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Priorité thématique ENERGIE. Personnaly speaking. 7 ème PC de RDT&D de l’UE CNRS, Lille, 6 avril 2006. Domenico Rossetti di Valdalbero Commission européenne DG de la Recherche Tel.: +32-2-296.28.11 Fax: +32-2-299.49.91 E-mail: domenico.rossetti-di-valdalbero@cec.eu.int. CONTENT.
Priorité thématique ENERGIE Personnaly speaking 7ème PC de RDT&D de l’UE CNRS, Lille, 6 avril 2006 Domenico Rossetti di Valdalbero Commission européenne DG de la Recherche Tel.: +32-2-296.28.11 Fax: +32-2-299.49.91 E-mail: domenico.rossetti-di-valdalbero@cec.eu.int
CONTENT • Global energy challenges • EU energy RTD situation • EU research • EU energy RTD&D • 7th RTD&D Framework Programme (FP7) • Timetable • Information • Sources
In 2050: CO2 emissions 2.5 times higher than in 1990 Non-Annex 1 countries represent 2/3 of world emissions Large share of electricity GLOBAL ENERGY CHALLENGESCO2 EMISSIONS
EU RESEARCHMAJOR POLICIES Lisbon Strategy EU to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge economy in the world European Research Area To get one genuine ERA (not 25 +1 Research programmes) Barcelona Summit EU to achieve 3% of GDP dedicated to RTD in 2010 EU financial perspectives 2007-2013 Priority is given to research and innovation
EU RESEARCH LEGISLATIVE PROCESS • Framework Programme (EP and Council) (~100 pp.) • Specific Programmes (Council Decision) (~ 400 pp.) • Work Programmes (Commission) (~1500 pp.)
Enhanced Competitiveness andTake-up - Technology R&D Improvement Learning by doing EU RESEARCH LEARNING BY SEARCHNIG AND BY DOING
? 50,00 Billion € EU RESEARCHBUDGET OF FP 70,00 40,00 17,50 14,96 13,22 6,60 5,39
ENERGY RTD OBJECTIVES • Green Paper: « A European strategy for sustainable, competitive and secure energy » • Security of EU energy supply • Reduction of greenhouse gases and pollutant emissions – Kyoto and post-Kyoto • Increased competitiveness of EU industry
ENERGY RTD LAW AND HISTORY • In the current EU Treaty (Nice), Energy is essentially a national policy • Energy is only quoted under the title “Trans-European networks” • Energy measures have been taken through “Environment”, “Internal market” and “Approximation of laws” • In the Constitutional Treaty, Energy is a “shared competence” • The EU research activities born in the energy field: • European Coal and Steel Community (1951) covers the coal research • European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) in 1957 covers the nuclear research. The European Joint Research Centre has also been created at that time • Initial non sectorial research has been launched in 1974 (Council resolutions)
ENERGY RTD PROPORTIONS • EU (public) research represent around 6% of total 25 Member States research • EU energy research represent around 12% of total EU research • Fusion research is 100% done at EU-level • Around 25% of (public) research in renewables is done at EU-level • Fossil fuels research made by the public sector is negligible in comparison to the private sector
ENERGY RTD PRINCIPLES AND MECHANISMS • Public / Private partnerships are encouraged through: • Shared-cost projects (STREP or IP) • Technology platforms • A large freedom is given to researchers: • Call for Proposals (and not Call for Tenders) • Consultative process, Info days, Expression of interest
ENERGY RTD SPECIFICITIES • Two Treaties: • EC (FP: 2007-2013) • EURATOM (FP: 2007-2011) • Research and Demonstration • Two DG involved (RTD and TREN)
FP7 (2007 – 2013) SPECIFIC PROGRAMMES Cooperation – Collaborative research Ideas – Frontier Research People – Human Potential Capacities – Research Capacity + JRC (non-nuclear) JRC (nuclear) Euratom
FP7 - EURATOM • Fission • Management of radioactive waste • Reactor systems • Radiation protection • Support for and access to research infrastructures • Human resources and training including mobility • Fusion • The realisation of ITER • R&D in preparation of ITER operation • Technology activities in preparation of DEMO • R&D activities for the longer term • Human resources, education and training • Infrastructures • Responding to emerging and unforeseen policy needs
FP7 - COOPERATION 9 Thematic Priorities • Health • Food, agriculture and biotechnology • Information and communication technologies • Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies • Energy • Environment (including climate change) • Transport (including aeronautics) • Socio-economic sciences and the humanities • Security and space + Fusion and nucl. Fission & radiation protection
FP7 - ENERGY Objective Transforming the current fossil-fuel based energy system into a more sustainable one based on a diverse portfolio of energy sources and carriers combined with enhanced energy efficiency, to address the pressing challenges of security of supply and climate change, whilst increasing the competitiveness of Europe’s energy industries.
FP7 - ENERGY Energy savings and energy efficiency Hydrogen and fuel cells Renewable electricity generation CO2 capture and storage technologies for zero emission power generation Renewable fuel production Clean coal technologies Renewables for heating and cooling Smart energy networks Knowledge for energy policy making
FP7 - ENERGY Hydrogen and fuel cells Integrated action to provide a strong technological foundation for competitive EU fuel cell and hydrogen industries, for transport, stationary and portable applications. The Hydrogen and Fuel Cells European Technology Platform helps this activity by proposing an integrated research and deployment strategy Possible Joint Technology Initiative
FP7 - ENERGY Hydrogen and fuel cells
FP7 - ENERGY Renewable electricity generation Technologies to increase overall conversion efficiency, driving down the cost of electricity production from indigenous renewable energy sources, and the development and the demonstration of technologies suited to different regional conditions
FP7 - ENERGY Renewable fuel production Integrated conversion technologies:to develop and drive down the unit cost of solid, liquid and gaseous (including hydrogen) fuels produced from renewable energy sources, aiming at the cost-effective production and use of carbon-neutral fuels, in particular liquid biofuels for transport
FP7 - ENERGY Renewable for heating and cooling Technologies to increase efficiencies anddrive down the costs of heating and cooling from renewable energy sources, ensuring their use in different regional conditions (eg. district/dedicated space H&C, building integration, energy storage)
FP7 - ENERGY BIOMASS: Plant-derived organic matter HYDRO: Falling water GEOTHERMAL: Earth energy WIND: Moving air masses SOLAR: PHOTOVOLTAICS: Solar to electricity SOLAR THERMAL: Solar to heat OCEAN: Tides and waves Renewables
FP7 - ENERGY Renewables
FP7 - ENERGY Renewables
ENERGYTECHNOLOGY PLATFORMS • Biofuel • Photovoltaics • Hydrogen and Fuel cells • and others under discussion
FP7 - ENERGY CO2 capture and storage technologies for zero emission power generation To drastically reduce the environmental impact of fossil fuel use aiming at highly efficient power generation plants with near zero emissions, based on CO2 capture and storage technologies (costs reduction to achieve less than 20€/tonne)
FP7 - ENERGY CO2 capture and storage technologies for zero emission power generation
FP7 - ENERGY Clean coal technologies To substantially improve plant efficiency, reliability and cost through the development and demonstration of clean coal conversion technologies
FP7 - ENERGY Clean coal technologies From old…. To… new
FP7 - ENERGY Smart energy networks To increase the efficiency, safety and reliability of the European electricity and gas systems and networks e.g. by transforming the current electricity grids into an interactive (customers/operators) service network and to remove obstacles to the large-scale deployment and effective integration of distributed and renewable energy sources
FP7 - ENERGY Smart energy networks
FP7 - ENERGY Energy savings and energy efficiency New concepts and technologies to improve energy efficiency and savings for buildings, services and industry. This includes the integration of strategies and technologies for energy efficiency, the use of new and renewable energy technologies and energy demand management
FP7 - ENERGY Knowledge for energy policy-making Development of tools, methods and models to assess the main economic and social issues related to energy technologies and to provide quantifiable targets and scenarios for medium and long term horizons
FP7 - ENERGY Knowledge for energy policy-making World gas production and consumption in 2030
FP7 TENTATIVE TIMETABLE • Summer 2006: Adoption of the FP7 • September – October 2006: drafting of the WP • November – December 2006 : First FP7 Calls • March – April 2007: Deadline • May – June 2007: Evaluation • September – December 2007: Negotiations • December 2007 – March 2008: Start of projects
INFORMATION • EU research: http://europa.eu.int/comm/research • EU energy research:http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/energy/index_en.htm • Proposal for the FP7: http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex/lex/LexUriServ/site/en/com/2005/com2005_0119en01.pdf • Proposal for Specific programmes: http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/future/documents_en.cfm • Information requests: research@cec.eu.int
SOURCES • European Union: • Official Journal of the EC • European Commission (DG RTD, TREN, ENV, Eurostat, Cordis) • European Environment Agency • Euratom Supply Agency • EU projects and studies • International Energy Agency • ASPOG, BP, ENI, IFP