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#1. Verge . (Noun/Verb). #1. 1. The edge rim or margin 2. Limit or point beyond which something occurs, brink 3. limiting belt, strip or border 4. Narrow strip of turf on a pathway or sidewalk. 5. Decorative Border around an object . Sentence – I’m on the verge of exploding . Synonyms:

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  1. #1 Verge

  2. (Noun/Verb) • #1 • 1. The edge rim or margin 2. Limit or point beyond which something occurs, brink 3. limiting belt, strip or border 4. Narrow strip of turf on a pathway or sidewalk. 5. Decorative Border around an object. • Sentence – I’m on the verge of exploding Synonyms: Border, boundary, brink, lip, brim, threshold Special Forms: Verging, verges, verged

  3. #2 Taper

  4. (Noun/Verb) • #2 • To become smaller or thinner toward one end; to grow lean, reduce gradually; a slender candle or a long wick coated with wax used for lighting candles

  5. #3 Lucrative

  6. 3.Lucrative (adjective) Sentence Apple is a lucrative business. • Definition-Profitable, money making, Profitable, fruitful, worthwhile, sweet, good. [lucrative business] special forms:

  7. Prig • #4

  8. Person who displays or demands precise conformity; fussiness about trivialities or exaggerated propriety especially in a self righteos/irritating manner. Snob • #4

  9. #5 Ransack (v.)

  10. 1:To search thoroughly or vigorously2:To look for plunderSynonyms: pillage, pilfer, investigate, plunder, overhaul.Sentence : A thief ransacked my house. • #5 Ransacked (verb)

  11. #6 6. Wizened

  12. Definition • #6 • (adjective) withered; shriveled. • Sentence: A wizened old man; wizened features. • Synonyms: worn, lean, old. • Sentence: The man became wizened by the age of 92.

  13. #7 Martinet (noun)

  14. definition • #7 - a strictdisciplinarian,especiallyamilitaryone. - someonewhostubbornlyadherestomethodsor rules Synonyms: bully, despot, drillsergeant,drillmaster,enforcer,hardmaster,slavedriver, stickler, taskmaster, tyrant Sentence: She always called her boss a martinet because she was very bossy.

  15. #8 Fluctuate (verb)

  16. #8 To change continuously; shift back and forth irregularly; waves. Alternate, shift, waver, oscillate, flutter.

  17. #9 Verbose (adjective)

  18. #9 Characterized by the use of too many words; words. Talkative, repetitive, turgid, redundant, wordy.

  19. #10 Enigma • #10 W. M.

  20. Enigma (noun) • #10 A puzzling or inexplicable situation, person or thing: hidden meaning. Mysterious, bewildered, conundrum, question, puzzling parable riddle.

  21. #11 # 11 SUBDUE

  22. #11 SUBDUE Verb/noun To conquer and bring to subjection; to overpower by force ;overcome; bring under mental and physical control; persuade or intimidate. To subdue to the wilderness. Discipline,extinguish,overpower,surpress,quiet.

  23. #12 Fertile

  24. Fertile • #12 (Adj.) Bearing vegetation or crops; abundant and prolific; bearing offspring; productive.

  25. #13 BARREN (adjective)

  26. Unproductive, unfruitful or not producing results. • #13

  27. #14 Teem

  28. Teem (verb) 1. To abound or swim; to be prolific2. To empty or pour out in torrents • #14

  29. obscure

  30. #15 • Not clear or plain

  31. #16 #16 THRESHOLD #16THRESHOLD

  32. #16 DEFINITION The sill of a doorway, entrance; beginning point of a venture; minimum value Threshold

  33. #18 Callow

  34. #18 Immature, inexperienced, featherless, unfledged, recently hatched Synonyms: green, raw, naïve, infant, young

  35. #19 Tirade

  36. #19 • (noun) A prolonged outburst; a long angry speech; passage on a single theme or idea. The man gave a tirade against

  37. Deplete • #20

  38. Deplete • #20 • To decrease seriously or exhaust an abundant supply

  39. #21 Severe

  40. (adjective) • #21 A harsh, unnecessarily extreme; serious, grave, critical; rigidly restraining or exact, accurate and methodical. austere, stern, uncompromising, oppressive, satirical, biting, grim.

  41. #22 Infamy

  42. Infamy • #22 Extremely bad reputation ,public reproach, or strong condemnation as the result of a shameful criminal or outrageous act. Infamous character or conduct An infamous act or circumstance

  43. #23 Trample

  44. Trample • #23 To read or step heavily and noisy; stamp. To act harshly, cruel or rough; extinguish. Bruise, crush, flatten, override, injure, squash, pound.

  45. #24 Prissy

  46. Prissy • #24 Excessively proper, correct and proper; particular and fussy. Fastidious, finicky, persnickety, strait laced, picky, stickling, stuffy.

  47. #25 Rampage

  48. #25 Rampage Violent or excited behavior; reckless, uncontrolled, or destructive. 2. a state of anger or agitation. 3. to rush furiously or violently. [The smallest mistake might send him into a rampage.] Storm, fury, tumultuous,

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