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Advancing REX Beam Lines: RFQ DTL Section Upgrade for Enhanced Efficiency

Collaborative effort for upgrading REX beam lines for higher energy output; proposals for IH cavities and RF amplifiers to achieve 10 MeV/u range. Timeline includes hall extension, shutdowns for installation, and Linac upgrades with ISTC collaboration.

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Advancing REX Beam Lines: RFQ DTL Section Upgrade for Enhanced Efficiency

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  1. 2-Step Upgrade of REX New Target Beam Lines !

  2. Above 4.2 MeV/u Option 2 Modification of existing Systems

  3. rf – Requirements I

  4. INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CENTER ISTC collaboration • International Organisation, Nonproliferation Program • Coordinates the efforts of numerous Governments, International Organizations, and Private Sector Industries, providing Weapons Scientists from former SU States new Opportunities in intern. Partnerships. (Provides Funding for these Collaborations) • Three Linac4 Projects, which include the Construction and Machining of complete Prototypes, were approved this year by the ISTC (1.5 M€, Proposals submitted in 2002/2003), one with IHEP ISOLDE wants to submit 2 Proposals in Collaboration with IHEP Protvino: 1. Construction of the IH Cavities for the Upgrade to ~5.5 MeV/u 2. Design and Construction of additional Cavities up to 10 MeV/u and of the required rf-Amplifiers - Discussions have started with IHEP Staff

  5. REX beyond 5.5 MeV/u Proposed by IHEP: „An RFQ DTL Section driven at H-mode of RF Oscillations. Transverse Focusing period 2bl, Pattern FFDD. Effective acc. Voltage around 4 MV/m. Aperture Hole Diameter 10 mm. Normalized transverse Acceptance 3–4p mm mrad”.  5.5 – 10 MeV/u: Two 3.5 m Tanks, rf-Power: 500 kW/Tank

  6. Outlook - Hall Extension in January 2005, available in April/May - Shutdown 2005/2006: Installation of two S-shaped Target Beam Lines in the new Hall (still 3 MeV/u beam)  better beam quality, better X-Ray protection of of MINIBALL etc. etc. If ISTC Collaboration works out….. - Production of IH Cavities, Setup of 300 kW Amplifier in the extended Hall until Shutdown 2007/2008 - Shutdown 2007/2008: Installation of 5.5 MeV/u Linac, in parallel Modification of BERTRONIX Amplifiers - 2008 – 2010: Construction of the 10 MeV/u Linac in Russia

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