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Special Education Self Review (SESR) Activity Three: Corrective Actions and Completing the SESR

Special Education Self Review (SESR) Activity Three: Corrective Actions and Completing the SESR. Student level corrective actions due to CDE based on successful submission of student and LEA level findings

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Special Education Self Review (SESR) Activity Three: Corrective Actions and Completing the SESR

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  1. Special Education Self Review (SESR)Activity Three:Corrective Actions and Completing the SESR

  2. Student level corrective actions due to CDE based on successful submission of student and LEA level findings LEA level corrective actions due to CDE based on successful submission of student and LEA level findings One year timeline expires for correction of noncompliance based on successful submission of student and LEA level findings Electronic and Hard Copy Data Due Dates

  3. Activity Three: Step 22

  4. Page 33-34 Activity Three: Step 23 (Detailed Software Manual)

  5. When the software is started, the "LOG ON" screenwill appear. It requires four items: USERNAME PASSWORD DISTRICT name and DISTRICT PASSWORD

  6. The USERNAME is "sesr" The PASSWORD is “1213" Enter the DISTRICTname from the drop down list. There is an individual password for each district to protect student confidentiality. Your CDE Consultant will provide the DISTRICT PASSWORD. Once the required information has been entered in the four fields, select the "OK" button.

  7. If all of the log-on information is correct, a "LOG SUCCESSFUL-VALID ENTRY"message box will be displayed indicating that the software has accepted the log on data input and is ready to proceed. Select the "OK" button.

  8. Adding Due Dates to Corrective Action Reports Select the Corrective Actions-Reports Functions button.

  9. Select the Student or District Finding Corrective Action Report. Select Due Date. Select the Year, Month, and date using the drop down list on the calendar. The due date for student corrective actions is 45 business days from the date of the successful submission letter. The due date for district corrective actions is 90 calendar days from the date of the successful submission letter.

  10. Select Yes to accept the due date. You must select the Preview button so the due date will update.

  11. Print Corrective Action Reports Select the Student or District Finding Corrective Action Report. Select Print.

  12. Once entered, due dates will appear here.

  13. Student Prong Two Corrective Action Report

  14. The LEA does not have documentation of policies and procedures for child find activities. Corrective Action Report for District level finding.

  15. Corrective Action Report for District level and student level prong two.

  16. Activity Three: Step 24 and 25

  17. Each finding of noncompliance must be corrected. Student level findings and some LEA level findings must be tested with a follow-up review of records to ensure compliance at 100 percent. Due dates for corrective action are calculated differently for student level and district level noncompliance. Corrective Actions

  18. Student corrective actions are due within 45 business days. District level corrective actions, including additional record reviews to test 100 percent compliance, are due within 90 calendar days. Noncompliant findings during the subsequent record review start new 45 and 90 day cycles for the repeated noncompliant items. Documentation for subsequent record reviews is retained in the district. All corrective actions must be complete within one year of the successful submission letter. Due Dates for Corrective Action

  19. Some noncompliant findings are anomalies, some occur frequently. Frequently noncompliant findings may be resolved through RCA. RCA is a SESR option designed to isolate issues, organize the solution, and accomplish the desired result. Districts may engage the RCA process to resolve recurring problems before subsequent record reviews after identifying initial noncompliance. Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

  20. Root Cause Analysis (RCA) seeks to identify the origin of a problem. Frequently, the noncompliance identified is not really the problem, but a symptom of the problem. RCA uses a set of steps, and associated tools, to find the primary cause of the problem so you can: Determine what happened Determine why it happened Figure out what to do to reduce the likelihood that it will happen again. ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS(Optional Activity)


  22. Collect Data What proof do you have that the problem exists? How long has the problem existed? What is the impact of the problem? RCA - STEP TWO:

  23. Identify Possible Causal Factors What sequence of events leads to the problem? What conditions allow the problem to occur? What other problems surround the occurrence of the central problem? RCA – STEP THREE:

  24. Identify the Root Cause(s) Why does the causal factor exist? What is the real reason the problem occurred? RCA – STEP FOUR:

  25. Recommend and Implement Solutions What can you do to prevent the problem from happening again? How will the solution be implemented? Who will be responsible for it? What are the risks of implementing the solution? RCA – STEP FIVE:

  26. Step 25b. • Additional record reviews must be completed to test items until 100% compliance is achieved. • Upon achieving 100% compliance, the data is reported in the SESR software

  27. District staff may use the SESR Record Review Follow-Up Protocol For every noncompliant finding, another record review must be completed until 100% compliance is achieved. The How-To for Review Number Two….and Any Subsequent Review

  28. Form 4: Record review documentation of 100% compliance SESR Follow-up Review Protocol Worksheets provided in the SESR Manual: Name of worksheet: SESR Follow-up Review Protocol located in the SESR Manual This worksheet is available in the SESR Manual to use for record reviews. Districts may use the Item Table to copy and paste the Compliance Test into the Form.

  29. Form 4: Record review documentation of 100% compliance SESR Follow-up Review Protocol Worksheets provided in the SESR Manual: An example of an item that was copied and pasted from the Item Table Does the IEP to be in effect when the student turns 16, or younger if determined appropriate by the IEP team, and each IEP thereafter, include courses of study that focus on improving the academic and functional achievement of the student to facilitate their movement from school to post school? 3-6-1

  30. This worksheet should be completed and kept at the District 20 20

  31. Form 4 cont. List the item number(s) reviewed for the student listed with evidence source. STUDENT NAME

  32. Activity Three: Step 26

  33. Tracking Student Level Corrective Actions To track Student and District Level Corrective Action evidence, select the "Edit Corrective Actions“ button.

  34. Select Track Student Corrective Actions to document corrective actions for student findings.

  35. On the field titled "Select a Student", use the drop down menu to select the student whose data is to be entered.

  36. Select the Item Number (the second column labeled item).

  37. The Corrective Action Description field displays the Corrective Action that was automatically generated by the SESR software. The Findings field displays the narrative finding statement that was previously entered by the LEA.

  38. To enter corrective action data for the selected Item Number (in this example 1-1-3), select the "Document CA" button. This will display the " Corrected CA Form" screen.

  39. The " Corrected CA Form" screen displays three fields: Date Corrected,Evidence, and Location.

  40. In the Date Corrected field, enter the date that this Item’s corrective actions were completed. In the Evidence field, describe the action/ activity that addressed and completed the corrective action. In the Location field, enter information about where the evidence of corrective action is located or stored.

  41. Student Level Evidence Statement Corrective Action The district must provide evidence that there is a notification of an IEP meeting to discuss transition services at age 16 . . . . Evidence The meeting notice, sent 10/11/12, indicates that transition is a purpose of the meeting. California Department of Education

  42. When completed, select the "Save" button.

  43. If the "Document CA" button has greenlettering, it indicates that data for the selected item has already been entered, corrected, and is complete.

  44. Student Corrective Action In the "Save-Save Successful !" message box, select the "OK“ button and proceed to the next Item to be entered or exit and select another student for entry.

  45. District Corrective Action Select the District Finding Corrective Action Report to document district level and Prong Two corrective actions.

  46. District Corrective Action Select the Item number for which correction will be documented.

  47. The Corrective Action window is visible. Select the item number on the right side of the screen.

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