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Learn about SPID (Suppressed Immune Deficiency), a syndrome that weakens the immune system and makes the body vulnerable to infectious diseases. Discover the stages of SPID, how it is transmitted, and effective prevention methods.
Stavropol State Medical University Students Health Center What is SPID? Scientific supervision - Director of the Center professor M.E. Evsevyeva Scientific work done – fellow center assistant Z.V. Kumukova
S – a syndrome. There is a large number of signs, the symptoms connected with a disease. P – the acquired. The disease isn't caused by genetic predisposition, and is got in unusual way. I – immune. D – deficiency. Thus the immune system is suppressed and loses ability to resist various infections.
The first cases of SPIDS are noted the eightieth years in the USA among addicts in the beginning. Now epidemic captured about 190 countries of the world.
Why the organism can't be protected? Virus Аntibody T lymphocyte T-lymphocyte with a virus Viruses in cages are in the form inaccessible to antibodiesтител Defeat new Tlimphocyts
As a result of an illness the human • body becomes defenseless before • infectious and tumoral diseases with • which the normal immune system • copes.
SPID illness stages. • I. Infection with virus HIV: week fever, increase in lymph nodes, rash. In a month in blood antibodies to virus HIV are found. • II. Hidden period: from several weeks to several years: expressions mucous, fungal damages of skin, weight loss, a diarrhea, the increased body temperature. • III. SPID: pneumonia, tumors, sepsis and other infectious diseases.
Whether it is possible to kill the SPID activator? t°= 56° Hit on skin Hit in a digestive tract 50 – 70° spiritus 30 min Some seconds In 20 minutes it is destroyed by enzymes of the bacteria parasitizing on skin Collapses digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid Disinfecting substances (chloroamine, chloric lime) Вoiling Instant Instant
Ways of transfer of HIV infection The sexual – at the constant sexual partner (to use condoms!) and homosexual relations; at artificial insemination. When using of the polluted medical tools, at addicts – one syringe. From mother – to the child: vnutriutrobno, at childbirth, when feeding by maternal milk. Through blood: at blood transfusion, organ transplantation and fabrics.
Cases of transfer of a HIV virus are noted • In the airborne way through sneezing and cough. • In the household way through embraces, at visit of pools as the virus isn't transmitted through the uninjured skin. • At stings of blood-sicking insects.
Prevention of SPID – the only way of fight against it! • Main directions of prevention: • √ Training of the population in the correct sexual behavior • √ Restriction of sexual partners • √ Use of condoms • √ Observance of rules of personal hygiene • √ Providing rules of the address with syringes • √ Sterilization of medical tools and systems of blood transfusion • √ Use of disposable tools
My friend, to it only 22, in blossoming winged sentiments and force. To it one road to a grave, From a bowl of life having taken a sip hardly Also it is SPID…, the organism is weakened. Suddenly I left obedience. Having broken hidden force in an instant Protective limfotsitny mechanism. And if - think of a furious burn – The planet will become all the patient with SPID! Alarms a cut throw in shock, And that then, for burial where To dig a ditch to the lifeless planet Sting strategists keep in mind Such place somewhere on a star? Present, the person disappeared from the planet … Also calm down, it will be never.