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The Framework for Teaching: its roots, research, and applications

The Framework for Teaching: its roots, research, and applications. 11 February, 2013 Charlotte Danielson . Factors Contributing to Student Learning. Rigorous and appropriate curriculum Resources for both teachers and students Organizational structures in the school

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The Framework for Teaching: its roots, research, and applications

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  1. The Framework for Teaching: its roots, research, and applications 11 February, 2013 Charlotte Danielson

  2. Factors Contributing to Student Learning Rigorous and appropriate curriculum Resources for both teachers and students Organizational structures in the school The quality of instruction

  3. Praxis III: Classroom Performance Assessments National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Origins of The Framework for Teaching

  4. If you were to walk into a classroom, what might you see or hear there (from the students as well as the teacher) that would cause you to think that you were in the presence of an expert? What would make you think: “Oh, this is good; if I had a child this age, this is the class I would hope for.” The Wisdom of Practice

  5. Domain 1: Planning and Preparation Domain 2: The Classroom Environment Domain 3: Instruction Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities The Domains

  6. Domain 1: Planning and Preparation • Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy • Demonstrating Knowledge of Students • Setting Instructional Outcomes • Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources • Designing Coherent Instruction • Designing Student Assessments • Domain 2: The Classroom Environment • Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport • Establishing a Culture for Learning • Managing Classroom Procedures • Managing Student Behavior • Organizing Physical Space • Domain 3: Instruction • Communicating With Students • Using Questioning and Discussion • Techniques • Engaging Students in Learning • Using Assessment in Instruction • Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness The Framework for Teaching • Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities • Reflecting on Teaching • Maintaining Accurate Records • Communicating with Families • Participating in a Professional Community • Growing and Developing Professionally • Showing Professionalism

  7. Equity Cultural sensitivity High expectations Developmental appropriateness Accommodating individual needs Appropriate use of technology Student Assumption of responsibility Common Themes

  8. Domain 2:The Classroom Environment2a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport

  9. Comprehensive Research-Based Validated Public Generic Coherent in structure Independent of any particular teaching methodology Features of The Framework for Teaching

  10. The FfT is a Valid Instrument: High Levels of Teacher Performance are Correlated with Student Learning (VAM) • Results: • Ratings explained a significant portion of variation in VAM in reading and math • Relationship stronger in reading than in math • Teachers with high observation ratings had high VAMs (and vice-versa)

  11. Teacher preparation Supervising student teachers Teacher recruitment and hiring Mentoring beginning teachers Structuring professional development Evaluating teacher performance Uses of The Framework for Teaching

  12. Evolution of the Framework for Teaching

  13. Why is it Important to Determine Levels of Teacher Performance? Number of Teachers “Teacher Effectiveness”

  14. Mentoring Recruitment And Hiring Supervision Of Student Teachers License Renewal Professional Development Teacher Evaluation

  15. GOOD TEACHING (The Framework for Teaching) Mentoring Recruitment And Hiring Supervision Of Student Teachers License Renewal Professional Development Teacher Evaluation

  16. GOOD TEACHING (The Framework for Teaching) Mentoring Recruitment And Hiring Supervision Of Student Teachers License Renewal Professional Development Teacher Evaluation

  17. Common language Development of shared understandings Self-assessment and reflection on practice Structured professional conversation Benefits of AnyFramework for Teaching

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