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LUTHERAN COUGAR FOOTBALL. Touchdown Association. Mission Statement.
Mission Statement The Lutheran Cougar Touchdown Association is a group of football supporters with a genuine desire and interest in supporting and encouraging the athletic, academic, spiritual and community service endeavors to meet the goals of the program and for the benefit of the players. Cougar football The Lutheran High Football program is a strong, unified team that relentlessly strives for excellence and to build a legacy on the field as conference champions, in the classroom as dedicated learners, as children to our supportive parents, and as Christians in our society. Mentally Tough, Spiritually Strong
Touchdown Association Goals • Promote pride, respect, spirit, and unity among the LHS football players, student body, staff, coaches, families and local businesses. • Utilize its membership to organize and facilitate activities to provide for the fellowship and involvement of Cougar Football patrons and supporters. • Participate in school and community related and supported activities in order to further the mission of LHS and the Cougar Football Program. • Work as a group to make new football families and friends feel welcome. Allow the coaches to “coach,” providing the players with the tools and instruction they need to perform at the highest level.
Responsibility Flow Chart • Coach Kuhlmann works with 4 main areas as the CEO of the LHS Football Program. • Assistant Coaches • Alumni Association • Touchdown Association • LJCF (Junior Cougars)
Touchdown Association Advisory Council Bob Bagby - (636) 734-3220 BB2CLU@Wolffgrossman.com Kelly Gessert - (636) 795-9022 kelly.gessert@phonak.com Jay Sayers - (636) 578-3600 jay@sayers-technologies.com Pat Sheerin - (314) 616-8506 ljcfcougars@yahoo.com Floyd Thomas - (314) 422-5353 fthomas@espinc.us Tim Sostak - (314) 265-4455 tim.sostak@emerson.com
Doug Kuhlmann, LHS Head Coach Touchdown Association Advisory Council Banquet Coordinator Computer/Coach Comm and Game Day Filming Senior Night (Pictures/Flowers) Button Making for Players/Cheer/Pommer Cheer/Pommer Appreciation Hi-Light Film Halftime Refreshments In-Season Elementary Camp Post-Game Friday Nights Alumni Auction Basket El Shaddai Game Programs Memory Books Senior Thursday Dinners Website Orchard Farm Jamboree Filming Coordinator Press Box Game Director Varsity Field Manager JV Field Manager Freshmen Field Manager Prep-Stats Online Field Marker Spirit Wear Sales Borgia Jamboree Saturday Donuts Contact
Coordinators Contact Coordinator Spirit Wear Varsity Field Manager JV Field Manager Freshmen Field Manager Press Box Game Director (V/JV/Fr) Filming Coordinator Computer/Coach Comm Will ensure that new football families have their contact information (email and phone number) on file with Coach Kuhlmann. Will also assist in recruiting new members to find a spot where they believe they can volunteer. Will assist Coach Kuhlmann in designing the spirit wear for the players and fans for the season and will be in charge of selling it during early season games. Will sign up people to work chains for all home varsity games. Will also remind each game when they will work via email. Will sign up people to work chains for all home JV games. Will also remind each game when they will work via email. Will sign up people to work chains for all home Freshmen games. Will also remind each game when they will work via email. Will sign up people to work in the press box for all home games. This includes the clock/timer person, the announcer, and the spotters for the announcer. Will also provide the announcer with a roster of away team name/number/position. Will ensure that each game has a filmer. For Freshmen and JV games, we need 1 filmer. For varsity games, we need 2 filmers (field level and press box.) Will assist Coach Schenck before and during varsity games in the set-up of the coach comm scouting software. Will sit in the press box during games and “log” and “live capture” the games and input the D & D, play type, play result, etc.
Coordinators Prep Stats Online Coordinator Button Maker Half-Time Refreshments Cheer/Pommer Appreciation Senior Night (Pictures/Flowers) Post-Game Friday Home Games Field Marking Coordinator Saturday Donuts Following the varsity games after our statisticians have faxed the correct game stats to stats-online, this coordinator will be in touch with Coach K and make appropriate changes if changes are needed. Will work with the Post Dispatch. Will take pictures of all players and cheerleaders and pommers early in the season and then coordinate making buttons for them. During varsity home games, the coordinator will provide gatorade or equivalent and orange slices to players. Can be delivered on game day to the locker room. Will work with the cheerleaders and pommers to plan a program for cheer/pommer appreciation night at a Varsity game. Will provide flowers for each girl and coach. Will work with the coach in providing a script for the announcer. Will work with the senior players to plan a program for senior night at the last varsity home game. Will provide a autographed picture for each dad and a flower for each mom. Will work with the Coach K in providing a script for announcer. Will provide refreshments for coaching staff and team personnel following home varsity contests. Team personnel meet in Coach K’s room following each home game and begin breaking down the game for Saturday’s team practice. Will line the stadium game field before varsity home games. Will recruit other parents and players to assist with the marking. Will deliver donuts and juice to LHS on Saturday mornings at 8 am for team film review.
Coordinators Website Coordinator Hi-Light Film Senior Thursday Night Dinners El Shaddai Coordinator Borgia Jamboree Coordinator O.F Jamboree Coordinator Game Programs Memory Books Will update LHS Cougar Football website with appropriate information and ensure that the flow of information is received by parents and supporters in a timely fashion. Coach Kuhlmann will no longer have to provide daily email updates!!! Will work with the team hi-light DVD producer with choosing team and player hi-lights. Will also assist in production. Will work with signing up senior families to host an evening at their home or LHS on the night before varsity games (including the Blue/White Scrimmage and the Orchard Farm Jamboree. Will ensure that the late July/early August team retreat has the needed components: food, transportation, tents, cabbins, workers, practice gear, etc. More detailed description is available upon request. Will ensure that all families and players have transportation to and from the Friday/Saturday games. Will provide maps and detailed schedules to each family. Will also provide gatorade for in between each game both days. Will provide Gatorade for use during each of the 3 games. Will coordinate orange slices for the players. Will design and provide a one page insert to be included in the LHS Varsity Football program. Details will include, but not limited to: team synopsis, upcoming schedule, players of the week, opponent outlook. Will organize the development of the memory books for the varsity football team. Duties will be ordering of binders, copying paperwork, collecting articles, collecting pictures from team photographers, collecting rosters.
Coordinators Banquet Coordinator Auction Basket Alumni Relations In-Season Elementary Camp Will organize the banquet in conjunction with Coach Kuhlmann. Will ensure that the commons is decorated and family provides the necessary desserts and means to celebrate the team and the individual accolades. Will solicit donations from team families and supporters as well as businesses in order to provide items for the FB team auction basket. The basket has a “Entertainment” theme. Will work with former players and families to keep in touch with the program and give them opportunities to support its ongoing development. Will alert alumni of events during the season and invite them to continue to be a part of the program. Will coordinate the scheduling and logistics of the annual elementary in-season football clinic. This is for grades 1-5. Current Cougar players and coaches will host and teach kids the basics of football. Location is stadium field. Saturday during season 10am -2 pm.
CTA Coordinators Contact Coordinator All Spirit Wear Rich Lewis Floyd Thomas Varsity Field Manager Scott Birk Pat Sheerin JV Field Manager Scott Birk Pat Sheerin Freshmen Field Manager John Gray Pat Sheerin Press Box Game Director Pat Sheerin Filming Coordinator Brian Loesel Jay Sayers Computer/Coach Comm Jay Sayers Jay Sayers Prep Stats Online Jen Brauer Jay Sayers Button Maker Bob Bagby Half-Time Refreshments Floyd Thomas Cheer/Pommer Appr. Bob Bagby Senior Night Bob Bagby Post-Game Friday Games Floyd Thomas Field Marking Pat Collins Pat Sheerin Saturday Donuts Floyd Thomas Website Coordinator Jay Sayers Jay Sayers Hi-Light Film Brian Loesel Jay Sayers Senior Thurs. Suppers Laura Mahnken Floyd Thomas El Shaddai Coordinator Bob Bagby Kelly Gessert Borgia Jamboree Bob Bagby Kelly Gessert O.F Jamboree Bob Bagby Kelly Gessert Memory Books Bob Bagby Banquet Coordinator Gayla Bernardini/Renita Jackson Tim Sostak Auction Basket Tim Sostak Alumni Relations Tim Sostak In-Season Elementary Camp Tim Sostak LJCF Field Manager Pat Sheerin LJCF Press Box Dir. Pat Sheerin
Varsity Field Manager Coordinator -- Scott Birk Email -- Phone # -- Varsity Press Box Coordinator -- Email -- Phone # -- JV Field Manager Coordinator -- Scott Birk Email -- Phone # -- JV Press Box Coordinator -- Email -- Phone # -- C Field Manager Coordinator -- John Gray Email -- Phone # -- C Press Box Coordinator -- Email -- Phone # -- LJCF Field Manager Coordinator -- Pat Sheerin Email -- Phone # -- LJCF Press Box Coordinator -- Pat Sheerin Email -- Phone # --
Varsity Videographer Coordinator -- Brian Loesel Email -- Phone # -- Coach Comm Coordinator -- Jay Sayers Email -- Phone # -- JV Videographer Coordinator -- Email -- Phone # -- Website Coordinator -- Rich Lewis Email -- Phone # -- C Videographer Coordinator -- Email -- Phone # -- Prep-stats Online Coordinator -- Email -- Phone # -- LJCF Videographer Coordinator -- Email -- Phone # -- V Game Programs Coordinator -- Lori Burnett Email -- Phone # --
V Half-Time Oranges Coordinator -- Email -- Phone # -- Cheer/Pommer Appr. Coordinator -- Stephani Bagby Email -- Phone # -- Field Marking Coordinator -- Pat Collins Email -- Phone # -- V Memory Books Coordinator -- Stephani Bagby Email -- Phone # -- Saturday Donuts Coordinator -- Email -- Phone # -- Team Buttons Coordinator -- Stephani Bagby Email -- Phone # -- Post-Game Friday Coordinator -- Email -- Phone # -- Senior Night Coordinator -- Stephani Bagby Email -- Phone # -- Thursday Night Suppers Coordinator -- Laura Mahnken Email -- Phone # -- Alumni Relations Coordinator -- Phil Pires Email -- Phone # --
El Shaddai Retreat Coordinator -- Email -- Phone # -- Elementary Camp Coordinator -- Stephani Bagby Email -- Phone # -- Orchard Farm Jam. Coordinator -- Pat Collins Email -- Phone # -- ??? Coordinator -- Stephani Bagby Email -- Phone # -- Borgia Jamboree Coordinator -- Email -- Phone # -- ??? Coordinator -- Stephani Bagby Email -- Phone # -- Banquet Coordinator Coordinator -- Email -- Phone # -- ??? Coordinator -- Stephani Bagby Email -- Phone # -- Auction Basket Coordinator -- Email -- Phone # -- ??? Coordinator -- Phil Pires Email -- Phone # --