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Why These Aseret Hadibrot ?

Why These Aseret Hadibrot ?. JoinT JconnecT Jan. 16, 2011 Nashville, Birmingham, West Orange, Kansas City, Charleston. With my wisdom I have included within the 10 commandments all of the 613 Mitzvot. Rav Saadia Gaon-882(Egypt)-942 (Bagdad).

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Why These Aseret Hadibrot ?

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  1. Why These AseretHadibrot? JoinTJconnecT Jan. 16, 2011 Nashville, Birmingham, West Orange, Kansas City, Charleston

  2. With my wisdom I have included within the 10 commandments all of the 613 Mitzvot RavSaadia Gaon-882(Egypt)-942 (Bagdad) בחכמתי כללתי בעשרת דברותי שש מאות ושלוש עשרה מצוות

  3. What did people used to include in their davening? Why? They would say the one blessing (AhavaRabba) and then say the Ten Commandments and Shma משנה-מסכת תמיד-פרק ה משנה א ברכו ברכה אחת (אהבה רבה) והן ברכו, קראו עשרת הדברים, שמע

  4. גמרא ברכות דף יב. Why did they abolish the practice? אמר רב יהודה אמר שמואל: אף בגבולין בקשו לקרות כן אלא שכבר בטלום מפני תערומת המינין RavYehuda said in the name of Shmuel: they also wished to do this (recite the 10 commandments daily) outside of the Bet Mikdash, but they abolished the practice because of the non believers

  5. What are your 10 Commandments? Add or replace as needed; defend your position!

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