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AQF and ABDC submission on Business education*. ANZAM Institutional Members Meeting 9 December 2011 * Material in these slides are taken from the ABDC submission to AQF except otherwise as indicated. AQF – what’s it all about?. Introduced 1995:
AQF and ABDC submission on Business education* ANZAM Institutional Members Meeting 9 December 2011 * Material in these slides are taken from the ABDC submission to AQF except otherwise as indicated.
AQF – what’s it all about? • Introduced 1995: • “Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) is the national policy for regulated qualifications in Australian education & training. It incorporates the qualifications from each education & training sector into a single comprehensive national qualifications framework” (AQF First Edition, July 2011, p. 9) • Revised 2011 by AQF Council • “to ensure that qualification outcomes remain relevant & nationally consistent, continue to support flexible qualifications linkages and pathways and enable national and international portability and comparability of qualifications” (p. 9) • Qualifications - 10 levels • ABDC meeting 27th July – presentation by Di Brooker • While AQF developed “First edition” TEQSA will regulate compliance • TEQSA not in full operation until January 2012; full compliance by 2015 • Current uncertainty for business schools & universities – clarification of document • ABDC – raised six issues with them -subsequently presented as agreed business deans perspective on document
ABDC issues - generic • Global context in which business schools operate • including accreditation, rankings, international competition • face challenge of this plus subject to significant scrutiny • Graduate capabilities and quality • come from strong links to professions & accreditation • Business schools at forefront • in demonstrating quality at an international level for long-term sustainability
ABDC issues - specific 1. Acceptable title of programs: seek recognition that: • Executive MBA is a compliant title – common globally c.f. MBA (Executive) • P/G Cert. in Bus. & P/G Dip. in Bus. = level 8 Grad Cert & Grad Dip 2. Professional doctorates: • Most appropriately fits in with AQF level 10 • Not all programs compliant with 2 years research requirement • Encourage Deans to ensure DBA compliance
ABDC issues - specific 3. Recognition of prior learning & pathways (section 2.1.10) • Typically 50% credit for Advanced Dip. or Associate Degree linked to a 3 year Bachelor Degree • Other arrangements can be negotiated at institution level • ABDC – interpret as minimum guidelines
ABDC issues - specific 4. Volume of learning AQF policy: “The volume of learning of a Masters Degree (Coursework) is typically 1-2 year; in the same discipline 1.5 years following a level 7 qualification or 1 year following a level 8 qualification; in a different discipline 2 years following a level 7 qualification or 1.5 years following a level 8 qualification” • Full-time • Australia = 2 – semesters/4 courses/year • But: • many level 9 masters in business between 1-2 years of study – MBA, EMBA, conversion masters (Accounting) • ABDC argument: • use non-disc. skills & kn. • 18mths therefore be recognized as typical for MBAs at level 9 • and same for conversion Masters
ABDC issues - specific 5. Structured practice related learning • “The Masters Degree (Coursework) is designed so that graduates will have undertaken a program of structured learning with some independent research and project work or practice related learning. If this qualification is to prepare graduates for a profession a significant component of structured learning will be developed in collaboration with a relevant professional, statutory or regulatory body” ABDC position • Structured learning experience is satisfied if the program is accredited by the relevant professional body • Where there is no professional body ..satisfied by evidence of appropriate graduate destinations and strong employability
ABDC issues - specific 6. Combined, dual and joint degrees • First Edition silent on these • Substantial variation in practice could damage quality & international reputation • ABDCposition on these degrees • Achievement of relevant learning outcomes • Max 50% overlap in learning outcomes of two separate degrees
Conclusion • Important to global competitiveness of business schools • Uncertainty about interpretation • ABDC proactive in influencing “effective implementation of the AQF to Australian business programs” (ABDC submission, p.9)