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Global Gravity Summit 2006 Kevin Peacocke

KNELSON GRAVITY SOLUTIONS. The global gravity perspective, recent developments, new applications and future possibilities for gravity. Global Gravity Summit 2006 Kevin Peacocke. So, what’s so special about centrifugal gravity Separation anyway?. It is fast!. It is clean.

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Global Gravity Summit 2006 Kevin Peacocke

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  1. KNELSON GRAVITY SOLUTIONS The global gravity perspective, recent developments, new applications and future possibilities for gravity Global Gravity Summit 2006 Kevin Peacocke

  2. So, what’s so special about centrifugal gravity Separation anyway?

  3. It is fast!

  4. It is clean • Water and power only!

  5. It is energy efficient Knelson specific separation energy 0.2kwh/t Water and associated energy 0.4kwh/t TOTAL 0.6 kwh/t

  6. It is low cost • Example: KNELSON XD 70 @ 600 tph • Capital 0.02 $/t • Power 0.021 $/t • Maintenance 0.007 $/t • TOTAL0.048 $/t

  7. Yes, yes, but is it ……..effective?

  8. Typical South African Wits ore, centrifugal gravity recovers around 45% of the gold in seconds........ • And the other 45% takes another 40 hours to dissolve, adsorb, elute, electrowin, smelt!

  9. The gravity advantage

  10. Classical Flotation Large installations!

  11. Conventional Flotation

  12. Gravity in flotation

  13. Advantageous comminution HPG cake

  14. Advantageous comminution Disintegration In water

  15. Advantageous comminution Breakage at grain boundaries

  16. Advantageous comminution Even the gold, so No overgrinding

  17. Gravity on Cleaner Tails (Middlings)

  18. Gravity Scavenge Flotation

  19. Gravity Flotation Equivalent

  20. Pre-Concentration • Recovery into small mass: • Improve process economics • Allow more intensive treatment of concentrates • Eliminate a troublesome contaminant – • eg pre robbers

  21. Knelson CVD pre-concentrating gold ore Pre-concentration allows more economic treatment

  22. Ultra-grind / gravity Concentrate Tower mill High grade concentrate

  23. Intensive Cyanidation – “Extreme Processing”

  24. Heap Leach High inventory Long return time

  25. Classical Heap Leach

  26. Gravity Heap Leach - CIL

  27. Environmentally sensitive or challenging locations At the top of the fjord On Arctic Circle

  28. Space constraints Hemmed in by river and steep valleys

  29. Gravity only flowsheet

  30. Containerised simple construction

  31. Gravity only module – free and sulphide gold

  32. Appropriate processing • Africa has: • 30% of the globes remaining mineral wealth comprising 40% of the gold 60% of the cobalt 90% of the platinum

  33. Alluvial gold modules • Simple • Cost effective • Fast

  34. Tailings Scavenging • Low capital • Low opex

  35. Tailings scavenging – value proposition • Its not about percent….. ………..Its about dollars 10% recovery of a 0.3g/t tailing at 600tph is over $3 million per annum!

  36. Knelson XD70 Tailings Module

  37. Cyanide destruction • Passage of cyanide slurry through the Knelson results in free CYANIDE DESTRUCTION • This is enhanced by using various fluidisation additives • There is also evidence of WAD Cyanide destruction too

  38. Knelson CD30 SS on BIOX

  39. Summary • Gravity processing can enhance and sometimes replace conventional processing methods with major advantages • New applications abound • Constrained by conventional thinking! Thank you

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