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Technology Management Services (TMS) CJS/IJS/FSL/ICDMS

Learn about the implementation and challenges of the CJS modernization projects in South Africa, with a focus on funding, oversight, and performance evaluation of technology management services.

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Technology Management Services (TMS) CJS/IJS/FSL/ICDMS

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  1. Technology Management Services (TMS) CJS/IJS/FSL/ICDMS 13 May 2015

  2. INTRODUCTION • The National Development Plan (NDP) places significant focus on the implementation of the recommendations of the Review of the South African Criminal Justice System (CJS) through the CJS Seven point plan, which was approved in 2007. • This process was started in 2005 because departments were working is ‘silos’ with little interaction. It was difficult to track individuals and information through the system. • The process was divided into the CJS and Integrated Justice System (IJS) modernisation, for which the funding has since been amalgamated into the CJS Review and Modernisation. • Implementation of projects under the Technology Management Services (TMS) of the SAPS has been a significant concern for the last couple of years. • Enormous amounts of resources have been allocated to the CJS. For the 2014/15 financial year, R1.1 bn was allocated to the CJS projects. It would be interesting to know the amount spent since 2007 to date. • The IJS projects, such as PCEM Live Scan and ICDMS, have not performed well, mostly due to its transversal nature, which means that it has many dependencies on other Departments.

  3. MONITORING AND OVERSIGHT • 2012 BRRR: The PC stated to make specific recommendations regarding reporting requirements. • 2013 BRRR: The PC recommended that the SAPS must submit detailed project plans to Treasury before funding is allocated. The Minister of Finance accepted this recommendation and provided strict conditions on the CJS revamp programme in the allocation letter to the SAPS for the 2014 MTEF period • It stated that failure to comply with the conditions might lead to the withholding of funds and an in-year reduction of the allocation for the CJS programme where spending is significantly lower than planned at the time of the adjusted budget, subject to Parliament’s approval. • The CJS funding is not earmarked in 2015 Appropriations Bill. The Committee should establish the reason. • 2014 BRRR: The PC recommended that quarterly reports should be submitted to the PC. • Reporting by SAPS • The manner in which SAPS report is not conducive to effective oversight • Approximately 70 technology projects running in relation to the CJS and IJS • Easy to get caught up in details of individual projects, but some projects have significant challenges and need close oversight, like PCEM and ICDMS (e-docket) • The Committee should request the SAPS to provide a broad strategic framework of the CJS/IJS projects and how this feeds into the CJS Seven-point Plan (Back to basics) and benefit the CJS. • Expenditure against performance should be clearly stated. • Significant inconsistencies in the reporting over the four quarters of the 2014/15 FY

  4. BUDGET ALLOCATION AND EXPENDITURE 2014/15 • R1.14 bn of which 100% was spent • Comparing expenditure at 3rd quarter to 4th quarter The SAPS had a project progress review session in 25 November 2014 and 21 March 2015 during which the budget allocations to projects were adjusted significantly. The SAPS should report on the outcomes of the review session and also the reasons for the major shifting of funds for projects.

  5. BUDGET ALLOCATION AND EXPENDITURE 2014/15: SAPS COMPONENTS • Significant decreased allocation to Criminal Record Centre (R109 million) • Significant increases to FSL and Provincial, Cluster and Police Stations • Barcode for stations project was allocated R31 million revised allocation • Percentage weighted milestones delivered not provided in 4th quarter • How is weights to deliverables determined? • Must measure expenditure against performance to ascertain whether value for money is received.

  6. INVESTIGATIVE CASE DOCKET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (ICDMS) • Administer Case development ended 31 March 2015 (Completed) • R85 million allocation: spent R6.1m in Q1, R29.8m in Q2, R7.9m in Q3 and R61m in Q4 • Investigate Case deliverables for first phase identified – must elaborate • Had an allocation of R3.5m, which was revised on 21 March 2015 to zero allocation. Spent R920 thousand in Q2 and R2.2m in Q3 with 100% milestones achieved to date and 133% weighted milestones delivered in Q4 while spending no funds. • Rolled out to 271 police stations, of which 47 in WC and 41 FS • Links to courts? • Has the reluctance to use new system been addressed?

  7. CRIMINAL LAW (FORENSICS PROCEDURES) AMENDMENT ACT (DNA), 2013 • Are the Convicted Offenders who are being released from prison being sampled before release? To date, since the promulgation of the Act in January, no convicted offenders have been sampled. • What is the SAPS action plan with regarding to rolling out training and sampling? How many members trained and how many samples taken? • How many reference (buccal) samples have been received at the Forensic Lab since January and how many have been processed? The reference lanes and crime scene lanes set up for processing are not operational, which means the capacity of the lab has been greatly diminished as they are only processing samples manually and backlogs are already imminent. • What is the challenge with the supply of the DNA processing kits which are used for processing samples - when do they expect this to be resolved and when will they capacity increase? What is current sampling capacity and what is future capacity? • Is SAPS complying with the 30 day turn around time provided for in the Act to process samples received at the Lab? • What is the STR chemistry that is being employed in DNA Kits and does the chemistry comply with Best International Practices? • What software solution is being used to manage the Database? CODIS was recommended by the previous Parliamentary Committee. • How is SAPS loading profiles onto the various indices as per the Act and how are they being expunged? • Composition of the DNA Ethics Board

  8. Thank you Nicolette van Zyl-Gous Researcher: PC on Police 021 403 8416 nvanzyl-gous@parliament.gov.za

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