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SAT as a Decisive Battle 決戰學測英文科. Joe Yi-ming Lee (Taipei Municipal Zhongzheng) Senior High School. 你我的迷思
SAT as a Decisive Battle決戰學測英文科 Joe Yi-ming Lee (Taipei Municipal Zhongzheng) Senior High School
你我的迷思 • 我英文不好,,可以放棄英文嗎?? • 我作文不好,,可以不要寫嗎?? • 生字背了馬上就忘了,,怎麼辦?? • 我文法不好,,英文沒救了嗎?? • 寫不完要不要猜呢??怎麼猜?? • 死背單字與文法規則??
今天我要講的是: • 英文學測答題技巧 • 英文學測趨勢 • 英文學測準備重點
近年學測和之前學測不同之處 98/99/100年學測和之前學測不同之處 • 綜合測驗、文意選填、閱讀測驗等文章式的題目字數規範為150-250字。 • 寫作部分的第一大題可能題型為句子合併/寫作、單句翻譯或克漏式翻譯。 • 作文可能為簡函寫作、主題寫作、或看圖作文。以敘述文為主,即依事件發生順序描述。
(一) 詞彙題 (一) 詞彙題 1. 題數:93~97及98(參考)試題皆為15題。 2. 詞類分配:名詞和動詞約佔2/3;形容詞和副詞約佔1/3。片語不出現 於此,而是在綜合測驗。 3. 應試技巧: • 注意搭配詞,例如:resist the temptation (93 SAT)、reform our education system (98 SAT Sample) (2) 圈出關鍵字,例如: As darkness _____ the ability of the rescue team, the operation at night was cancelled. (98 SAT Sample) (A) limited (B) informed (C) cured (D) admitted (3) 刪除法,從關鍵字先刪去不可能的選項,縮小選擇範圍。 Nicole is a _____ language learner. Within a short period of time, she has developed a good command of Chinese and Japanese. (A) convenient (B) popular (C) regular (D) brilliant
(一) 詞彙題 To have a full discussion of the issue, the committee spent a whole hour _____ their ideas at the meeting. • depositing (B) exchanging (C) governing (D) interrupting
(二) 綜合測驗 1. 考試重點:94~97及98(參考)試題,此大題多考詞彙(包括2~3題的片語),15題中約12~13題為詞彙題。文法只出現2~3題;連接詞、分詞、關係代名詞、關係副詞為常考題。 2. 應試技巧: (1) 瞭解是考詞彙或文法,懂出題老師的心。 (2) 注意本句或前後一句中的線索。
(二) 綜合測驗 The pineapple, long a symbol of Hawaii, was not a native plant. 21 , pineapples did not appear there until 1813. The pineapple was 22 found in Paraguay and in the southern part of Brazil. Natives planted the fruit across South and Central America and in the Caribbean region, 23 Christopher Columbus first found it. Columbus brought it, along with many other new things, back to Europe with him. From there, the tasty fruit 24 throughout other parts of civilization. It was carried on sailing ships around the world because it was found to help prevent scurvy, a disease that often 25 sailors on long voyages. It was at the end of one of these long voyages that the pineapple came to Hawaii to stay. • (A) For example (B) In fact (C) As a result (D) Little by little 22. (A) nearly (B) recently (C) originally (D) shortly 23. (A) that (B) what (C) which (D) where 24. (A) spread (B) to spread (C) should spread (D) will spread 25. (A) bothered (B) contacted (C) suffered (D) wounded
(三) 文意選填 1. 這應該是最簡單的題目,最好能全對。 2. 應試技巧: (1) 先標出10個選項的詞性。注意有的字的詞性不只一種。 (2) 注意空格前後的字。例如: At the end of the first two weeks, the boys came to the old man’s house, and went away ____ with their 25 rupees. (96 SAT) 空格拿掉這句話是完整的,所以這裡需要的是副 詞,修飾went away,選項中只有happily一個情狀副詞, 答案就是它。
(三) 文意選填 Familiar fables can be narrated differently or extended in interesting and humorous ways. The end of the famous fable of “The Tortoise and the Hare” is well known to all: the tortoise wins the race against the hare. The moral lesson is that slow and steady wins the race. We all have grown up with this popular version, but the 31 fable can be extended with different twists. At the request of the hare, a second race is 32 and this time, the hare runs without taking a rest and wins. The moral lesson is that 33 and consistent will always beat slow and steady. Then it is the tortoise that 34 the hare to a third race along a different route in which there is a river just before the final destination. This time, the tortoise wins the race because the hare cannot swim. The moral lesson is “First 35 your strengths, and then change the playing field to suit them.” (A) arranged (B) challenges (C) competitors (D) cooperate (E) fast (F) finishing (G) identify (H) opposite (I) same (J) teamwork
(四) 閱讀測驗 1. 篇數:約四篇 2. 文章內容:包羅萬象。 3. 應試技巧: (1) 先看問題;圈出關鍵字,以有閱讀重點。 (2) 問的若是main idea之類的問題,則看每一段的頭尾兩句,則可得到答案。若文章較長,第一段簡短,此段可能就是引言或主旨所在,可全段看完。 (3) 若問的是細節,掃瞄全文時注意與問題中類似的詞語,答案大多就在附近。每一段的第一句話是該段的主題句,可幫助你決定在哪一段找答案。所以問題中的關鍵字很重要。
(四) 閱讀測驗 In all cultures and throughout history hair has had a special significance. In ancient Egypt, as long ago as 1500 BC, the outward appearance expressed the person’s status, role in society and political position. Wigs played an important role in this: they were crafted with great artistry and often sprinkled with powdered gold. In the 8th century BC, the pre-Roman Celts in Northern Europe wore their hair long. In a man it was the expression of his strength, in a woman of her fertility. The idea of long hair as a symbol of male strength is even mentioned in the Bible, in the story of Samson and Delilah. Samson was a leader of the Israelites. His long hair, which he never cut, gave him superhuman powers. The only person who knew his secret was Delilah. However, she spied for the enemy and betrayed him. One night she cut off his hair and thus robbed him of his strength.
(四) 閱讀測驗 In the classical Greek period, curly hair was not only the fashion, but it also represented an attitude towards life. Curls or locks were the metaphor for change, freedom and the joy of living. The ancient Greek word for curls and locks is related to intriguing and tempting someone. Hair is also used as a symbol of opposition. The punk protest movement today uses hair as a symbol of disapproval of the “middle-class, conventional lifestyle” by wearing provocative haircuts and shockingly colored hair. A different form of objection could be seen in the women’s hairstyles in the 1960s. Women’s liberation was expressed in a short-cut, straight and simple hairstyle which underlined equality with men without neglecting female attributes. To this day hair has kept its importance as a symbol of power, youth, vitality and health.
(四) 閱讀測驗 40.The topic of this passage could best be described as _____ . (A) the scientific study of hairstyles (B)thesymbolic meanings of hairstyles (C) the art of designing different hairstyles (D) the contemporary development of hairstyles 41.Why did ancient Greeks like to wear curls and locks? (A) To attract others. (B) To show off their artistry. (C) To hide their real identity. (D) To represent power and status.
(五)句子合併/改寫 應試技巧: (1) 看清題目,融會貫通。 (2) 複習課本一至四冊中每一課的兩個句型,四冊共96個句型。 (ex) Nicole has a friend. Her friend is an outstanding lawyer. (用who) The fried chicken was very tasty. I had another piece of the chicken. (用so…that)
(六)翻譯 • 應試技巧: (1) 圈出中文句子中的主詞和動詞。若是複句,則畫出主要子句。 例如: 聽音樂是一個你可以終生享受的嗜好。(97 SAT) S1 V1 S2 V2 畫線部分為主要子句,斜體字部分為關係子句。將兩個子句的主 詞動詞都找出,就八九不離十了。 (2) 知道出題老師要考什麼。例如上一例子,看得出來要考動名詞當 主詞及關係子句。 (3) 決定用什麼時態或連接詞。 (4) 寫出句子。 (5) 對照中文檢查一遍。注意主詞與動詞一致、時態、名詞單複數等。 (6) 若是克漏式翻譯則注意是翻完整的句子,還是句子的一部份;以決定大小寫及標點。
(六)翻譯 2. 單句翻譯的評分標準(CEEC 97): (1) 本大題總分8分,每小題滿分4分。(2) 每題分為四區塊,每區塊總分1分。(3) 每個錯誤扣0.5分,各區塊獨立,扣完 為止。(4) 句點沒有寫扣0.5分;若兩題皆沒有句號,最多扣0.5。
(六)翻譯 My grandfather had a habit of taking a walk every morning along a road nearby. Kind drivers frequently stopped to ask if he needed a ride. The offers disturbed his enjoyment of peace, 1.所以我爺爺就開始帶著一個裝滿空罐 子和垃圾的大袋子when he went for a walk. Afterward no one bothered him anymore. One day as my grandfather headed out with his bag, a truck drove by and slowed down. “Not again,” my grandfather thought. 2.當他正要告訴駕駛他不需要任何幫忙 的時候, five beer cans flew out the window, and the truck sped off.
大部分學生不習慣自己解決問題,他們總 是期待老師提供標準答案。 2. 除了用功讀書獲取知識外,學生也應該培 養獨立思考的能力。 3. 雖然Lily生來又瞎又聾,但她從來不氣 餒。 4. 她的故事證明了,我們只要努力必能成 功。
(七) 英文作文 • 應試技巧: (1) 看清題目說明,照著做。圈出關鍵字:多少字數?是否需要分段?若要,多少段落?要寫些什麼內容? (2) 先花3~5分鐘構思,簡列出大綱。 (3) 文章結構: 主題句(topic sentence) :告訴讀者整段主旨,多為一簡單 句。英文作文要開門見山。 支持句(supporting sentences):即段落中的主體,用來說明 主題句。可用解釋或舉例。 結論句(concluding sentence):多數是呼應主題句;寫得 好,有畫龍點睛之效。要簡短有力,有時可留給讀者一點想 像空間。
(七) 英文作文 (4) 寫作技巧: • 為了段落的統一性,避免不相干的句子出現。 b. 善用連貫詞,使文章條理分明。 c. 注意邏輯。 d. 用字不必太艱澀。根據研究,作文拿高分的考生(17以上)通常用的詞彙都淺顯易懂。最重要的是內容、組織、流暢度。準確表達、拼字正確才重要。複習課本時,可記下較出色的字、片語備用。 e. 句子的變化:利用關係子句、分詞構句。 例如:與其寫Jack found there was nothing to do, so he decided to call his best friend Mary. 不如寫Having nothing to do, Jack decided to call his best friend Mary.
(七) 英文作文 f. 注意時態。 g. 簡函寫作要注意信件格式。 h. 看圖作文一開始就替主角取名字。也可用第一人稱來敘述,即將自己當做主角。利用who, when, where, what, why, how的問題來想故事內容。注意細節。可將每張圖看得到的內容用句子先列出,再利用想像力想想之間的邏輯因果,添些關聯,就可寫出一篇有內容的故事了。 i. 內容有創意更佳。但不可太過。
(七) 英文作文 英文作文評分標準 評分標準包含下列5項:內容 (5分)、組織 (5分)、文 法句構 (4分)、字彙拼字 (4分),及體例 (2分)。若考 生未使用適當書信格式(如未書寫稱呼語及信末署 名),扣1分(但日期非必要);未分兩段在體例 上,扣1分;字數不足,扣1分。【選才第163期】 (97 SAT,該年學測作文要求寫兩段。) 可參考學測與指考英文作文評分樣例: http://www.ceec.edu.tw/CeecMag/articles/142- 2.htm
三、應試通則 • 拿到考卷先看一下翻譯、作文題目,或許在選擇題中會碰到可用的詞 彙。 2. 想像自己在讀資料,輕鬆自在;而非考試。 3. 不會的盡量聰明地猜。不要放棄。 4. 時間為100分鐘。可分配為50: 40:10 或40:50:10 (選擇:寫作: 檢查)。(學測英文考試時間是9:20,所以大約在10:00~10:10或之前寫完選擇部分;10:50前寫完寫作部分。) 5. 答題時,不要花太多時間卡在一題上面,先做個記號,之後再回來 寫。對於不確定答案的題目,也可做個記號,方便檢查。 6. 鈴聲一到,一定要停筆,免得被扣一級分。 7. 正確畫卡。
加油!付諸行動! 壹明老師祝大家樂在英文中!!