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The post-2010 biodiversity strategy

“Biodiversity in the EU after Nagoya” Vleva, Brussel, 22/12/2010. The post-2010 biodiversity strategy. Anne Teller Biodiversity Unit, DG ENV. http://biodiversity.europa.eu. Content. EU Biodiversity Policy development Implications from CBD COP10 in Nagoya EU Biodiversity Post-2010.

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The post-2010 biodiversity strategy

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  1. “Biodiversity in the EU after Nagoya” Vleva, Brussel, 22/12/2010 The post-2010 biodiversity strategy Anne Teller Biodiversity Unit, DG ENV http://biodiversity.europa.eu

  2. Content • EU Biodiversity Policy development • Implications from CBD COP10 in Nagoya • EU Biodiversity Post-2010

  3. 1. Evolution of current Biodiversity Policy 1998 EC Biodiversity + 4 BAPs 2001 European Council agrees to halt the loss of Biodiversity by 2010 Biodiversity included in SDS and 6th EAP as priority 2006 EC Commu-nication and Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) 2008 Mid-term review of the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) 2009 Health Check for Habitats and Species 2010 15 March: Post-2010 vision and target adopted Endorsed by EU heads of state on 26 March (2001) Nagoya... 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity (EC contracting party since 1993) 2010 global target adopted in 2002 2050 Vision, 2020 Mission & targets adopted in 2010

  4. Council conclusions (26 March 2010) • Adoption of a long-term (2050) vision for biodiversity: Biodiversity and the ecosystem services we get for free from nature are preserved, valued and, insofar as possible, restored for their intrinsic value, enabling them to support economic prosperity and human well-being, and averting any catastrophic changes linked to biodiversity loss. • Adoption of a mid-term (2020) headline target Halting the loss of biodiversity and the degradationof ecosystem services in the EU by 2020, and restoring them in so far as feasible, while steppingup the EU contribution to averting global biodiversityloss.

  5. Interinstitutional follow-up • Committee of the Regions opinion on the "EU and international biodiversity policy beyond 2010“ of 10 June 2010 • European Economic and Social Committee opinion on "Options for an EU vision and target for biodiversity beyond 2010" of 16 September 2010 • European Parliament resolution on EU legislation aiming at the conservation of biodiversity of 21 September 2010 • European Parliament resolution on the EU strategic objectives for the CBD COP10 of 27 September 2010 http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/biodiversity/policy/index_en.htm • Portuguese National Parliament on "Options for an EU vision and target for biodiversity beyond 2010" of 17 March 2010

  6. EU BAP 2010 assessment Main Conclusions: • Increased (political) awareness • Progress on environmental issues (N2000, water…) • Increased efforts by sectors (more funding opportunities) • BUT key pressures underpinned by indirect drivers are still increasing Biodiversity is still declining in EU and globally http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/biodiversity/comm2006/bap_2010.htm http://biodiversity.europa.eu/countries_and_networks http://gbo3.cbd.int/

  7. 2. CBD COP 10, Nagoya, 18-29/10/10

  8. CBD COP10 – Nagoya outcomes Main outcomes • Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 (“Aichi Targets”) • Strategy for Resource Mobilisation • Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing And some 44 other decisions • Climate change and biodiversity • Biofuels and biodiversity • Marine & coastal biodiversity • IPBES • …

  9. Nagoya’s implications for EU post-2010 biodiversity policy • Aichi’s targets (20): • Targets being ‘screened’ in light of finalisation of EU Strategy • Implications vary from target to target: • Some are (nearly) achieved or adequately covered by existing legislation (e.g. T4, T8, T10, T11, 19) • Some are covered by proposed EU Strategy sub-targets and measures (e.g. T6, T7, T9) • Others will require additional measures (T2on biodiversity values to be incorporated into national accounting, T3, T15, T20) • EU Strategy - main vehicle for ensuring delivery • Resource mobilisation: EU meaningful engagement / contribution to the process • ABS Protocol: transpose obligations and provisions into EU legislation

  10. 3. Post-2010 biodiversity policy frameworks • Adoption of new global strategic plan 2011-2020 (vision, mission, 20 targets) • CBD COP10 (29/10/10) Adoption of EU post-2010 biodiversity vision & headline target Adoption (15/03/10) Development andadoption of post-2010 EU biodiversity strategy • Adoption (2011)

  11. MS and Stakeholder consultation • 3 June - Stakeholder Consultation (2010 GW) • 23 June - Expert meeting COM and MS • 6 August - 22 October- Internet Consultation 37 Questions, 6 Languages (FR, EN, DE, ES, IT,PL), 2905 replies: - 64% replies from citizens - From all MS except two (LI, SK) - 45% from France, 24% Germany http://www.acceptance.ec.europa.eu/environment/consultations/pdf/biodecline_results.pdf • 16 September- Expert meeting COM and MS

  12. Sub-targets & Measures • Sub-targets designed so that: • Council objectives are reached • Main remaining pressures on biodiversity are addressed • Reasons for 2010 target failure are addressed • Measures selected to: • Reach the sub-targets • Address underlying drivers • Address reasons for 2010 target failure

  13. Knowledge base for post-2010 Strategy • State, trends and pressures of biodiversity and ecosystem services in EU (Article 17, SEBI 2010, RUBICODE) • State of biodiversity and pressure at global level (2010 BIP, GBO3) • Why did we fail? • Economic & social consequences of not having reached the target EEA BASELINE + other sources EU BAP 2010 Assessment… TEEB + other sources Bise http://biodiversity.europa.eu

  14. Rationale for sub-targets

  15. Link to CBD Strategic Plan

  16. Some upcoming integration opportunities • CAP Reform • CFP Reform • Territorial Cohesion Reform • White Paper on Transport • Proposal for a new Multiannual Financial Framework, including the proposals on the different policy areas • Resource Efficiency Flagship Initiative • Climate change negotiations • …

  17. Next steps • EU Biodiversity Strategy 2011-2020 (2011) • Council conclusions HU Presidency (June 2011) • Green Infrastructure Strategy (end 2011) • IPBES meeting / EU mechanism (autumn 2011) • Invasive Species Strategy (2012) • Development of indicators to monitor EU and Aichi’s targets to be adopted by 2012 (AHTEG June 2011) • Green economy, Rio+20 Summit (May 2012) • EU Biodiversity mid-term assessment & 5NR (2014) • EU ecosystem assessment (TEEB)/MDG Summit (2015)

  18. EU 2010 Biodiversity Baseline (1)

  19. EU 2010 Biodiversity Baseline (2)

  20. IPBES • UNGA UNEP Resolution ‘to convene a plenary meeting to fully operationalise the platform at earliest opportunity’ • Proposal for UNEP GC decision on 21-24 February 2011 for operationalising - through 1st Plenary meeting of IPBES (autumn 2011) • In 2011, COM may envisage contract « Towards an EU mechanism for independent, authoritative research-based advice to inform implementation and further EU biodiversity policy development »

  21. TEEB • Improve our understanding of the economics of ecosystems and biodiversity (TEEB) and its links to poverty eradication • Various deliverables already published (www.teebweb.org) • TEEB D1- Policy Makers (Nov 2009) • TEEB D2- Local authorities with case studies (Sept 2010) http://www.eea.europa.eu/teeb/map • TEEB D3- Business and biodiversity (July 2009) • TEEB- Synthesis of the approach, conclusions & recommendations of TEEB ( released in Nagoya)

  22. 2011Green infrastructure Strategy • Conference on Green Infrastructure implementationBrussels, 19 November 2010 • GI Strategy – End 2011 • LIFE Focus Nature Publication

  23. 2011 Strategy on Invasive alien species • Stakeholder consultation – 3 September • IEEP study to support the Impact Assessment on the IAS Strategy: http://www.europa.eu/environment/nature/invasivealien • Conference on the Plant Health Regime Review - 28 Sept 2010 • Revision of Plant and Animal Health Regimes scheduled for 2012 • Reestablishment of the Working Groups of Experts • Call for interest 21 October 2010 3 WG- Meetings • Prevention - 8 December (60) • Early warning and Rapid Response (EWRR) - 3 February 2011 (45) • Eradication, control management and restoration - 30 March 2011(53) • Initiative in the Work Programme of the Commission in 2012

  24. Thank you for your attention! http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/biodiversity/policy/index_en.htm 2010 BAP assessment SEBI 2010 assessment EU 2010 Biodiversity Baseline 2009 Health check for EU species & habitats Bise http://biodiversity.europa.eu

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