + ATTRIBUTE I n d i c a t o r s CELL [2010,1] VARIABLE 1 A t t r i b u t e s
ISDMS architecture - Versions 1 & 2 Integrated statistical data management system Corporative data Warehouse CSB Web Site User adminis- tration data base Dissemi-nation data base Metadata base Macrodata base FIREALL www SERVER ER E R Registers base OLAP data base Microdata base Raw data base FIREALL ISDMS Business application Software Modules Data entry and validation module related with DB: Data aggregation module related with DB: Data analysis module related with DB: Core metadata base module related with DB: Registers module related with DB: METADATA USER ADMINISTRATION REGISTERS USER ADMINISTRATION METADATA MICRODATAREGISTERS USER ADMINISTRATION METADATA MICRODATA REGISTERS USER ADMINISTRATION OLAP METADATA MACRODATA Data dissemination module related with DB: Data WEB entry module related with DB: User administration module related with DB: Data mass entry module related with DB: Missed data imputation module related with DB: METADATA MICRODATA REGISTERS RAW DATABASE USER ADMINISTRATION METADATA MACRODATA REGISTERS USER ADMINISTRATION METADATA MICRODATA REGISTERS USER ADMINISTRATION METADATA MICRODATA REGISTERS DATA IMPUTATION SOFTWARE METADATA MICRODATA MACRODATA USER ADMINISTRATION Windows 2000 Server Advanced MS Internet Information Server SQL server 2000, PC-Axis
Metadata base link with Microdata and Macrodata bases META DATA BASE (REPOSITORY) General description of survey Selecting Indicators Selecting Attributes Description of survey version Creating of Variables Description of chapters (data matrix) Description of rows and columns Linking variables to cells Generation form for data entry (automatically) Data aggregation function (automatically) Defining of data aggregation rules MACRO DATABASE MICRO DATABASE IMPORT EXPORT
Data entry and validation META DATA BASE BUSINESS REGISTER Description of validation rules Data import from files Creating list of Respon- dents Description of data entry forms Full data validation MICRO DATA BASE Standard data entry and validation Data validation RAW DATA BASE Data transfer to Microdata Base Mass data entry F i r e w a l l RAW Web DATA BASE Web data entry and validation Web Data validation
Data aggregation and using Micro and Macrodata META DATA BASE Meta data level Meta data view Defining of data grouping rulesfor data aggregation (classifications) Output Tables design Data level(Micro and Macro data) Micro Data analyse (Filtering+export) MICRO DATABASE OLAP Tools (SQL Server) Output Tables generation and Confidentiality checking Data aggregation function(Including weight coefficients) SUMM COUNT MEAN MAX MIN Macro Data analyse(Filtering+export) Data browsing using XLS Multi- dimensional cubes MACRO DATABASE Output Tables (XLS,PC-AXIS) DATA EXPORT
System implemented in August 2002 Successful implementation formed bases for the CSB regional restructuring ( 5 Data centres(115) instead of 26 RO(180)) Amount of Surveys described in Metadata base from 2002 102 in active use in 2006 68 Available for electronic submission 38 Classifications For systematic usage in metadata base available 105 Rate of electronically submitted data Maximal for sypliest surways up to 47% Average in 2006 (excluding intrastat) 18,4% KEY INFORMATION of MD ISDMS usage
Thank you for attention ! • Karlis Zeila = Karlis.Zeila@csb.gov.lv • http://www.csb.lv