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Explore the challenges and approaches in motion planning involving both static and movable objects for robotic manipulation tasks. Learn about manipulation graph, criticality-based discretization, and probabilistic sampling techniques. Discover open problems in path planning, grasp planning, stability maintenance, and dynamic manipulation.
CS 326 A: Motion Planning http://robotics.stanford.edu/~latombe/cs326/2002 Manipulation Planning
Movable Objects Objects that are static, but can be moved by robots, provided they are grasped • Complement to assembly sequence planning • Manipulation tasks • Autonomous robots in environment with movable objects
Composite Configuration Space Some dimensions of the composite configurationspace are not directly controllable
Some Planning Approaches • Combinatorial search based on a priori discretization Manipulation Graph(1st planner of 1st paper) • Criticality-based discretization (2nd planner of 1st paper) • Probabilistic sampling (2nd paper) • Plan for the movable objects, while checking that they follow paths where they are graspable (transfer paths) • Plan for the motion of the robots from one grasp to another (transit paths) • The approach is usually not complete
Non-Prehensile Manipulation E.g.: Pushing (K. Lynch) Relation to part feeding(next class)
Many Open Problems • Interaction of path planning and grasp planning • Interaction with stability maintenance • Dynamic manipulation (e.g., throw an object and catch it back with a different pose) • Large gap between theory and practice