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AIR POLLUTION in Třinec. Třinec was promoted to the town in 1931 mainly thanks to the growing industrial importance of TŘINECKÉ ŽELEZÁRNY. Třinecké železárny is one of the biggest industrial companies in the region of North - Eastern Silesia .

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  1. AIR POLLUTION in Třinec

  2. Třinec waspromoted to thetown in 1931 mainlythanks to thegrowingindustrialimportanceof TŘINECKÉ ŽELEZÁRNY.

  3. Třinecké železárny isoneofthebiggestindustrialcompanies in the region ofNorth-EasternSilesia. Itprovidesdirectlyorindirectlynumerousjobopportunities. But ....

  4. Třinec has to cope with airpollution.

  5. AIR POLLUTION isitsbiggestproblem, because Třinec isan area withconcentratedindustrialproduction – iron andsteelproduction. Třinec Iron andSteelworksisthemain cause ofairpollution,releasingemissions to theair. Butcarsandtruckscontribute to thepollution,too. Car exhaustcontainscarbonmonoxide, nitrous oxide, gaseous oxide. This type ofpollutioncreates smog whichcausesrespiratoryhealthproblemsandholes in the ozone layer. In Třinec emissionsrangefromsmoke, dustandsmells to car andlorryexhausts.

  6. SinceSeptember 2012 wehavelearnedsomefactsabout theairpollution in ourhometown.

  7. Ourprojectactivities on AIR POLLUTION • Wevisited Třinec Iron andSteel Works. • We had a meeting withMrPietrosz – a specialist in environmentalprotectionfrom Třinecké železárny • We had a meeting withMrs Krejčí – a specialist in hydrometeorology fromCzechHydrometeorological Institute (Ostrava). • Wevisitedair monitoring station in Třinec – Kanada. • Welearned as much as possibleaboutairpollutionandmade a presentation on thistopic.

  8. Ourexcursionto Třinec Iron andsteelworks

  9. Ironworksemploy 60 percentofthe city's population. Ironworksplaysanimportant role in thelifeofthe region andthe city. IronworkssupportsCzech extra leaguehockey team HC Steelworkers TŘINEC.

  10. Ourclassvisited Třinecké železárny on 12th September 2012.

  11. Westartedthetouroftheblastfurnace, whichproduces iron. Theproductionprocessiscontrolled by theso-calledcontrolroom. On thescreenwesawtheliquid iron. Itflowsfromthefurnaceinto a waiting car, whichworkerscalltorpedo.

  12. Itwasreallyhotthere – weweresweating in our safe clotheswithlongsleevesprotectingour body.

  13. Peopleworkingundersuch conditionsdeserveouradmiration.

  14. Iron isthe basis forproduction. Ironworksproduceswiresandrails, butironworkspollutestheenvironment. Blastfurnacesemitfumesandproduce smog. In Třinecké Železárny there are twoblastfurnaces, which are as high as a twelve-storey house.

  15. Dedustingtipple No. 5 -8

  16. Eliminationofcokingplant

  17. Dedustingagglomeration No.1

  18. INVESTING IN THE ENVIRONMENT • Since 1996, TZ invested roughly CZK 5.5 billion • in environmental protectionandplan to invest 2 billion

  19. Emissions in Třinec (according to Třinecké železárny, a. s. – company profile) An inseparable part of the business plan of TZ has beenfor number of yearsan environment protection program. TZ makes permanent efforts to decrease the ecological load in its vicinity.

  20. Our meetingwithMr PIETROSZfrom Třinecké železárny

  21. We had a meeting to findoutthetruthabouttheemissionscomingoutof Třinecké železárny and to get to know more aboutitsenvironmentaleffort.

  22. MrPietroszinformedusaboutthe program ofenvironmentalprotectionensuredbyTřinecké železárny. The program includesthe care ofnaturalgreens attheterritoryof iron andsteelworks. As a matterofcourseis care of a bio-corridoralongthe Olše riverwhichflowsthroughtheworks on the distance ofalmost 7 km. The Olše river

  23. Welearnedthattheenvironmentalpolicyisfocused • on observingthe more severe emissionlimits • corresponding to thestandardsanddemandsofthe • European Union.

  24. Thecompanywasgiventhecertificate: GREEN COMPANY

  25. Our meetingwithmrs Krejčí from CZECH HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL INSTITUTE

  26. Thepresentationwas on airquality in our region. Mrs Krejčí informedusforexampleabouttheannuallimitsofnitrogen dioxidefortheprotectionofourhealth.

  27. Welearnedaboutexceptionalevents , • weweregivenanexplanationofthe term smog. • In thegraphyoucanseeour country anditsaveragedaily • smog concentration. Třinec islocated in the most affected area.

  28. Informationaboutairpollution in Třinec wecanfind on thewebsiteof CZECH HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL INSTITUTE

  29. CZECH HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL INSTITUTE • Thanks to thewebsitewecanlearn more about: • the index ofairquality • pollutionmaps • limit values • annualtabularoverview • annualgraphicoverview • actual 1-houroverviewetc. http://portal.chmi.cz

  30. AirQualityProtectionDivision • (CZECH HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL INSTITUTE) • providesus: • PresentationofMeasurementResults • AirQualityAssessment in theCzechRepublic • Annualtabularoverview http://old.chmi.cz/uoco/indexe.html

  31. This station is monitoring theairquality in the centre of Třinec.

  32. People in Třinec are informedaboutthemeasurements on theboardsituated in the centre ofthetown.

  33. OurexcursiontoAIR MONITORING STATIONTřinec - kanada

  34. Wegot to the station by bus. MrsTuroňová wasalreadywaitingforus.

  35. This station is monitoring theairquality in Třinec- Kanada (near TZ).

  36. Weweretoldwhatisinsidethe station thatwasfinanced by Europeanfunds.

  37. Informationabouttheairquality – howitworks ... Air monitoring station Regional collecting centre Central Czech Republic database International exchange

  38. SinceSeptemberwetook part in a few more activitiesrelated to ourprojectandtheenvironmentalprotection – • studentsatourschooldecided to help animals • to survivethewintertime, theycollectedand • storedthefoodforthem (chestnutsandacorns) • students in classes 4 and 5 participated in ArborDay • on 19 October 2012

  39. Thankyouforwatching

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