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Welcome to EWRT 1A. Course Information. Required Texts/Readings . Pearson Custom Library Handbook The Gangster We Are All Looking For by Le Thi Diem Thuy Photocopied readings as needed. Attendance.
Welcome to EWRT 1A Course Information
Required Texts/Readings • Pearson Custom Library Handbook • The Gangster We Are All Looking For by Le Thi Diem Thuy • Photocopied readings as needed
Attendance • You may miss only two classes without an impact on your grade. Three tardies equal one absence. I keep track of attendance daily. Your participation grade is partly based on attendance. I grade the attendance section as follows: 0 absences= 100%; 1 absence=95%; 2 absences=90%; 3 absences=85%; 4 absences=80%; 5 absences=75%; 6 absences=70%. You will not be able to pass the class if you miss more than six classes. I will let you know if you are in danger of missing, but I want you to keep track of your attendance as well.
etiquette • Please put your phones away and turn them off during class time. I will ask you to stop texting if I see you doing it. Everyone makes mistakes; just be aware that I will ask you to stop in front of the entire class.
participation • Be ready for our classroom discussions. I will call on you from time-to-time, but in order to excel on your participation grade, you will need to discuss class readings both in small groups and large discussions. If you remain passive, or wait to be called on, your participation grade will suffer. If you attend every class, but only participant sparingly, the highest grade you will receive for participation is 70%. Be extra courteous and attentive when your fellow students are giving a presentation! You will appreciate it when they do the same for you. I’m a believer in the Golden Rule.
Criteria for in-class participation • A level = actively participates without being called on. Is well prepared for class and brings all books to class. 90-100 • B level-= sometimes actively participates without being called on. Is well prepared for class and brings all books to class. 80-89 • C level= rarely participates without being called on. Answers thoughtfully when called on and is well prepared for class and brings all books to class 70-79 • D level = does not always participate, even when called on. Uses cell phone and has to be asked to stop. (Cell phone/texting use is not tolerated.) 60-69
Freewrites • We will begin each class session with a timed freewriting session (you will use your composition books). Please be on time and give your best effort. If you are tardy for reasons beyond your control, please ask a peer for the freewrite topic and make it up at home. You cannot “make up” the freewrite topics, and you will be expected to turn in the freewrite journal for credit.
Assignments and Grading Policy • Essays (2 at 7.5%, 2 at 12.5%, 1 at 15%) 55% • For most essays, you will have process points—which means you will receive credit for turning in outlines, introductory paragraphs, drafts, and reflection. Failing to complete the process points will damage your essay grade considerably. • Participation 20% • Group Presentation 5% • Most weeks, we will have a group presentation. • Free Write Journals 5% • You will be sharing your journals with me. • Reading/Grammar Quizzes: 20 @ 7.5 points 7.5% • Reading Quizzes are every day in this course & cannot be made up • Homework 7.5% • Discussion Questions & Grammar—no late homework accepted • Total Possible: 100%
revisions • Out-of-class essays can be revised once in response to instructor comments, provided you received a grade of “B” or below on your first attempt. Revisions will be turned in with the final paper.
Late essays • Late essays are only acceptable by prior arrangement -- e-mail me to discuss your situation. Homework cannot be turned in late. Reading quizzes cannot be made up, but I drop your lowest score. Please, do not submit assignments to me by email. If you submit something by email, I might not see it. If you give it to me in hard copy, I take full responsibility for its care and prompt grading.
Essay Lengths: • All essays should be typed using Times New Roman 11 point. You will need 1 inch margins, and you must double-space. • Essay 1: In class (bluebook) • Essay 2: 2-3 pages • Essay 3: 3-5 • Essay 4: In class (bluebook) • Essay 5: 4-6 pages
Grading scale • Grading Scale: • 100-98 • A+ • 93-96 • A • 90-92 • A- • 88-89 • B+ • 83-86 • B • 80-82 • B- • 77-79 • C+ • 73-76 • C • 70-72 • C-
communication • ENGRADE-- you will receive an invitation from me where you can see your current grade • TURNITIN—you will receive an invitation from me and will be turning essays in that way • COURSE WEBSITE—this is a vital resource for you—it is a clearing house for all assignments and texts • http://marycudahyewrt1a.wordpress.com/ • Email: mary_cudahy@yahoo.com • Text: 650 644 9056