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On the Cost of Reconstructing a Secret, or VSS with Optimal Reconstruction Phase

On the Cost of Reconstructing a Secret, or VSS with Optimal Reconstruction Phase. Ronald Cramer, Ivan Damgard, Serge Fehr. Introduction. Secret-sharing (introduced by Shamir)

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On the Cost of Reconstructing a Secret, or VSS with Optimal Reconstruction Phase

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  1. On the Cost of Reconstructing a Secret, or VSS with Optimal Reconstruction Phase Ronald Cramer, Ivan Damgard, Serge Fehr

  2. Introduction • Secret-sharing (introduced by Shamir) • l-bits secret distributes to n players, every player have a share. Over than t shares can find the secret by some player. • Privacy • If an adversary sees up to t shares, it still learns no information about the secret and correctness. (t+1 is enough).

  3. Introduction • This paper consider more. Some player (at most t players) may be corrupted, they may contribute wrong shares., • We want every player try to reconstruct the secret under this situation. • If t  n/2, no one can sure that its reconstruction is correct. • If t<n/3, a standard methods can give an opt solution with no error.

  4. Introduction • We only consider n/3 t < n/2. • A honest player can either reconstruct the secret or output “failure”. (failure 2-(k), where k is security parameter) • When t=(n-1)/2, there is a lower bound of information sending O(nl+kn2). • This bound is also tight.

  5. Communication Model • Secure-channels model with broadcast. • There is a set of players {P1,…,Pn} • A dealer D. • Every pair has a secure private channel. • Adversary • Active(corrupt at most t players) • Rushing (can decide after all honest players sent). • Static, adaptive (static means it needs to corrupt players before execution).

  6. Single-Round Honest-Dealer VSS • Distribution phase: • The honest dealer generates shares si={ki,yi}, i=1…n, according to a fixed and publicly known conditional probability distribution PS1…Sn(…|s), where s is the secret. Privately sends si to Pi. • Reconstruction phase: • Each player Pi is required to broadcast ŷi, which is supposedly to equal to yi. Each player Pi decides on the secret s based on ki and other ŷi…ŷn. (output s or “failure”).

  7. Adversary can change the ŷj to broadcast, when Pj is corrupted. Others honest players always have ŷj=yj. • Adversary can be rushing, non-rushing; static, adaptive.

  8. Single-Round Honest-Dealer VSS is (t, n, 1-)-secure if: • Privacy: • Adversary gains no information of s form distribution phase. • (1-)-correctness: • In the reconstruction phase, each uncorrupted output ‘s’ or “failure”, and outputting failure has  probability.

  9. We can repeat m times to make the error rate to m. • This definition is very general, we don’t care the dictate of the implementation.

  10. Theoretical Lower Bound and Tightness Proof of SRHD-VSS

  11. H is the entropy of S, by definition: Lower Bound on Reconstruction Complexity • If and for a security parameter k, then the total information broadcast in the reconstruction phase is lower bounded by • For any family of Single-Round Honest-Dealer VSS scheme, (t, n, 1-δ)-secure against an active, rushing adversary

  12. Reduced Theorem: Proposition 1 • Let be the message distributed by the SRHD-VSS. In the case of odd n, the size of any public share Yi is lower bounded by • While for even n, it is the size H(YiYj) of every pair Yi≠Yj that is lower bounded by

  13. A Little Authentication Theory • Let K, M, Y, Z be r.v. with joint distribution PKMYZ such that M is independent of K and Z but uniquely defined by Y and Z. Then one can compute consistent with K and Z by Z with probability* * Stands for impersonation attack

  14. A Little Authentication Theory • Also, knowing Z and Y, one can compute consistent with K and Z and a with probability*: * Stands for a substitution attack

  15. Observation of PS and PI • Let K, M, Y, Z the same as above. If M is uniformly distributed among a non-trivial set, then one can compute with Z known and consistent with K and Z, and a with probability: An successful impersonating attack is a successful substitution attack by definition M is uniformly distributed and M’!=M

  16. Pi can thus not compute S with certainty. We then let* Either red ones are honest or vice versa… Proof of Proposition 1 (1/3) P1 P2 … Pi-1 Pi … Pt Pt+1 Yt+1 Y’t+1 *Note that the semantics of δ is for Pi to decide {failure} and still a recoverable error may be counted in. See Section 6 for correctness proof

  17. Proof of Proposition 1 (2/3) • Apply observation 1 by letting K=Ki, M=S, Y=Yt+1, and Z=(K1,…,Ki-1,Y1…,Yt) • Use the δ then

  18. A Little Information Theory • Chain rule of mutual information

  19. Proof of Proposition 1 (3/3) • Use the chain rule, we have • And since S1…St cannot work without St+1, we have • And the proposal is resulted.

  20. Theorem 2: Theorem 1 is Tight • For , against an adaptive and rushing adversary, with total communication complexity of O(kn2) bits • Proof by constructing one.

  21. Construction of the SRHD-VSS (1/3) • Given a (t+1, n) threshold secret sharing scheme and an authentication scheme, e.g. by a family of strongly universal hash function • Dealer: 人人有一份, 對對有一根… • S  • Select a random

  22. Construction of the SRHD-VSS (2/3) • Dealer: 金刀為證, 玉璽為憑 • Generate authentication tag for every process Pj • Everyone: 問鼎中原, 人人有責 • Pi send <Si,yij> to Pj for all i,j, i!=j

  23. Making Ω(k) (3/3) • Use Shamir’s secret sharing scheme over a field F, |F| > n • Choose the hash family hα , β(X) = αX+β over F • As such, the attack can succeed with probability 1/F • Choose • The desired result follows

  24. Thanks Presented by 游騰楷 呂育恩 葉恆青

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