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Qualifications for Elders-1 Titus 1:6-10

Qualifications for Elders-1 Titus 1:6-10. Introduction-1. We have noticed in past lessons that a scripturally organized church will have bishops and deacons- Phil. 1:1 Those who serve as bishops and deacons in the local church must possess certain qualifications

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Qualifications for Elders-1 Titus 1:6-10

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  1. Qualifications for Elders-1Titus 1:6-10

  2. Introduction-1 • We have noticed in past lessons that a scripturally organized church will have bishops and deacons- Phil. 1:1 • Those who serve as bishops and deacons in the local church must possess certain qualifications • Most are positive but about one-third are negative • These are listed here and also in I Tim. 3:1-7 • These are not just suggestions or recommendations • Notice the word “must” in verse 7 and I Tim. 3:2 & 7

  3. Introduction-2 • Each qualification is given by the Holy Spirit- Acts 20:28 • Each one is necessary to provide the leadership God requires • Each man must have all of these before he is appointed to serve as a bishop (elder) • Most of these are required of every christian • These qualifications can be grouped in different ways • We will examine them as they pertain to character, reputation, habits, family relations, experience and teaching ability

  4. The Character of Elders-1 • Desire for the position- I Tim. 3:1 • Paul says that those who desire to serve as elders desire a good work • All men who are qualified should desire to be elders • It is possible for a man to be qualified and yet not desire to serve • Elders are to serve willingly not because they feel that they must do so- I Pet. 5:2 • God doesn’t want grudging service any more than grudging giving- II Cor. 9:7

  5. The Character of Elders-2 • Holy- V8 • The Greek word is hosionwhich means to be pious and devout; to have a right relationship with God; to be religiously right • It indicates purity of life and dedication to observing God’s will • It is applied to the Father and His Son- Rev. 15:4 and Heb. 7:26 • It indicates one who has grown in the likeness of Christ- Lk. 6:40 • The elder’s service is a holy work • All christians are to be holy- I Tim. 2:8

  6. The Character of Elders-3 • Just- V8 • The Greek word dikaion is also translated righteous- Rom. 5:7 • It means one who is without prejudice or partiality and gives to each person what is due • The charge concerning the care of Grecian widows- Acts 6:1 • An elder must be able to make decisions and judgments that are fair and right according to God’s word- Jn. 7:24 • God is perfectly just and righteous- Acts 10:34 • The Lord expects all christians to be just- Jas. 2:9

  7. The Character of Elders-4 • Gentle (KJV- patient- I Tim. 3:3 • This is not the usual word for patient or patience • The Greek word epieka means fair, reasonable, lenient, kind, equitable and gentle • Put in contrast to one who is quarrelsome and contentious • A characteristic of Christ Himself- II Cor. 10:1 • Elders must stand against sin and error but be gentle with those christains who are entangled in sin- Gal. 6:1

  8. The Character of Elders-5 • Of good behavior- I Tim. 3:2 • The Greek word kosmion means modest, orderly, well-behaved, well arranged as in living a well-ordered life • The elder is to be an example to the flock in word and deed; in his daily life and in his spirituality- I Pet. 5:3 • A lover of good - Tit. 1:8 • The KJV has a lover of good men

  9. The Character of Elders-6 • The Greek word philagathon means to love goodness • All christiansshould seek what is good for themselves and for others- I Thess. 5:15 • We are instructed to test all things and hold fast to that which is good- I Thess. 5:21 • Elders should lead in seeking good things and good people and encourage other christians to do the same

  10. The Elder’s Reputation-1 • One’s character is the way he really is • The reputation is the general opinion of others about that person • They are not always the same • A good testimony of those outside (nonchristians)- I Tim. 3:7 • All Christians should have a good reputation- Tit. 2:8 • It is particularly important for those who lead the church • An elder or deacon with a bad reputation will reflect on the church and make it more difficult to reach the lost in the community • A bad reputation may indicate hypocrisy

  11. The Elder’s Reputation-2 • Blameless- V7 & I Tim. 3:2 • Its importance is indicated by its position in the qualifications • The words (anegklatos & anepilampton) do not mean without sin • Both mean without reproach or reason for censure • It means that no charge of guilt can be proven against the person • It suggests a man who lives a clean, honest, and honorable life • It is the reason for the good report that the elder has

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