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Third Declension Nouns

J. Lyle Story. Third Declension Nouns. Provide the GNC and Translate. sarko/v a0rxo/ntwn e0lpi/di xa/riti mhtro/v pneu=ma ai9 gunai=kev tou= ai0w=nov ta r(h/mata. Provide the GNC and Translate. tou = a( gi / ou pneu / matov ta sw / mata o0no/ mata oi9 a1rxontev th =| nu/ kti

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Third Declension Nouns

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  1. J. Lyle Story Third Declension Nouns

  2. Provide the GNC and Translate • sarko/v • a0rxo/ntwn • e0lpi/di • xa/riti • mhtro/v • pneu=ma • ai9 gunai=kev • tou= ai0w=nov • ta\ r(h/mata

  3. Provide the GNC and Translate • tou= a(gi/oupneu/matov • ta\ sw/mata • o0no/mata • oi9 a1rxontev • th=| nu/kti • ei0v to\ sko/tov • to\ u#dwr • bapti/smatov • sarci/(n)

  4. Translate the Following • ou0k e1xousin to\ pneu=ma to\ a#gion. • e0n e0kei/nh| th=| nukti\ ei!dete to\n a!rxonta. • e0gerqh/sontai ta\ sw/mata tw=n a(gi/wn. • to\ e!leov tou= Xristou= qerapeu/sei tou\v a!ndrav. • to\ me\n gra/mma a0poktei/nei, e0n de\ tw=| pneu/mati e!xete zwh/n. • e0lh/luqen 0Iwa/nnhv kai\ kekh/ruxen to\ ba/ptisma th=v metanoi/av, a0lla\ tou=to to\ ge/nov ou0k e0de/cato ta\ r(h/mata au0tou=.

  5. Translate the Following • lu/sw to\n i(ma/nta(strap) tw=n u(podhma/twn au0tou= o#ti h( e0lpi/v mou/ e0stin e0n tw=| r(h/matith=v xa/ritov au0tou= kai\ e0n tw=| o0no/mati au0tou=. • a0pelh/luqenkai\ h( nu/c kai\ to\ sko/tov kai\ h1ggiken h( kainh\ h(mera. • h1gagen au0to\n to\ a#gionpneu=ma ei0v to\ i(ero/n. • e1legon ou]n au0tw=|, Pou= e0stin o( path/r sou; • h]lqenou{tov e0n tw=| pneu/mati ei0v th\n e1rhmon. • a0uto/v e0stin e0n th=| sarki/.

  6. Examples from the Greek NT • o( 0Ihsou=v ei]pen au0tw=|, Makar/iovei}, Si/mwnBariwna=, o#tisa\rckai\ ai{ma ou0k a0peka/luyensoi a0ll 0 o( path/r mou o( e0n toi=v ou0ranoi=v. Matt. 16:16 • ei0 kai\ e0gnw/kamen kata\ sa/rkaXristo/n, a0lla\ nu=n ou0ke/tiginw/skomenII Cor. 5:16 • w#ste ei1 tiv(someone) e0n Xristw=|, kainh\ kti/siv-ta\ a0rxai=a parh=lqen, i0dou\ ge/gonenkaina/ II Cor. 5:17 • pro\v ti/na(whom) a0peleuso/meqa; r(h/matazwh=v ai0wni/ou e1xeiv. Jn. 6:68

  7. Examples from the Greek NT • e0a\n (if) ei1ph| (should say) o( pou/v, #Oti ou0k ei0mi\ xei/r, ou0k ei0mi\ e0k sw/matov, ou0 para\ tou=to (BDAG-”not for that reason any the less) ou0k e1stin e0k tou= sw/matov. I Cor. 12:15. • e0kei=nov e0ch=lqen eu0qu/v-h]n de\ nu/c. (Jn. 13:30) • xa/riti de\ qeou= ei0mi o# (what) ei0mi, kai\ h( xa/riv au0tou= h( ei0v e0me\ ou0 kenh\ (in vain/empty) e0genh/qhI Cor. 15:10 • kai\ eu0qu\v h]n e0n th=| sunagwgh=| au0tw=n a1nqrwpov e0n (in the sphere of) pneu/mati a0kaqa/rtw| Mk. 1:23

  8. Examples from the Greek NT • kai\ o( lo/govsa\rc e0ge/netoJn. 1:14 • tou=to/ e0stin to\ sw=ma/ mou . . . Tou=to e0stin to\ ai{ma/ mouth=v diaqh/khv. Mk. 14:22-23 • 2. ei]pe/n te pro\v au0tou/v, Ei0 pneu=ma a3gion e0la/betepisteu/santev(after/when you believed); oi( de\ pro\v au0to/n, 0All 0 ou0d 0 ei0 pneu=ma a#gione!stin h0kou/samen. 3. ei]pe/n te, Ei0v ti(what) ou]n e0bapti/sqhte; oi( de\ ei]pan, Ei0v to\ 0Iwa/nnouba/ptisma. Acts 19: 2-3

  9. Examples from the Greek NT • u(mei=v de\ ou0k e0ste\ e0n sarki\ a0lla\ e0n pneu/mati, ei1per (if indeed)pneu=ma qeou= oi0kei= (dwells) e0n u(mi=n. Rom. 8:9 • xa/riv u(mi=n kai\ ei0rh/nh a0po\ qeou= patro\v h(mw=n kai\ kuri/ou 0Ihsou= Xristou= Rom. 1:7 • e0gw\ me\n u(ma=v bapti/zw e0n u#dati ei0v meta/noian . . . au0to\v u(ma=v bapti/sei e0n pneu/mati a(gi/w| kai\ puri/. Matt. 3:11 • u(mei=v to\ fw=v tou= ko/smou. Matt. 5:14

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