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Exam Review

This exam review covers operating system concepts, history, concurrency, scheduling, threads, and synchronization. Questions include multiple choice, short answer, and problem solving.

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Exam Review

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  1. Exam Review Sarah Diesburg Operating Systems CS 3430

  2. Coverage • Total: ~60 points; 1 min / point (12.5% of grade) • Based on lectures 1-13, homeworks 1-3, project 1 • Multiple choice, short answer, and problem solving questions

  3. Introduction and History • Definitions • Operating system • Job • Batch system • Timesharing

  4. Introduction and History • Definitions • Multiprocessing • Multithreading • Multitasking • Multiprogramming • Uniprogramming

  5. Introduction and History • Short answers • Four phases of OS history • OS design goals

  6. Concurrency: Threads, Address Spaces, and Processes • Definitions • Thread • Address space • Process • Context switch

  7. Concurrency: Threads, Address Spaces, and Processes • Short answers • Benefits of concurrency • Thread vs. process • Dispatching loop • Thread state diagram

  8. Genesis: From Raw Hardware to Processes • Definitions • Master boot record • System call • User mode • Kernel mode • Trap instruction

  9. Genesis: From Raw Hardware to Processes • Short answers • Booting sequence • System call sequence • Process creation • init process

  10. CPU Scheduling • Definitions • Starvation

  11. CPU Scheduling • Short answers • Preemptive vs. nonpreemptive scheduling • FIFO • RR • SJN • SRTF • Multilevel feedback queues • Lottery scheduling

  12. Cooperating Threads • Definitions • Atomic operation • Race condition

  13. Cooperating Threads • Short answers • Independent threads • Cooperating threads • Decision tree

  14. Synchronization • Definitions • Mutual exclusion • Critical section

  15. Synchronization • Short answers • Code verification (e.g. how to test a locking solution)

  16. Implementing Mutual Exclusion • Definitions • Busy waiting

  17. Implementing Mutual Exclusion • Short answers • Ways to implement locks • Interrupt disables • test_and_set operation • Atomic memory load and store • Wait queues

  18. Semaphores and Bounded Buffer • Definitions • Semaphore

  19. Semaphores and Bounded Buffer • Short answers • Semaphores vs. integers • Two uses of semaphores • P() and V() functions

  20. More on Semaphores • Definitions • Safety • Liveness • Fairness

  21. More on Semaphores • Short answers • Code verification

  22. Project 1 • Be able to answer questions about the code • Be able to write pseudocode to fork(), execute(), and waitpid() • You don’t need to remember all the arguments to the system calls – just remember what system calls you used

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