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POST APOCOLYPTIC GENRE REASEARCH. Ellie Sabine-Singh. Conventions of the genre. THE BOOK OF ELI -setting, iconography.

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  2. Conventions of the genre

  3. THE BOOK OF ELI-setting, iconography • “The Book of Eli” has many of the classic generic conventions of a post-apocalyptic genre film. Here are a few screen shots I took which display the classic settings, derelict waste land, remains of an old road and piles of rubble. When doing the post production work for our film trailer we will chose props and settings to best demonstrate our knowledge, vision and representation of the post-apocalyptic setting.

  4. THE BOOK OF ELI-representation of characters • This particular screen shot from “The Book of Eli” portrays the main character played by Denzel Washington as the ‘man on a mission’ as he travels West through America in search of asylum. There are fighting scenes throughout which show the mental changes which can happen to a person during such a great ordeal. These mental changes can be aggression, madness, or depression. In this scene you can see how being alone has changed the character of Eli to become incredibly violent in order to keep himself alive: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zb_9icqB1SA. This has inspired us and we are going to use this change of mental state in our trailer, as we want our main character to show signs of madness. We will used flash backs and dream sequences to do so.

  5. THE BOOK OF ELI-narrative enigma • Part of the twist of The Book of Eli is that Eli is actually blind. The audience find this out at the end as the precious book he has been guarding throughout the story is all in braille. In our film we are going to add narrative enigma as our main character is mentally ill, however this will not be completely obvious to the audience until the end of the film. Therefore all the hints and clues will make sense at the end of the film.

  6. THE BOOK OF ELI-MISE EN SCENE In the first of these three shots you can see the huge sword used. Weaponry are typical props used in post apocalyptic films as there is usually a fight for survival. The typical characters of a post apocalyptic film are one main hero and a damsel/accomplis- that is obvious in this film as the main characters represent this perfectly.

  7. THE BOOK OF ELI-editing • Here you can see CGI has been used to show this mans arm has been cut off. It is typical to have severe horrendous injuries to in post apocalyptic films as there is a constant battle between the human race or the human race, natural disasters or pandemics. We have been inspired buy this and will use our editing to enhance any injuries our character obtains in the fight for survival.

  8. THE day after tomorrow -setting, iconography • In ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ Abrupt global warming has hit the Western world many natural disasters are simply demolishing cities. This film uses typical settings to the post apocalyptic genre, buildings and listed buildings being torn to the ground. In these screen shots you can see this. ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ also uses the idea of a new habitat after the disaster which the human race is not designed to live in and how they manage to survive. They also use flash backs of news reports from the times of the disasters, this inspired us to use flashbacks of before the pandemic happens in our film trailer.

  9. The day after tomorrow-representation of characters • The Day After Tomorrow uses typical post apocalyptic conventions to represent characters. One of the main characters is Jack Hall a climatologist, has to figure out a way to save the world from abrupt global warming. He plays the typical ‘Man on a mission’ role as he makes it his mission to rescue his son Sam from Ney York, Manhattan. Throughout the film and trailer they both face numerous life threatening situations and show heroic characteristics.

  10. The day after tomorrow-mise en scene • The lighting used in The Day After Tomorrow is naturalistic as the directors will want it to look completely natural- the whole film is about the power of nature. Bright lighting is used for the vast landscapes of snow and ice where as dark lighting is used for scenes with huge clouds and storms. When Jack is treking through America to find his son he uses the latest equipment and survival tools, this is classic props for a film of this genre.

  11. The day after tomorrow-editing • In these screen shots we can see how fast paced the editing is as the tsunami hits the city. This fast paced editing is typical to the post apocalyptic genre as it adds suspense and shows the seriousness of the events about to take place.

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