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This guide provides insights and strategies for successful fundraising for Kairos Prison Ministry International. Learn about the importance of asking, being present, and telling the Kairos story effectively. Find tips on preparing mail lists, letters, and brochures, as well as engaging local foundations for support.
Kairos Prison Ministry International Fundraising Asking and Blessing Others Being Present
24 “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world. 25 “Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. 26 I have made you[e] known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.” John 17:24-25 (NIV) Being Present
glad and generous Fundraising HEARTS Gracious God, Make my heart more like your heart, one of generosity, faithfulness, and gladness. Help me to offer my prayers, presence, gifts and service, and witness to you with joy. Amen Being Present
Fundraising Kairos Prison Ministry International – Three most important things about fundraising Do it. You have not, because you ask not Tell the truth. Work with your local leadership to ensure the way you are presenting cost and giving opportunities are accurate. Enjoy telling the Kairos story. It’s a good one. Highlights of what Kairos documents say about fundraising Advisory Council Operating Procedure The Advisory Council is to raise sufficient funds to finance the Kairos ministry. Fundraising and Outreach are closely integrated. Always important to report results of fundraising to the Advisory Council. Being Present
Fundraising • State Chapter Committee Operating Procedures • Fundraising Sub Committee should be a resource for ideas that work. Highlights of what Kairos documents say about fundraising • Financial Policies and Practices • Fundraising activities, such as yard or bake sales, may be conducted to support the ministry of Kairos. At events which are fundraisers, tickets and merchandise should only be exchanged for a suggested donation. Being Present
Fundraising What is your reaction when you hear “its time to talk about fundraising”? “Oh nooooo, not again” OR “Very cool, I’ve been looking forward to this” Mark 12:41-44 Luke 21:1-4 1st Kings 17:7-24 Being Present
Fundraising Advisory Council Level and Individual Team Members Being Present
Advisory Council Fundraising Merging data from Donor & EZRA EZRA Being Present
Navigating New Donor Being Present
Preparing Mail List Create spreadsheet before making corrections
Preparing Mail List Eliminate duplicates Being Present
Preparing Mail List Correct “Almost Identical” Addresses Add missing first names Tommy If missing, add Senior Pastor’s name Being Present
Preparing Mail List Update Mailing Database with corrections
Preparing the Letters Being Present
Preparing the Letters Update to current status Being Present
Preparing the Letters Include address of Advisory Council Treasure and full contact information
Printing Letters & Labels Same Sequence Being Present
Preparing the Brochure Kairos –Allred #33 October 5 – 8, 2017 • Update to show weekend’s current info • Print Hints: • Quick Prints – very cost effective • 1,000 high quality paper, tri-folded - $170 • Order extra for team member’s use Being Present
Prep for Envelop Stuffing Party Matching Names 2 Gal Zip Lock 30 of each item Being Present
Envelop Stuffing Party Paper cuts Critical Good eye Fold Letter & match address label. Apply mail label Stuff letter & brochure in envelop Matches names Not very hard Letters Labels Envelops Brochures Labels Letters Envelops Letters Return Label Stamp Open package, pass out supplies Envelops Easiest Stamp, return label and seal *Pray that the letters will touch the hearts of the Donors
Envelop Stuffing Party • Party Hints: • Assign someone to collect “trash” • Assign another person to collect completed envelops Being Present
Post Mail Process If unable to deliver, delete from source file If new forwarding address, update source file Being Present
Local Foundations • Some local foundation are open to donating to prison ministries • Find foundations that restrict donations to your local area How exactly do I do that? Many local libraries subscribe to Foundation Directory Online
Local Foundations • Opens Options Screen – Select key words: • Your local town/county • “Human Services” • “Special Populations” • “Vocational Post-Secondary Education” Being Present
Local Foundations • Search produces a list of foundations that meet your criteria Being Present
Local Foundations • Hints: • There is no key word matches for “prison ministry” • Foundations meeting your criteria are potential only • Call each one first to see if their rules allow donations to prison ministry • Never underestimate the power of networking • Some of your active Kairos volunteers may be associated with or serve on one of the foundation boards. • Be prepared to create a formal proposal • Most formal proposals are pre-established forms, fill in the blanks • Be reasonable in the amount you request. Foundations do not like to be the sole source funding. • Some foundations expect formal follow up demonstrating how their funds were used to support Kairos Prison Ministry Goals • If Foundations accepts your proposal, often they will repeat the donation every year requested.
One Advisory Council’s Experiences • Donor Mailings Expenses • Send 1,200 letters for each weekend • Cost is about $1,000, including postage, brochures, paper and printer ink • Donor Mailings Donations: • Results vary but experience shows between $4,000 and $8,000 are returned for each weekend. • Foundation Donations: • $11,000 yearly Being Present
Fundraising at the Advisory Council level can be productive but it takes work and a commitment to keeping the data (addresses) clean. Marketing Book – “60% of my marketing dollars are wasted – I just don’t know which 60%.” Being Present
Other Advisory Council Initiatives Advisory Council Level and Individual Team Members Others found @ http://www.mykairos.org/fundraising.html Being Present
Fundraising Fundraising as a TEAM effort! Individual Team Members Being Present
IndividualFundraising Meal Ticket Sponsorship Quarters for Kairos Water Bottle of Dimes Pick 5 Letters Being Present
IndividualFundraising • Kairos Meal Ticket • Program Specific • Download or Order as Program Supplies KAIROS TORCH DATE Donation: $10.00 I provided a meal for a youth NAME # (Revenues that exceed the cost of the meals, will only be used for other functions this Weekend.) KAIROS TORCH NAME # This meal is provided by: Name______________________ City _______________________ “...so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s ” Psalm 103:5 1 1 Being Present
IndividualFundraising Quarters for Kairos Select size that holds $10 Affix Program Label Re-usable Being Present
IndividualFundraising Water Bottle of Dimes 16 ounce bottle = $100 Being Present
IndividualFundraising Pick 5 Letter – Team Member… “Picks 5” people to send a letter Fills out the List of “5 Picks” Mails 5 Letters with Attachment Turns in “5 Picks” at Team Meeting Notified of donations Sends ‘Thank You’ note Being Present
Pick 5 Example Being Present
TEAMFundraising How to Raise $6,800.00 • 2 bottles of Quarters for Kairos = 20.00 • 2 sheets of Meal Tickets = 100.00 (suggested donation $5 each ticket) • Pick 5 Letter = 50.00 (average $10 per letter) • Total = $170.00 • $170 times 40 Team Members = $6,800.00 Being Present
The Cheerful Giver 6 The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully[a] will also reap bountifully. 7 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 English Standard Version (ESV) Being Present
Fundraising Find out more @ mykairos.org Fundraising/Donations Stewardship Being Present
Fundraising Being Present
Fundraising Don’t Forget to Say… • Donor Letters • Handwritten Being Present
Fundraising Other Ideas Q & A Being Present