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KISA Korea Internet & Security Agency `. Update from KISA. YungJin Suh ( Director of Internet Technology Team , KISA ) APTLD Meeting 25 Agust 2011. Introduction of KISA. National Internet Development net Agency (NIDA). Korea Information Security Agency (KISA). KISA.
KISA Korea Internet & Security Agency` Update from KISA YungJinSuh (Director of Internet Technology Team, KISA) APTLD Meeting 25 Agust 2011
Introduction of KISA National Internet Development net Agency (NIDA) Korea Information Security Agency (KISA) KISA July 23rd, 2009 Established the KISA Korea IT International Cooperation Agency (KIICA)
KISA Managing Internet Address Resources Leading a Healthy Internet Culture Future Competitive Power, the Internet Korea Internet & Security Agency
KISA Internet Address Resources Management KR DNS Service International[F] Root DNS Service IP Address Allocation Service IPv6 Endorsement Service Korea Internet & Security Agency
.KR query status .KR Domain registration KISA KR DNS Service Daily .KR query .KR DNS(KISA) E.CNNIC (IPv4/IPv6,mirror) • 0. 7 billion queries/day .KR DNS (ISP’s) G.DENIC (IPv4/IPv6,mirror) • 0.6 billion queries/day D.NIDA/ISC/Redwood, CA, USA (IPv4) G.SGNIC (IPv4/IPv6,mirror) D. NIDA/Seoul(IPv4) Total query • 1.3 billion queries/day B. KT/Seoul(IPv4) G.NIDA/Seoul (IPv4/IPv6) F. HANARO/Seoul (IPv4) G.Verisign/Dulles, VA, USA (IPv4,mirror) C. DACOM/Anyang (IPv4) E. KISTI/Daejeon (IPv4/IPv6) G.BRNIC (IPv4/IPv6,mirror) : kr DNS : kr DNS mirror .KR Domain Name Server Role : Response all .KR domain query .KR domain is registered thru 32 authorized .KR agencies(registrars) 1,013,000 .kr domains are registered Operating status : 11 slave DNS servers for domestic and foreign location Korea Internet & Security Agency
KISA KR DNS Service - Traffic Analysis System DNS Mornitoring System DNS Traffic Mornitoring .KR DNS Traffic Mornitoring Internationl root DNS Traffic Mornitoring DNS Analysis/Recovery Service .KR DNS Analysis Rapid DNS Recovery Service DNS Abnormal Monitoring Abnormal DNS Symptom Detection like DoS attack, etc. Precaution System linked with KISA Korea Internet & Security Agency
KR DNS Service - Internet Address Management Center KISA Korea Internet & Security Agency
Kr DNS Service - Operation KISA Operation business • Major information system operation business • DNS(Domain) registrationmanagement, IPaddress management, RFID, • DNSanalysis condition, IPv6,Hoststatistical, History • museum,system operation business etc(12 corebusiness) Other Business(10business) - Back-up system, Homepage, Business support (Personnel/Account) system, Entrance control, Mailing etc(10business) System Engineers 10people(day4people, Night6 people) → (24hours/7days) - Night worker: 2people, 3time shift Korea Internet & Security Agency
A, (Herndon,USA) I, (Stockholm, Sweden) C, (Herndon,USA) M, (Tokyo, Japan) E, (Mffett Field, USA) D, (College Park,USA) K, (London, 영국) L, (Marina del Ray, USA) G, (Vienna,USA) Korean User B, (Marina del Ray, USA) H, (Aberdeen, USA) J, (Herndon, USA) International(F) Root DNS Service Worldwide Root DNS Location The 3rd Installation in Asia after Japan, Hong Kong (Aug 2003) F, Seoul, Korea F, (Palo Alto, 미국) J root/gTLD(.com .net) was opened at KT-IDC on 19 Oct 2004 All DNS queries will be processed in domestic Korea Internet & Security Agency
IP address Allocation Service KISA IP,AS address allocation Allocate IP, AS to mostly 119 ISPs WHOIS service WHOIS 서비스 (인터넷주소추적) Provide information about registered .KR domain, IP and AS by only NIDA IP,AS address allocation English Domain DB Korean(Hangeul) Domain DB IP, AS DB IP,AS address allocation Daily status of WHOIS query Query Search Query 270,000/day ISP .KR domain query IP, AS query 330,000/day Total Query 600,000/day Cyber Police Internet User Korea Internet & Security Agency
IP address Allocation Service - Management Status KISA IP Address status (unit: block) (unit) IPv4 possession ranking IPv6 possession ranking 1st U.S.A (1,534,084,352) 1st Brazil (65,728) 2nd 2nd U.S.A (16,707) China (331,630,848) 3rd 3rd Japan (202,087,168) Japan (10,919] 4th 4th Europe (153,919,392) Germany (10,616) 5th 5th South Korea (112,218,624) France(8,587) 6th 6th Australia(8,486] Germany (98,173,016) 7th France (84,306,528) 7th Europe (6,1888) 8th United of kingdom 83,120,768) 8th South Korea (5,216) 9th 9th Italy (4,241) Canada (80,002,560) Taiwan (2,325) 10th Australia (47,549,440) 10th Korea Internet & Security Agency
IP address Allocation Service - Management Status KISA ■ IP4 Address ■ IP6 Address Korea Internet & Security Agency
6NGIX Domestic:11 Foreign:5 IPv6 Endorsement service IPv6 Network (6NGIX, 6KANet) IPv6 Portal (http://vsix.kr) ▶ 6NGIX : IPv6 traffic exchange center between ISP and IX of Korea ▶ 6ANet : IPv6 subscriber’s network for public and research sector ▶ Show IPv6 demonstration projects of Korea and provide IPv6 related information KT Public sector CNNIC BT KREONet2 HINet Samsung Networks CBN Server bank Hurricane Electric LGDacom KTF KT Research Center KINX 6KANet Domestic:10 SK Networks Han Internet SK Broadband Korea Internet & Security Agency
KISA • Leading a Healthy Internet Culture • Internet Ethics Education • Internet Ethics Class • Job Training for Teachers Korea Internet & Security Agency
KISA Korea Internet & Security Agency
KISA Korea Internet & Security Agency
KISA KISA ■Internet Users doubled (at rate of 7.1% CAGR) in a decade [ Changes in Korea's Population and Internet Users (%, thou.)] Korea Internet & Security Agency
KISA KISA ■Average age of Internet users increase 6 years [ Changes in the Average Internet User of Korea] Korea Internet & Security Agency
Main Activities KISA Leading the critical infrastructure protection Promoting of Information Security Industry Training Professional Manpower Korea Internet & Security Agency
KISA • Hacking, Viruses • Illegal Spam • Personal Information Infringement • All Internet-Related Questions Korea Internet & Security Agency
KISA Korea Internet & Security Agency
KISA Leading the critical infrastructure protection Korea Internet & Security Agency
KISA Personal Information Infringement Monitoring Korea Internet & Security Agency
KISA Training Professional Manpower Korea Internet & Security Agency
Main Activities KISA Global Marketing Strengthening the International Cooperation Korea Internet & Security Agency
KISA Global Marketing Korea Internet & Security Agency
KISA Korea Internet & Security Agency
KISA Korea Internet & Security Agency
KISA Korea Internet & Security Agency
We will do our best to make a beautiful, safe and secure Internet world. THANK YOU KISA Korea Internet & Security Agency`