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Discover the authentic teachings of God's covenant, names, and practices. Follow Yahowsha's true example for spiritual guidance.
Concerned No April Fooling Around Five Months Research Into God's Word 1 April 2013 V 3.1 updated 19 April 2014
Why We Should Be Concerned? • We should be very concerned that we are not participating in God's covenant in accordance with His prescriptions for living • The Messiah came to save the world, but are we getting the straight message from current religious doctrines? • Purpose of this presentation: • To level-set with the straight truth from God's word • Attempt to determine if we are walking on the path to God's home • Call to action today to make the correct choice to God's path
What is the Pentateuch? • Like many names in our bibles, "the Pentateuch" is a Greek corruption for the Hebrew "Torah" • Torah is the correct Hebrew name for God's instructions • The Torah also includes the book of Joshua • Many names and practices in our bibles were corrupted • The Dead Sea Scrolls reflect the earliest correct names prior to the Babylonian and Greek corruptions • Did you know that "Lord" replaced God's proper name "Yahowah" over 7000 times?
God Wants to be Called by His Name • God does not want to be called Lord • Did you know that ha Baal means the Lord? • When did this happen? • When the children of Yisra’el wanted to fit in with the gentile nations existing around them....they adopted the pagan Baal/Lord (Hosea 2:16 K.J.V.) http://newsletter.followersofyah.com/conspiracy.html
God Wants Us to Call Him by His Name • Do you know God's correct name? • His name is Yahowah (YHWH) • His name is not Jehovah (Jehovah is a corrupt name for Yahowah) • God diminished Himself to become Yahowsha', not Jesus • Do you know what Yahowsha's name means? • Yahowsha' means Yahowah saves • How did we get the name Jesus Christ? • Jesus Christ is a corruption of Zeus and Krishna • Zeus and Krishna was derived by vote at the council of Nicea 325CE • Note: baptism and trinity were also concocted at this council • Hesus Krista was named to combine two Gods into one name • Hesus was later named in England to Jesus to incorporate "the Lord" and "J" so the king of England could "Lord" over his subjects http://forum.yadayah.com/yaf_postst1776_Gesus-and-his-horns.aspx
Do You Know that Church Was Derived From an Old English Word "Kirche"? • The Greek word "ecclesia" which means convocation or a called out assembly • In the earlier Greek, it was pronounced "ku-ri-a-kos" or "ku-ri-a-kon." • This equals the Hebrew word for called out assemblies; the Mow'ed Miqra' • The meaning of "Ku-ri-a-kos" is understood by its root: "Ku-ri-os," which means "lord." Thus, "kuriakos" (i.e., "church") means "pertaining to the lord." It refers to something that pertains to, or belongs to, a lord. The Greek "kuriakos" eventually came to be used in Old English form as "cirice" (Kee-ree-ke), then "churche" (kerke), and eventually "church" in its traditional pronunciation. A church, then, is correctly something that "pertains to, or belongs to, a lord." • The English replaced the "ecclesia" with "Kirche" and lost the meaning of the called out assemblies or Mow'ed Miqra' http://www.aggressivechristianity.net/articles/ecclesia.htm
Why Should We Follow Yahowsha's Example? • We should not be religious or follow any pagan practices • We should not participate in man-made schemes or politics that corrupt • We should observe the Mow'ed Miqra (keep reading to find out the purpose of these meetings) • We should recite the Torah and talk to Yahowah
The Mow'ed Miqra' are Annual Called-Out Assembly Meetings • The Mow'ed Miqra' were observed annually by Yahowah's family • The Mow'ed Miqra' continue to be the annual festival feasts to meet with Yahowah • The Church is not the same as Yahowah's prescription for man where we meet with Him during the Mow'ed Miqra / called out assembly meetings • The steps of the Mow'ed Miqra' are described in Psalms 119 • Did you know that Yahowsha observed the Mow'ed Miqra to show his disciples and us the path to Yahowah's house and the prescription for living? • The Mow'ed Miqra is the narrow path that Yahowsha was talking about • The Mow'ed Miqra is not popular because it destroys religious belief systems used to lord over man • Yahowah describes these prescriptions for living in His Torah
We Should Not Do Any of the Work of God's Messenger During the Called Out Assemblies Pt 1 • Yahowah's nature includes another diminished manifestation called the “Ruwach Qodesh” • Ruwach Qodesh is the female nature of Yahowah; our heavenly mother • Ruwach Qodesh wraps us in a garment of light and washes from the sin • Ruwach Qodesh only hides us from our sin when we walk on the path to God's home • The Ruwach Qodesh was corrupted to Holy Ghost http://www.sabbatarian.com/content/guidepage02.html (note some errors)
We Should Not Do Any of the Work of God's Messenger During the Called Out Assemblies Pt 2 • Psalms 51:10-12 accurately reflects the purpose of the Ruwach Qodesh • Our spiritual Father is Yahowah and our spiritual Mother is the Ruwach Qodesh • When we are born into the family of Yahowah, the Ruwach Qodesh also breathes life • God is not two persons nor a triune/trinity; Yahowah's nature is diminished to meet us • If Yahowah did not diminish Himself, we would be consumed immediately
We Should Not Do Any of the Work of God's Messenger During the Called Out Assemblies Pt 3 • If we are baptized into water, are we doing the work of the Ruwach Qodesh? • Yahowsha received the Ruwach Qodesh when He was baptized, which is the breath of life • The apostles were baptized by the Ruwach Qodesh, but were they baptized in water? • Does it really matter to be baptized in water if the Ruwach Qodesh bathes us anyway?
God Wants Us to Walk Away from Politics and Religion and Walk to Him • This is a big step because religion is not on the path to His house • God abhors religion because it draws man away from His prescriptions for living and puts man in bondage to leaders who lord over and lead us away from His path • Any man-made corruption is unacceptable because it is filthy and not welcome in Yahowah's home
We Should Continue Reading Yahowah's Torah, Observe His Words, Talk to Him, and Remain Clean Pt 1 • This means we continue to stay separated and to remain clean from man's corrupt influence • No religion nor religious worship • No observing of corrupt pagan holidays • No celebration of politics nor patriotism • No participation in military schemes
We Should Continue Reading Yahowah's Torah, Observe His Words, Talk to Him, and Remain Clean Pt 2 • Walking away is simple, staying clean is difficult because we still live in Babylon • How do we remain clean? • By reading and observing Yahowah's Torah, Prophets, and Psalms is the prescription • The Ruwach Qodesh will keep us clean while we observe the Torah • The garment of light of the Ruwach Qodesh protects us from our sin as it did forDavid/Dowd
Observing the Torah • While observing the Torah • We learn to understand • Then to know • Then trust and rely on Yahowah • On the path to Yahowah we will know Him (Yada Yah - know God) through the Torah • How do we observe? • We read with our eyes and study the details in a way to understand the meaning • Faith is a subsitute of knowing Yahowah • To know is far better than to believe
What's Wrong with Bowing Down to God and Faith? Part 1 • God wants a family relationship with His children where we walk upright. We should not pray to Him or another God, but He loves to talk with us (pp. 165-6, An Introduction to God, Vol. 3, Part 3) http://anintroductiontogod.com/pdf/An_Introduction_to_God-03-Volume_3-Part_3-Towrah-His_Teaching-%28Psalms%29.pdf • "He wants to adopt us. God doesn't us want to fear Him, to bow down to Him, or even to worship Him." http://www.introtogod.org/An_Introduction_to_God-04-Volume_4-Beryth-His_Covenant.Torah
What's Wrong with Bowing Down to God and Faith? Part 2 • "Yahowah teaches those who seek His presence and who observe His Word. His light enables us to see His prescriptions and understand His thoughts." (p. 122, AITG, Vol. 3, Part 3) http://anintroductiontogod.com/pdf/An_Introduction_to_God-03-Volume_3-Part_3-Towrah-His_Teaching-%28Psalms%29.pdf • "The model presented throughout the Torah, as well as in the Prophets and Psalms, is: observe – know – think – understand – respect – respond – trust – and rely. Sadly, however, religious believers replace all eight steps with faith." (p. 118, ibid.) • Also read David / Dowd's response to God's word: "The unfurled and unfolding revelation (pethach – the open doorway and the disclosure) of Your Word (dabar) is a continually illuminating (‘owr – is a continuous source of light, a brilliant (hiphil imperfect)) resource which makes a rational evaluation of the evidence leading to understanding (byn – empowering, equipping, and enlightening the careful observer, making being discerning and perceptive (hiphil participle)) simple for the open - minded (pethy – easy for those who demonstrate a capacity to be receptive and change their thinking based upon what they learn)." (Mizmowr / Song / Psalm 119:130)
What's Wrong with Bowing Down to God and Faith? Part 3 • "...faith acts like a door, closing the minds, and shutting the eyes of believers, blinding them. Nothing which is opposed to their religion will ever faze them. Even God’s Word is rejected and bounces off of them as if they were a brick wall.." (p. 118, ibid.) • "Religious clerics universally dispense with the "respond and answer" ('anah - in Leviticus 23:27) with words like "bowing down, humbled, humiliated..." • "Instead, just the opposite, God wants us "to answer His call, to respond to His summons, to testify, speaking as a witness on behalf of His word, to think, to speak truthfully, providing accurate information, to reply by making a declaration, to sing to shout, vocally communicating, and to live together as in a marriage...the essence of the Covenant and the Called-Out Assemblies, the purpose of the relationship and of salvation, and the nature of Reconciliation." (p. 33, ibid.)
Therefore, It Is Easy to Conclude as a Christian That: • We are Focused on Yahowah's Implement Yahowsha • We wrongly call Him "Jesus" • We don't focus on Yahowah's Torah • We never see the Masse'yah Yahowsha in all the festivals (Feasts, or Miqraim) • We are not participating in Yahowah's family covenant http://www.therefinersfire.org/renewed_covenant.htm
Did You Know That the Covenant is Not Renewed? • There is no new covenant / no New Testament • Marcion replaced the covenant with Pauline doctrine - a New Covenant • Paul quoted Dionysis (the God of the Grape Harvest) "...in one version of the conversion of Saul the lord says to him “It is hard for you to kick against the goads’ (Acts 26.14). This expression occurs nowhere else in the New Testament, but it does occur in early Greek literature, notably when Dionysus says to his persecutor Pentheus ‘Do not kick against the goads, a mortal against a god’ (Bacchae 796)." WHOAH! UNBELIEVABLE! http://www.holyblasphemy.net/jesus-and-dionysus-similarities/ • Why didn't Paul quote Yahowsha one time in the epistles/letters? • Was Paul at war with the apostles? • The logical conclusion is yes, and we can find more if we want about Paul with a little research - see more at the link below http://www.questioningpaul.com/Questioning_Paul-Galatians-00-Letter_to_the_Reader.Paul
Can We Walk Away and be Cleansed from Filthy Religion? • Can we stop the influence of the practices of man that draw us away from God? • Emphatically - Yes • The journey to God's House is available to all • We can start our journey today • Yahowsha ministered to the apostles for 3 years • Invest the time to study and understand the Torah • It takes time to learn God's way and to know His prescriptions for living from the Torah • All it takes is for us to make a decision and choose to walk away today and begin the journey on the path toward Yahowah's home • As a warning, we do not have a lot of time • We are running out of time because…
How To Know Yahowah in His Covenant Relationship • There are seven steps on this journey - participate in the 7 Mow'ed Miqra 1. Passover - where we are redeemed from death, which is the penalty of sin 2. Unleavened Bread - where we are cleansed from sin 3. FirstFruits - where our names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life 4. Sevens - where we are given the gift of the Set Apart Spirit through the Ruach Qodesh 5. Trumpets - where we share the beneficial and healing message of Yahowsha with others 6. Reconciliations - where we present ourselves to Yahowah to receive His personal pardon and forgiveness 7. Shelters - where get to spend eternity with Yahowah as His family http://www.blessyahowah.com/t/seven_steps.html
On the Path to Yahowah's House • There are Five Terms and Conditions 1. Walk away from Babylon (from the patriotism of one's country, the corruption of religion, the traditions of family that impede Yahowah's prescriptions for living) 2. Rely upon and trust Yahowah requires that we trust and know Him through His Torah 3. Walk to Yahowah and become perfect through only one path in the Torah through the 7 steps called the Mow'ed Miqra, the annual appointed meetings or invitations 4. Observe, which is to closely examine and carefully consider Yahowah's covenant with man, which enables Him to save us 5. We avow to raise our children as Yahowah's children, to be Torah observant, and to circumsize our sons (and ourselves)
Those Who Engage with Yahowah in this Way - on the Journey to His House: • Receive Five Benefits 1. Eternal Life - as a result of the promise of Passover 2. Perfection - (and thus vindication and redemption) as a result of the promise of Unleavened Bread 3. Adoption into Yah's Covenant Family - as a result of the promise of FirstFruits 4. Enrichment and Enlightenment (receiving the Torah and benefiting from its Teaching) - as a result of the promise of Seven Sabbaths 5. Empowerment - also part of the promise of Seven Sabbaths http://forum.yadayahweh.com/yaf_postsm24267_Presenting-the-Way--Simplified.aspx
Proof of His Coming Part 1 • Yahowsha told us about the Feast of Trumpets • Yahowsha' quickly transitioned in the Olivet Discourse to a discussion regarding the Taruw'ah harvest. In the case of the harvest, the day of the year when the ingathering will occur is known, but the year itself is not known. And while Yahowah and Yahowsha' know the timing, there is no way for man to discern it from Scripture. All we can know for sure is that it will occur on the Feast of Taruw'ah/Trumpets some time between now and the fall of 2026." • In this regard, Yahowsha's answer was ingenious. Jews have substituted the Babylonian religious observance, Rosh Hashanah (Head of the Year), for Yahowah's Taruw'ah (Shout for Joy and Signal a Warning). Rabbis called it "the hidden day no one knows, only the Father." In their warped minds, it was the one day each year when Satan went before Yahowah and accused Jews of being bad. So they blew their trumpets to confuse the Accuser. • Therefore, by saying that He would come for His family on "the day no one knows, only the father," Yahowsha' was telling His disciples that the harvest would occur on Taruw'ah, now religiously observed as Rosh Hashanah. • It all boils down to this: Matthew 24.36 isn't about not knowing; it's about recognizing where to look so that we can know. And as always, that place is Yahowah's Torah, Prophets, and Songs/Psalms. http://futurehistory.yadayahweh.com/Future_History_03_In_a_Manner_of_Speaking.Prophecy
Proof of His Coming Part 2 • We are running out of time to walk towards Yahowah on the path to His house because: • The Great Tribulation will begin 7 years before the millennial reign, which is likely to begin in 2027 "The last millennial milestone will occur in 2033. If this is correct (and I personally am convinced that it is), then that is when Yahowsha will return to earth in glory to reign upon the throne of David for the final millennium." http://futurehistory.yadayahweh.com/Future_History_03_In_a_Manner_of_Speaking.Prophecy • Additional study is required to review the detailed timeline of the yobel or Jubilee years • The next yobel is expected to occur 2000 years after 33 CE or 2033 • A prophetic chronology chart is available at: http://forum.yadayahweh.com/yaf_postsm13970_YY-Letters.aspx#post13970 • A condensed version of this chart is available at: http://www.blessyahowah.com/a/ktt.html
Call to Action • We can be assured walking on the path to Yahowah will lead us to His home, but it will take effort on our part to walk away from man-made corruptions "While 99.99% of Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant Churches have erased, besmeared, plastered over, blotted out and obliterated Yahowah's and Yahowsha's name from the Scroll we call Scripture, the ultimate book of life, there are a few who have not. Of them He says:" “And I will not erase (exaleipho – besmear, plaster over or whitewash, wipe off, blot out, or obliterate) his name (onoma) from the scroll (biblos–roll of papyrus, written document or record, book) of life (zoe). I promise to agree with him calling him out by name (homologeo onoma – acknowledging his character, confirming my covenant and promise to him, and fully accepting him, confessing his personal name) in the presence of (enopion – before) My Father and before His messengers and envoys (aggelos). He who can hear, let him listen to what the Spirit says to the ekklesia.” (Revelation 3:5-6) Jezebel (Exalting Baal)