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APBON Meeting at ACB Presentations on Current Biodiversity Observations in the

APBON Meeting at ACB Presentations on Current Biodiversity Observations in the Asia Pacific Region. National Museum of Nature and Science. 2013.11.26. Tsuyoshi Hosoya National Museum of Nature and Science. National Museum of Nature and Science. Major functions

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APBON Meeting at ACB Presentations on Current Biodiversity Observations in the

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  1. APBON Meeting at ACB Presentations on Current Biodiversity Observations in the Asia Pacific Region National Museum of Nature and Science 2013.11.26. Tsuyoshi Hosoya National Museum of Nature and Science

  2. NationalMuseum of Nature and Science • Major functions • Research, Education, Collection building • FiveDepartments • Dept. of Botany • Dept. of Zoology • Dept. of Geology • Dept. of Anthropology • Dept. of Science & Technology • Two Institutes for Nature Research • Tsukuba Botanical Garden • Institute for Nature Study (Meguro, Tokyo) • Total numbers of specimens disclosed: 1.18Mil. • (incl. 0.32 Mil. Obs. Data for seasonal changes) • Mainly specimen data, not observation data.

  3. Outlines of our collecting activity origin Other collections (Personal, Abandoned) Field Collecting Acception Specimens process Isolation, Cultivation Processing (format, database) DNA Specimens Isolates Herbairum Specimens product Research/Exploitation Maintainance/Preservation exploitation Inventory Taxonomic research Exhibition Education External Culture collection JCM, NITE, etc.

  4. Extracted DNA specimens Tissues for DNA extraction Stored cultures (10% Gylcerol)

  5. 地球規模生物多様性情報機構Global Biodiversity Information Facility • An international organization that focuses on making biodiversity data available though the Internet . • Membership: countries, international organization. • Membership fee: charged for voting members. • Regions>Nodes Vision:Aworldinwhichbiodiversityinformationisfreelyanduniversallyavailableforscience,society,andasustainablefuture. Mission:Tobetheforemostglobalresourceforbiodiversityinformation,andengendersmart-solutionsforenvironmentalandhumanwell-being.

  6. More data from Asia expected Data providers based in regions Data Records Breakdown by GBIF Participant 14th

  7. Data publication flow GB I F Documents Research Projects Univ. Tokyo National Institute of Genetics National Museum of Nature & Science English version 56 Institutions: Natural History Museums and Universities. Japanese version S-Net (for domestic use)

  8. ParticipantsofS-Net 1 2 ● ● 1 ● ● ● 4 3 ● 5 30 ● ● 33 8 9 ● 10 34 ● ● ● ● ● 7 ● ● 13 ● 43 ● 14 ● 35 16 11 ● ● 19 18 17 12 31 20 ● ● ● ● 36 21 15 ● ● ● 51 ● ● ● 40 ● ● 46 27 ● ● ● ● 45 41 37 32 ● ● ● ● 22 ● 24 ● ● ● 52 26 29 ● ● ● ● ● 53 47 38 25 ● ● 28 44 42 39 ● ● 48 23 ● 57 ● 60 54 49 ● ● ● 61 ● ● ● ● ● 55 ● 62 56 50 58 63 ● 64 ● ● 59 65 遺伝研経由 国立科学博物館経由 国立環境研究所経由 ● ● 66 ● ● ●

  9. http://science-net.kahaku.go.jp

  10. Data published from Japan 4.27 mil.

  11. Backup

  12. Format of the specimens Packets (P) Pressed (R) Larger Containers(C) Boxes (B) Boxes (B) Boxes (B)

  13. Translation of important documents provided by GBIF MOU Strategic Plan Newsletter All available in Japanese as “starter kit “ through the website

  14. 8 paged brochure in Japanese • Why biodiversity information important • What are the data provided from GBIF • Regionalized activity of GBIF • JBIF: how does it operate • Networking in Japan • Major function of the websites • 1 topic/page; Key messages summarized at the bottom of each page. • Boxes for specific topics. also available in PDF

  15. GBIF Japan Node Portal Site English/Japanese Events, News & Topic, Blogs www.gbif.jp/v2/en/

  16. Renewal of Homepage Outsourced to professional homepage designers. Simple visual structure for easier understanding for the activities. To attract attention, beautiful photos related to biodiversity are included. Brochure available from the portal site. Linked to registered members of “S-Net”. English version available

  17. http://www.gbif.jp/v2/ English available Biodiversity related photos 1 2 Directly searchable http://data.gbif.org/occurrences/search.htm 3 Other info, links Events, News & Topic, Blogs Outsourced to professional homepage designers. Simple design.

  18. GBIF member Organization sites • Japan Node Related Organizations • Useful Websites

  19. http://www.gbif.jp/v2/ 1 2 3

  20. 1 To use GBIF data 1 2 Linked to GBIF website 3

  21. To publish GBIF data 2 Compatibility test 1 2 3 Those who wishes to publish data through JBIF can ask for support

  22. Compatibility of your data file can be examined.

  23. Name:Free dating sitesOrganization:LwQkSnlJNUoGCdencyUEmail:kgsjakgksa@gsjahjsa.comOranisms:ayMFvCzkMoxnSpecimen data:87457 Observation data:92419 Data format:ExcelAbstract of the data:Hey, I've surely got to say, I really like your website. The shades, the format, the overall topic, each of them get properly together. Anyhow, that's all I really had to state.

  24. Gbits (translated version available) 3 1 2 3

  25. 4 5 6

  26. 4 The Role of GBIF GBIF Data Portal GBIF Newsletters Related Articles

  27. 4

  28. 5

  29. 5

  30. Linked data Linked Open Data Integrated data Integrated tables, DBs, etc Scattered data Convenience Interaction Excel, Access, Words, PDF, etc. Opened data In a shared terminal/HDD/NAS, internet, etc. Closed data In note book, in one’s own PC, etc.

  31. Asian Regional Strategy Strategy 1: Build network of data holders and providers in the region by sharing information on GBIF and regional nodes informatics infrastructure as well as information on existing thematic databases such as FishBase, IBIN, ILTER, species group networks. Strategy 2:Popularize the data paper incentive through development of metadata catalogues and corresponding datasets. Strategy 3: Explore (funding) options for mobilising legacy data housed in museums and herbaria and (mechanism) for repatriation of biodiversity data from Asia housed in other countries. Strategy 4: Strengthen help desk facility at regional nodes to ensure the use of DwC-A standard for generating new biodiversity data (metadata, occurrences, checklist) and to better mobilise the publishing of data through GBIF IPT platform.

  32. National strategy of Japan Node(major points) Increase realization of importance of Biodiversity Information. Improve function of museum and allied organization related to Biodiversity Information. 3. Appeal the importance of Biodiversity Information widely to citizens/policy makers. 4. Increase the popularity of JBIF. 5. Extend relationship with other Biodiversity Information related projects. 6. Participate in GBIF activity in Asian region in a proactive manner.

  33. GBIF Communication NBRP Related organizations, ministries & agencies National Activity JBIF Node Manager Steering Committee (16 members) Authorization Report Working Group (7 members) • Node Manager works as a point person between JBIF and GBIF. • To enhance the communication, some members of Working Group are also assigned as Steering Committee members. • Node Manager works as a manager of the working group.

  34. 8 paged brochure in Japanese • Why biodiversity information important • What are the data provided from GBIF • Regionalized activity of GBIF • JBIF: how it operates • Networking in Japan • Major function of the websites also available in PDF

  35. Biodiversity Taxonomy Occurence Conservation Monitoring Informatics Asia Region Integration of Red List/ Invasive Alien Species List

  36. Consolidation of activity of JBIF Change in governance After COP10 (2010) MEXT MOE Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Min. of Environment [Environment] [Science] • Consolidation of domestic activity was required to: • Seize the biodiversity information in Japan. • Ensure more and stronger collaboration. • Increase awareness of JBIF activity in Biodiversity Informatics. • Promote data exploitation.

  37. JBIF: How it operates? Keyfactor: Stablefunding NBRP (National Bioresource Project) • Major objectives: to collect, preserve, and provide biological resources that are essential experimental materials for life sciences researchto meet the current scientific demands. • Reinforcement of functions of the information center to enhance dissemination of the information. • 29 resource groups • 1 information center • 6,300,000 accumulated resources

  38. Organization Zebrafish Japanese macaques Bioresource Centers Medaka Mouse Rat C. intestinalis Chicken/Quail Resource Information Genomic Information Paramecium X. tropicalis Silkworm Drosophila Aminals C. elegans Arabidopsis Information Center (NIG) Research Community Chrysanthemum Morning Glory GAIN GBIF Lotus/Glycine Tomato Plants Rice Wheat Microbes/Cells/DNA Feedback Research Results Barley Algae Cellular slime molds Yeast ResourceResearchCirculation Prokaryotes(E. coli, B. sub) Pathogenic Microbe Cells DNA CBSC for research General microbes

  39. Global,Regional,andNational… S WorkProgram Strategy Mission

  40. GBIFStrategicPlan2012-2016 2001-2006 Provingtheconcept 2007-2011 Towardsfulloperation 2012-2016 Seizingthefuture Vision:Aworldinwhichbiodiversityinformationisfreelyanduniversallyavailableforscience,society,andasustainablefuture. Mission:Tobetheforemostglobalresourceforbiodiversityinformation,andengendersmart-solutionsforenvironmentalandhumanwell-being.

  41. GBIFStategicPlan2012-2016 • Advance the digital content • Advance the informatics infrastructure • Ensurethemosteffectivedistribution,openaccess,discoveryanduse,ofGBIF-mediateddata. • Advance the engagement • EnsurethatGBIFbenefitsthewidestglobalaudience-increasingparticipationandpartnerships,capacityandnewworking. • Ensurescientificfitness-for-use,impact,comprehensiveness,andaccesstonewdatadomains.

  42. National strategy of Japan Node (tentative translation by Hosoya) 1. Increase realization of importance of Biodiversity Information. (1) Enrich examples of research based on data utilization/exploitation (2) Promote mobilization of new data (incl. those from materials at hand) mobilization. (3) Assist up ranking of information technitian, researchers’ morals (4) Promote publication of datapapers (5) Increase numbers of publication of dataset from GBIF 2. Improve function of museum and allied organization related to Biodiversity Information. (1) Assist enlargement of network between museums, universities, and national institutes. (2) Set up opportunities to know requirement from museums and citizens. (3) Assist data publication through the museums. (4) Engagement with universities, research institutes. 3. Appeal the importance of Biodiversity Information widely to citizens/policy makers. (1) Propose engagement between related administration (2) Enrich examples on data utilization/exploitation in political decision making (3) Promote outreach about cumulating Biodiversity Information (incl. GBIF) to the society (4) Generate a mechanism that can maintain the collected data for generations 4. Increase the popularity of JBIF (1) Promote publication to increase GBIF popularity (2) Training course, workshops, and symposia 5. Extend relationship with other Biodiversity Information related projects (1) Promote activity with other Biodiversity Information related projects with common direction. 6. Participate in GBIF activity in Asian region in a proactive manner. (1) Assist development of activity of Asian Participants

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