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Third declension

Third declension. Please look up these words in the Latin dictionary…. arbor canis mater urbs vox. arboris. canis. matris. urbis. vocis. This second form is the second case…. arbor It is in this second form that the true stem hides!. arboris. AKA the Genitive !.

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Third declension

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Third declension

  2. Please look up these words in the Latin dictionary… • arbor • canis • mater • urbs • vox arboris canis matris urbis vocis

  3. This second form is the second case… • arbor It is in this second form that the true stem hides! arboris AKA the Genitive!

  4. Where is my STEM???

  5. To find the TRUE STEM… Just take the –IS off the Genitive form! • arbor, arbor • canis, can • mater, matr • urbs, urb • vox, voc is is is is is

  6. Take off the -IS!

  7. Third Declension Masc or Fem singular plural NOM. GEN. DAT. ACC. ABL. rex reges regis regum regi regibus regem reges rege regibus

  8. Singular… I love my mother. mater matris matri matrem matre

  9. Singular… I love my mother. Accusative mater matris matrem matri matre

  10. Singular… I made my mother a card. mater matris matri matrem matre

  11. Singular… I made my mother a card. Dative mater matris matri matrem matre

  12. Singular… The mother hugged her son. mater matris matri matrem matre

  13. Singular… The mother hugged her son. Nominative matris matri matrem mater matre

  14. Singular… He gave his mother a hug. mater matris matri matrem matre

  15. Singular… He gave his mother a hug. Dative mater matris matri matrem matre

  16. Singular… He took his mother’s hand. mater matris matri matrem matre

  17. Singular… He took his mother’s hand. Genitive mater matri matrem matris matre

  18. Singular… She walked with her mother. mater matris matri matrem matre

  19. Singular… She walked with her mother. Ablative mater matris matri matrem matre

  20. Singular… She has the eyes of her mother. mater matris matri matrem matre

  21. Singular… She has the eyes of her mother. Genitive mater matri matrem matris matre

  22. Singular… The letter was written by her mother. mater matris matri matrem matre

  23. Singular… The letter was written by her mother. Ablative mater matris matri matrem matre

  24. Plural… They got candy from their mothers. matrēs matrum matribus matrēs matribus

  25. Plural… They got candy from their mothers. Ablative matrēs matrum matribus matrēs matribus

  26. Plural… They buy their mothers presents. matrēs matrum matribus matrēs matribus

  27. Plural… They buy their mothers presents. Dative matrēs matrum matrēs matribus matribus

  28. Plural… We watched the mothers. matrēs matrum matribus matrēs matribus

  29. Plural… We watched the mothers. Accusative matrēs matrum matrēs matribus matribus

  30. Plural… We saw the mothers’ children. matrēs matrum matribus matrēs matribus

  31. Plural… We saw the mothers’ children. Genitive matrēs matribus matrēs matrum matribus

  32. Plural… I gave flowers to the mothers. matrēs matrum matribus matrēs matribus

  33. Plural… I gave flowers to the mothers. Dative matrēs matrum matrēs matribus matribus

  34. Plural… The mothers thanked me. matrēs matrum matribus matrēs matribus

  35. Plural… The mothers thanked me. Nominative matrum matribus matrēs matrēs matribus

  36. Plural… I thanked the mothers. matrēs matrum matribus matrēs matribus

  37. Plural… I thanked the mothers. Accusative matrēs matrum matribus matrēs matribus

  38. urbem the city (D.O.)

  39. patrum of the fathers

  40. frater the brother (subject)

  41. voces voices (D.O.) voices (subj)

  42. fragore from/by/with the crash

  43. principi to/for the Emperor

  44. arboribus to/for the trees from/by/with the trees

  45. canis the dog ofthe dog

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