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Key Quantities Pressure ( P ) Volume ( V ) Flow ( U ) Boyle’s Law V = k / P or V P = k As V ↑ P ↓ As V ↓ P ↑. Physics of Breathing. B. A. Flow ( U ). inspiration V t = P alv P alv < P atm - P alv = - U. expiration V t = P alv P alv > P atm
Key Quantities Pressure (P) Volume (V) Flow (U) Boyle’s Law V=k/P or V P=k As V↑ P↓ As V↓P↑ Physics of Breathing SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology
B A Flow (U) SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology
inspiration Vt = Palv Palv < Patm - Palv = - U expiration Vt = Palv Palv > Patm + Palv = + U Boyle’s law and breathing Patm: atmospheric pressure Palv: alveolar pressure Vt: thoracic volume U: Airflow (- or +) P = k/V: Boyle’s Law SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology
Requires Muscular forces Elastic forces Strategies ∆ Length ∆ Circumference Changing thoracic volume (Vt) SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology
Length: Diaphragm activity Figure 5.6 SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology
Circumference: Rib Cage activity SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology Figure 5.6
Summary • Vlung is changed by changing Vt (via pleural linkage) • Vt is changed by • raising/lowering the ribs (in/decreases circumference) • Raising ribs will Vt = inspiration • Lowering ribs will Vt =expiration • Raising/lowering the diaphragm (vertical dimension) • Raising diaphragm will Vt =expiration • Lowering diaphragm will Vt =inspiration SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology
Selected Muscles of Respiration SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology
Intercostal M. Figure 5.9 From Snell SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology
Internal Intercostal M. Origin: Inner lip of caudal border of each rib Insertion: Inner lip of rostralborder of rib below Action: Interosseus portion: rib depressor Intercartilaginous portion: rib elevator Nerve supply: Intercostal N. (from T1-T11) Figure 5.11 SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology
External Intercostal M. Origin: Outer lip of caudal border of bony rib Insertion: Outer lip of rostralborder of bony rib below Action: Rib elevator Nerve supply: Intercostal N. (from T1-T11) SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology Figure 5.10
Intercostal m. SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology
Intercostal M. SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology
Thoracic Wall (Transverse section) SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology From Snell
Levator Costarum M. (costal elevators) Origin: transverse processes of C7-T11 Insertion Brevis: rib immediately below Longis (caudal m. only): 2nd rib below Action: elevates ribs Nerve supply: Intercostal N. SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology Figure 2.5, 2.13
Serratus posterior superior M.Serratus posterior inferior M. Superior Origin: spinous processes of C7-T3 Insertion: R2-R5 Action: elevates ribs Nerve supply: Intercostal N. Inferior Origin: spinous processes of T11-L3 Insertion: R8-R12 Action: depresses ribs Nerve supply: Intercostal N. SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology Figure 2.5
Scalene M. 3 muscles, anterior, middle and posterior scalenes Origin: transverse processes of C2-C7 Insertion: R1-R2 Action: elevates (or fixates) first 2 ribs Nerve supply: C4-C8 SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology Figure 37.10
Scalene m. SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology
Transverse thoracis M. Origin: body of sternum, xiphoid and chondral surface of R5-R7 Insertion: R2-R6 Action: depresses ribs Nerve supply: Intercostal N. SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology Figure 5.11
Transverse thoracis M. SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology Figure 5.11
Sternocleidomastoid M. Origin: manubrium of the sternum and medial clavicle Insertion: mastoid process of temporal bone Action: elevate the sternum and clavicle Nerve supply: spinal accessory nerve (C. XI) SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology Figure 37.6
Pectoralis Major M. SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology Figure 19.19, 19.25, 22.31
Pectoralis Minor M. SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology Figure 19.19, 19.26
Serratus Anterior M. SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology Figure 19.27