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At the crossroads of the Paavo - programmes Challenges for Paavo III

At the crossroads of the Paavo - programmes Challenges for Paavo III. Perspectives on Housing First in Finland 17.9.2014 Riitta Granfelt “Long-term Homelessness and Finnish Adaptations of Housing First Model” Academy of Finland. Themes of the presentation. Gender perspective

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At the crossroads of the Paavo - programmes Challenges for Paavo III

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  1. At the crossroads of the Paavo- programmesChallenges for Paavo III Perspectives on Housing First in Finland 17.9.2014 RiittaGranfelt “Long-term Homelessness and Finnish Adaptations of Housing First Model” Academy of Finland

  2. Themes of the presentation • Gender perspective • Young adults living at housing units • Tacit knowledge • Diversity of Housing First –adaptations • Back to Basics

  3. Paavoslackinggenderperspective? • Time to highligt the need for housingservices and related social and healthcareservices for women at the margins of society • `Women-specific´ as part of housing social work? • Connectingbasic and speciallevels of expertise in the mentalhealth and substanceabuseservices to respond to trauma experiences

  4. Young adults at the Housingunits • Social integration as a goal of housing social work at housing units • Transitions for the most marginalised young adults to scattered housing • Development of floating support that works from the point of mentally fragile drug abusers

  5. Tacitknowledge as a resource • Uniqueprofessionalskills, understanding and know-how abouthousing social work for the use of practiceresearch and professionaltraining • Vague and unclearprofessionalidentity of the housingadvisors, housingcouncellors, housing social workers; connections with social workeducation and research at the universitylevel

  6. Diversity of HF -adaptations/mixedmodels • F.eg. HousingFirstorDesistanceFirst? • Preventivehousing social work at institutionalsettings, likeprisons, mentalhospitals, drugrehabilitationinstitutions… > paths to `housingreadiness´ for scatteredhousing • Notstaircase-models, butpath- (ormixed) models: transitions and recoveryprocesses; f.eg. fromcongregatehousing to scatteredhousing

  7. Basics of Homelessness work • Ontological security • Getting rid of stigmatisation ”Otherness” • Meaning of Life • Recovery as part of Everyday Life ”life-long process” • One´s own flat as ”holding/facilitating environment”, if not experienced as home

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