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Regeneration through Life Transformation. Pieter De Wet, MD QHI Wellness. Miracles happen not in opposition to nature, but in opposition to what we know of nature. Arthur C. Clark Expectancy is the atmosphere for miracles. Edwin Louis Cole. Goals of this Presentation.
Regeneration through Life Transformation Pieter De Wet, MD QHI Wellness
Miracles happen not in opposition to nature, but in opposition to what we know of nature. Arthur C. Clark Expectancy is the atmosphere for miracles. Edwin Louis Cole
Goals of this Presentation • To bring to awareness the magnitude and impact of hidden emotional wounds, unresolved conflicts, associated decisions and beliefs upon our bodies and disease in particular. • To demonstrate how helping someone become aware of their hidden emotional wounds, unresolved conflicts, decisions and beliefs can facilitate healing in unexpected and often miraculous ways. • To learn how to effectively use the most basic foundational principles of Recall Healing in helping ourselves and our loved ones to heal more readily and rapidly from disease without drugs and with better results.
Case Study: VH • 56 years old female • Hx of Hypothyroidism, 327 lbs., IBS, Chronic low back pain,
Regenerative Medicine • Most people in our society are on the slippery slope of disease and dysfunction. • Can a damaged body be revitalized and even be rebuilt? • What does it take to get systems and organs that have lost function to start working again? • Amazing results are being achieved with some great new and some older strategies.
Regenerative Medicine: Common Sense Strategies • Eating right • Exercising • Taking the right nutrients: oral vs IV • Adding health promoting microbes to the gut • Balancing hormones • Effective detoxification strategies • Reducing stress • Getting adequate sleep • Getting adequate sun exposure
Regenerative Medicine: Common Sense Strategies • Getting adequate oxygen • Avoiding excessive exposure to environmental and food-borne toxicity • Reducing exposure to EMFs • Alkalinize • Ensure adequate water intake
Cutting Edge Regenerative Medicine Strategies. • Stem Cell Therapy • Bio identical hormone replacement therapy • Pulsed Electromagnetic Filed Therapy (PEMF) - literally exercises cell membranes and resets voltage of tissues thereby improving function of cells dramatically.
Cutting Edge Regenerative Medicine strategies • Intermittent hypoxic therapy (IHT) for rebuilding healthy cells with increased numbers of and healthier mitochondria (the power houses of our cells) - reactivates sluggish metabolism, dramatically increases stamina and athletic performance, improves functions of heart, lung, kidney, liver, brain and much much more!!
Cutting Edge Regenerative Medicine strategies • Electron infusion therapies – • Laser Therapy • Light Therapy • High ORP alkaline water • Segment therapy with or without ozone and Prolozone therapy • used to help in the treatment of arthritis, chronic back pain and neck pain, weak ligaments and even in the treatment of weak collagen such as aging skin. Segment therapy is another tool for resetting voltage in dysfunctional cells.
Cutting Edge Regenerative Medicine strategies • Neuro Integrative therapy (Neuro biofeedback) - fabulous treatment strategy for treatment of depression, anxiety, OCD, ADHD, autism, migraines, CFS, FMS, chronic pain syndromes, addictions - literally reprograms the brain! • Bio density technology - average of 70% improvement of stength over 12 weeks, helps revers bone weakeing - used in the treatment of osteoporosis without drugs
Cutting Edge Regenerative Medicine strategies: Life Transformation: • By Transforming Emotions, Belief Systems, Attitudes, Motivations, and Relationships • By bringing into awareness the magnitude and impact of hidden emotional wounds, unresolved conflicts, associated decisions and beliefs upon our bodies and disease in particular. • Helping someone become aware of their hidden emotional wounds, unresolved conflicts, decisions and beliefs can facilitate healing in unexpected and often miraculous ways. • By learning how to effectively use the most basic foundational principles of Recall Healing in helping ourselves and our loved ones to heal more readily and rapidly from disease without drugs and with better results.
Embryology layers • Endoderm (brain stem) [Vital]: vital organs like GI and sex organs • Old Mesoderm (cerebellum) [protection, nurturing, feeding and body’s integrity]: dermis, pleura, peritoneum, pericardium, meninges. • New Mesoderm (cerebral medulla “white substance”) [production, value, loss, stand, move, walk, run]: bones, muscle, connective tissue, etc • Ectoderm (cortex) [Relational/Territorial, laterality, outside world – skin, bladder, bronchi, etc
What is disease? • A biological solution and not a curse. • There is nothing random about illness. • It is part of the perfection of creation. • If illness is a solution and not a curse, it can ultimately be reframed as a blessing.
Disease is the brain’s best solution to keep the person alive as long as possible- therefore disease is a survival program. Claude Sabbah
"To heal from any illness, it is necessary and sufficient to remove the source of conflict within oneself."Claude Sabbah
When an inner conflict arises that is too great for the conscious mind to bear, it downloads to the brain and to the body as illness, clearing it from the conscious mind.
“Everything that comes back to awareness does not come back as a destiny” Karl Jung
Every physical illness is preceded by a programming and a triggering conflict. Example of a triggering conflict: Loss of a loved one that we are emotionally and physically dependant on to a significant degree. The conflict is sudden, unexpected and overwhelms the waking consciousness to such a degree that it severely impairs day to day function.
Introductory Talk – Tyler TX – Pieter De Wet, MD, April 26th, 2014 – qhiwellness.com, Gilbert Renaud, PhD –recallhealing.com
Brain Focus For Larynx Cancer www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
Child with “incurable” psoriasis • Started at birth, entire body surface covered. • Taken to numerous specialists, hospitalized numerous times for secondary skin infections, on massive doses of steroids, PTSD related to medical care • First visit at 2 years old: extremely irritable and fearful, full body psoriasis, signs of Cushing syndrome • Mother’s story when child was conceived and through the 9 months of pregnancy and for the first 2 years of her life – volatile relationship with biological father, multiple separations, dysfunctional and volatile relationship between child’s mother and grandmother. • Interventions: Recall Healing, elimination diet, switch to hydrocortisone, supplementation with essential fatty acids, homeopathics, zinc, adrenal support, detox remedies, other nutrients; social intervention with mother, grandmother and biological father cooperating • Conflict of severe ongoing repetitive double separation of mom from grandmother and child’s father during project purpose continuing till 2 years of age • Outcome: complete resolution of psoriasis in 6 weeks
Husband and wife with multiple health problems • 42 year old white female with hypothyroidism, morbid obesity (weight 340 lbs), chronic low back pain, IBS, chronic fatigue, generalized anxiety disorder • Husband 48 yrs old: severe CHF, DM Type 2, on 100 units of insulin per day, chronic low back pain, etc. On 30 medications. Ejection fraction of 15% -prognosis by cardiologist – less than 6 months to live. • Her Rx: Recall Healing, segment therapy of thyroid and organs, vaginal iodine load, other nutrients, LED, detox protocol, adrenal support, dietary management, exercise protocol, reframing her husband’s health situation • Her outcome: hypothyroidism resolved in 24 hours (taken off medication), 160 lbs lost over 18 months, all other conditions resolved, off all other medications. • Conflict related to thyroid: severe overwhelm in her life linked with devaluation &feeling judged by others: to much to do, to little time and a feeling of loss of control of her life • His Rx after Recall Healing, IV chelation therapy, organ segment therapy, LED, dietary modification, exercise program, numerous supplements incl. CoQ10, D ribose, L carnitine, L arginine, HBOT, etc. • His outcome: Ejection fraction increased to 35%, out of wheel chair in 2 weeks, on golf course in 6 months, lost 60 lbs, off 24 of 30 medications, insulin dose down to 24 units per day total, multiple other improvements. – lived 12 years longer than predicted. 10 years longer than the cardiologist who made poor prognosis pronouncement • Conflict related to heart: broken heart, Diabetes: Severe resistance with significant repugnance.
Recall Healing Principles • In Recall Healing a person is asked the right question(s) to cause a buried emotion and an associated belief or decision to come into awareness enough to be resolved, which often results in the resolution of an associated physical or psychological illness. • It creates an understanding of the effects of hidden emotions and associated decisions upon the disease process. • By helping a client become aware of their hidden emotions and decisions, it can optimize & support healing not otherwise expected.
Recall Healing Principles • Emotional conflict – if overwhelming and unresolved: can trigger disease • Recall healing: identifies the emotional conflict and initiates a healing response • Disease is not the enemy • Brain’s perceived best solution at that moment to keep the person alive as long as possible.
What happens in Recall Healing • Ask the right question • Creating awareness: understanding “why” I am ill. • What is the story behind my disease? • What is the message of my disease? • Healing Process • Discovering the Conflict • Resolving the Conflict • Facilitating Healing • Create Awareness • It’s not what we are aware of that counts; it’s what we do with our awareness – find wisdom in your suffering • Forgive – In fact go beyond forgiveness. • Name it, Claim it and Dump it! – Let go!
Conflicts resolve in one of two ways • We can find solutions to the conflict i.e. heal a broken relationship through counseling. • We can reframe the conflict so that it becomes neutral in our consciousness i.e. total and unconditional forgiveness of someone that has hurt you in some way.
Recall Healing Tools Fundamental to each listed tool is finding the emotional event(s) that predisposes to a disease – basic knowledge about the specific emotion/disease relationships helps predict what and where to look for causative emotional event(s). • Specific Emotion/Disease Relationship • Repetitive Life Cycles • Project//Purpose or Programmed Purpose • Generational Syndrome
When ineffective, go deeper • Explore hidden possibilities in the Life Time Line, the Project//Purpose and Family Tree • Explore possible secondary conflicts including: • Conflict of the diagnosis / prognosis (belief about the disease: personal and societal) • Impact of others linked to the person (family, friends, etc.) • Depression (guilt & devaluation) • Secondary gain related to being ill • Lack of purpose – the brain allows healing when there is a compelling future www.recallhealing.com - Gilbert Renaud, Ph.D.
Other Healing Tools • Reflection • Meditation • Prayer • EFT- Emotional Freedom Technique • Psychological counseling • Hypnosis • Neurolinguistic programming • Timeline therapy • Family constellation therapy
Regenerative Medicine: Common Sense Strategies • Heal false beliefs • See the humor in everything • Be at peace with loss • Live a purpose-driven life • Heal your relationships • Foster an attitude of Gratitude • Nurture a direct relationship with your creator • Altruism – In service of life and the living
EVALUATE YOUR VALUES AND BELIEFS • To evaluate some of your beliefs, use the following criteria: Do they ………… • Empower you. • Support your health and well-being. • Increase your likelihood of survival. • Test well in reality (factually based). • Energize you, bring you joy, inner peace. • Engender more self-love and love for others. • Lead to greater pleasure and less pain, anger, fear, sadness, apathy, guilt, shame • Add value to others and to our planet.
Health Benefits of Gratitude • Gratitude strengthens physiological functioning. • Positive emotion improves health. At least 137 research studies reflect this fact. • Gratitude is a positive emotion. It’s no far stretch that some of the benefits (e.g. better coping & management of terminal conditions like cancer and HIV, faster recovery from certain medical procedures, positive changes in immune system functioning, more positive health behavior, etc…) apply to gratitude as well. • In fact, some recent science shows just that – those who engage in gratitude practices have been shown to feel less pain, go to the doctor less often, have lower blood pressure, and be less likely to develop a mental disorder.
Health Benefits of Gratitude • Gratitude may contribute to greater longevity: • Optimism and positive emotion in general have been used to successfully predict mortality decades later. The optimistic lived a few years longer than the pessimistic. • We also know that gratitude is strongly correlated with positive emotion.. • Gratitude increase your energy levels. • Gratitude and vitality are strongly correlated – the grateful are much more likely to report physical and mental vigor. • Gratitude makes you more likely to exercise. • In one 11-week study of 96 Americans, those who were instructed to keep a weekly gratitude journal exercised 40 minutes more per week than the control group.
References: • Spontaneous Remission database at the Institute of Noetic Sciences: www.noetic.org/research/sr/biblio.html • Change your Beliefs, Change your Life, Nicholas Hall, Ph.D. • The Biology of Belief, Bruce Lipton, Ph.D • Psychobiology of Gene Expression, Ernest Rossi, Ph.D. • Mind over Back Pain, John Sarno, M.D. • Head First: The Biology of Hope and the Healing Power of the Human Spirit, Norman Cousins • The Journey through Cancer: Healing and Transforming the Whole Person, Jeremy Geffen, M.D. • Peace, Love and Healing and Love, Medicine and Miracles, Bernie Siegel, M.D. • Love and Survival, Dean Ornish
Relationships and your Health: Studies • Russek, L.G., and Schwartz, G.E.: Feelings of Parental Caring predict health Status in mid life: a 35 year follow-up of the Harvard Mastery of Stress Study. “Journal of Behavioral Medicine. • Orth-Gomer, K.A. Rosengren, and L.Wilhelmsen. “Lack of social support and the incidence of coronary heart disease in middle-aged Swedish men. “Psychosomatic Medicine, 1993, 55:37-43 • Cassileth, B.R.E.. Lusk, J., Miller, D.S., et al “Psychosocial correlates of survival in advanced malignant disease. New England Journal of Medicine, 1985312:1551-55 • Ortmyer, C.F. “Variations in mortality, morbidity and health care by marital status. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 1979, 63:567-85 • Blazer, D.G. “Social support and mortality in elderly community population. American Journal of Epidemiology, 1982, 115(5):786-94 • Spiegel, D.J.. Bloom, R., Kraemer, H.C., Gottheil, E. Effects of Psychosocial treatment on survival of patients with metastatic breast cancer. The Lancet, 1989, ii:888-91 • Fawzy, F.I., Fawzy, N.W., Hyun, .S., et al. Malignant melanoma: Effects of an early structured psychiatric intervention, coping and affective state on recurrence and survival six years later. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1993, 50:681-89
Gratitude and your Health: Studies • Emmons RA, et al. "Counting blessings versus burdens: An experimental investigation of gratitude and subjective well-being in daily life," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Feb. 2003): Vol. 84, No. 2, pp. 377–89. • Grant AM, et al. "A little thanks goes a long way: Explaining why gratitude expressions motivate prosocial behavior," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (June 2010): Vol. 98, No. 6, pp. 946–55. • Lambert NM, et al. "Expressing gratitude to a partner leads to more relationship maintenance behavior," Emotion (Feb. 2011): Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 52–60. • Sansone RA, et al. "Gratitude and well being: The benefits of appreciation," Psychiatry (Nov. 2010): Vol. 7, No. 11, pp. 18–22.
References: • Glaser, R., Lafuse, W., Bonneau, R., Atkinson, C., & Kiecolt-Glaser, J. (1993). Stress-associated modulation of proto-oncogene expression in human peripheral blood leukocytes. Behavioral Neuroscience, 107, 525-529. • Glaser, R., Kennedy, S., Lafuse, W., Bonneau, R., Speicher, C., Hillhouse, J., & Kiecolt-Glaser, J. (1990). Psychological stress-induced modulation of interleukin 2 receptor gene expression and interleukin 2 production in peripheral blood leukocytes. Archives of General Psychiatry, 47, 707-712. • Dickerson, S. S., Kemeny, M. E., Aziz, N., Kim, K. H., & Fahey, J. L. (2004). Immunological effects of shame and guilt. Psychosomatic Medicine,66, 124-131. • Danner, D. D., Snowdon, D. A., & Friesen, W. V. (2001). Positive emotions in early life and longevity: Findings from the nun study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 80 (5). 804-813. • Yehuda, R., Schmeidler J., Giller, E.L., Siever, L.J., Binder-Brynes, K. (1998). Relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder characteristics of Holocaust survivors and their adult offspring. American Journal of Psychiatry, (155), 841–843. • Ruf, M., Schauer, M., Neuner, F., Catani, C., Shauer, E., & Elbert, T. (2010). Narrative exposure therapy for 7 to 16 year-olds: A randomized controlled trial with traumatized refugee children. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 23(4), 437-445. doi: 10/1002/jts/20548 • Pennebaker, J.W., & Seagal, J. (1999). Forming a story: The health benefits of narrative. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 55(10), 1243-1254.
“I am realistic – I expect miracles.” ― Wayne W. Dyer “Miracles are like pimples, because once you start looking for them you find more than you ever dreamed you'd see.” ― Lemony Snicket, The Lump of Coal