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City Council Meeting Workshop and Regular Session. August 16, 2011. City Council Meeting – August 16, 2011. REGULAR SESSION [6:00pm] 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. INVOCATION AND PLEDGES U.S. Flag Texas Flag: Honor the Texas flag. I pledge allegiance to
City Council MeetingWorkshop and Regular Session August 16, 2011
City Council Meeting – August 16, 2011 REGULAR SESSION [6:00pm] 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. INVOCATION AND PLEDGES U.S. Flag Texas Flag: Honor the Texas flag. I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible. • PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 4. PUBLIC COMMENT a. Related to any matter not on the agenda – 2 minutes per speaker b. Related to any matter on the agenda – 5 minutes per speaker
City Council Meeting – August 16, 2011 5. CONSENT AGENDA (Approval of Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager to implement each item in accordance with staff recommendations. An item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and added to the Statutory Agenda for full discussion by request of a member of Council.) • Approve the minutes of the City Council Regular Session held on August 2, 2011. [Lee Woodward, City Secretary] • Approve Ordinance 2011-50 to amend Chapter 12, Building and Building Regulations; Chapter 14, Business and Business Regulations; Chapter 20, Fire and Fire Prevention; and Chapter 22, Health and Sanitation to adopt the 2009 International Codes and associated amendments, 2nd reading. [Aron Kulhavy, Director of Public Works] c. Consider the approval Resolution 2011-16 to accept a dedication of Right- of-Way for a 0.20 acre tract of land commonly known as 13 ½ Street. [Aron Kulhavy, Director of Public Works]
City Council Meeting – August 16, 2011 5. CONSENT AGENDA (Approval of Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager to implement each item in accordance with staff recommendations. An item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and added to the Statutory Agenda for full discussion by request of a member of Council.) • Approve Ordinance 2011-55, amending the budget for FY2010-11. [Winston Duke, Finance Director] • Consider for placement on the ballot of the November 8, 2011 election the exchange of 0.122 acre of Eastham-Thomason Park from the City of Huntsville, Texas to Maria Del Carmen Martinez for 0.037 acre to resolve encroachment and amend boundaries of said park. [Aron Kulhavy, Director of Public Works] f. Consider Resolution 2011-18 setting two Public Hearings on a petition for annexation of 74.00 acres of land, as requested by the City Manager, of recently purchased vacant property located adjacent to the airport property. [Aron Kulhavy, Director of Public Works]
City Council Meeting – August 16, 2011 • STATUTORY AGENDA • Possible action to approve Resolution 2011-17 for improvements to the Bruce Brothers Huntsville Regional Airport with financial assistance from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDoT) and approving the Texas Department of Transportation as the City of Huntsville’s agent for the improvements. [Aron Kulhavy, Director of Public Works] • Possible action to approve purchase of 0.40 acres adjacent to Fire Station #4. [Bill Baine, City Manager] c. Possible action to approve the 2011 Joint Election Agreement and Election Services Contract with Walker County for the November 2011 election cycle. [Lee Woodward, City Secretary]
City Council Meeting – August 16, 2011 7. MAYOR/CITY COUNCIL AND CITY MANAGER REPORT • Possible action to approve Ordinance 2011-45 calling for a General Election on November 8, 2011 for the purpose of electing the Mayor and four Ward Councilmember positions; and calling a Special Election for the purpose of a proposition for the exchange of parkland and a proposition for the City Council to adopt a resolution approving the issuance of bonds by the Trinity River Authority for water treatment plant improvements, single reading required. [Mayor Turner] • Possible action to approve Ordinance 2011-47 to redistrict the City of Huntsville. [Mayor Turner] • Possible action to approve nomination of Sandra Hanscomb to an open position on the Planning and Zoning Commission. [Mayor Turner]
City Council Meeting – August 16, 2011 7. MAYOR/CITY COUNCIL AND CITY MANAGER REPORT d. Possible action to amend Ordinance 2011-53 amending the Code of Ordinances Chapter 32 “Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions” by adding a new “Division 3 – Child Safety Zone” to Article II “Public Safety and Protection”; Amending Division 2 by changing the reserved sections; providing for a penalty; making other provisions and findings thereto; and declaring an effective date. [Councilmember Fitch] • Discussion to amend the City Council Rules of Procedure limiting discussion prior to the making of a motion to thirty seconds, and requiring that a written draft of the proposed motion be filed with the City Secretary when the agenda item is submitted. [Mayor Turner] • Possible action to approve Resolution 2011-19 supporting HISD and all educational institutions in Walker County. [Mayor Pro Tem Woodward and Mayor Turner]
City Council Meeting – August 16, 2011 7. MAYOR/CITY COUNCIL AND CITY MANAGER REPORT g. City Manager’s Report 1. Updates on City construction, grants, studies, City projects, City purchases, and economic development. 2. Water 3. Cutting down trees h. Possible action as to the origins of the economic development incentive offer brought to Council by City Manager Bill Baine for an Academy store. [Councilmember Wagamon] i. Possible action concerning forgiveness of the bond for sidewalks at Ravenwood. [Councilmember Wagamon]
Residential Charge for 7,000 Gallons of Water Selected Texas Cities
City Council Meeting – August 16, 2011 8. PUBLIC COMMENT a. Related to any matter not on the agenda – 2 minutes per speaker 9. MEDIA INQUIRIES RELATED TO MATTERS ON THE AGENDA 10. ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (Hear announcements concerning items of community interest from the Mayor, Councilmembers, and City staff for which no action will be discussed or taken.) a. The Farmers Market will be held Saturdays from 8 a.m.-noon through September 24. 11. ADJOURNMENT
The City Council is currently in Executive Session and will reconvene before adjourning.