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Components of Regional Consortia Plans

AB 86: Adult Education Consortia Planning 2013-2015 5-2-14 Regional Comprehensive Plan Objectives 1, 2, & 4 Webinar Series / Part II http://ab86.cccco.edu. Components of Regional Consortia Plans. AB 86 requires that Regional Consortia Plans include: Evaluation of existing AE programs.

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Components of Regional Consortia Plans

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  1. AB 86: Adult Education Consortia Planning 2013-20155-2-14Regional Comprehensive PlanObjectives 1, 2, & 4Webinar Series / Part IIhttp://ab86.cccco.edu

  2. Components of Regional Consortia Plans AB 86 requires that Regional Consortia Plans include: • Evaluation of existing AE programs. • Evaluation of AE needs. • Plans to integrate programs. • Plans to address the gaps. • Plans to accelerate a student’s progress. • Plans to collaborate on provision of professional development. • Plans to leverage existing regional structures. 2

  3. Regional Comprehensive Plan • Objectives 1, 2, and 4 • Plans to-date due for July 31st report • Regional Comprehensive Plan Reporting Narrative for each objective • Regional Comprehensive Plan Reporting Tables for each objective

  4. Information • Tables will be provided in Excel • You may attach extra sheets if necessary • Resources: • Work Group ab86@cccco.edu • Project Monitor: Neil Kelly nkelly@cccco.edu • Project Analyst: Karen Baker kbaker@cccco.edu

  5. Table 1.1A Regional Consortium Plan Table 1.1 (SDs and CCDs) • Evaluation of current levels and types of AE programs offered by members • Community College Districts • Credit Basic Skills and ESL • Non-credit • Enhanced non-credit • School Districts For the tables, if none of the members offer programs in one of the five areas, state “no service provided” in the first column and leave remaining columns blank.

  6. Table 1.1A

  7. Table 1.1A

  8. Operational Costs of Instructional Program • 1000 – Certificated Salaries • 2000 – Classified Salaries • 3000 – Employee Benefits • 4000 – Supplies and Materials • 5000 – Other Operating Expenses and Services • 6000 – Capital Outlay • 7000 – Other

  9. Sources of Funding Table 1.1B • State • Apportionment • State Categorical Basic Skills Initiative (CCC) • Student Success and Support Program (CCC) • Federal • WIA • Perkins • Other • Grant • Philanthropic

  10. Sources of Funding Table 1.1B

  11. Table 1.2 • Consortium Plan Table 1.2 (Partners) • Evaluation of current levels and types of AE programs by providers: • ROPs • County Office of Education Providers • Libraries • Community Based Organizations • Other Adult Education Providers

  12. Table 1.2

  13. Narrative: Objective 1 An Evaluation of Current Levels and Types of Adult Education Programs within the Region • For each of the five program areas, describe the services and programs the consortium members and partners are currently providing. • Provide an evaluation of adequacy and quality.

  14. Narrative: Objective 2 An Evaluation of Current Needs for Adult Education Programs within the Region • Describe and assess current needs for each of the adult education program areas within the region. • Include those needs that are unmet. • Include an overview of the region • Analysis or description of the local regional economy utilizing data • Use data that may include: • Census data • Wait lists • English Learner statistics • Literacy data • Unemployment • Regional data posted on ab86@cccco.edu

  15. Table 2

  16. Narrative: Objective 4 Plans to address the gaps identified pursuant to Objectives 1 & 2 • Identify gaps including lack of providers, services, access, attainment, and/or performance; • Describe how the consortium intends to respond to the gaps identified in the region; • Include strategies to increase capacity in identified gap areas (i.e. distance learning); • Describe the resources needed to implement the identified strategies; • Include how partners may be involved in developing or expanding programs; • Plans to assess the effectiveness of the expanded efforts; • Identify the methods and common metrics needed to track the successful implementation of the plan; and • Identify the methods and common metrics needed to measure the amelioration of identified gaps in services and programming.

  17. Communications to the Field • Primary Contact Survey • E-mail confirmation on budget document • Member participation forms • Naming convention for State Controllers • Letter of Intent • Grant Face Sheets • Confirmation of Fully Executed Grant

  18. For More Information… • Click Here to email us at ab86@cccco.edu • Click Here to visit us at http://ab86.cccco.edu • Share the good work that you are doing by being a webinar presenter – Contact the Work Group at ab86@cccco.edu by clicking here.

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