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at. The new European vision of doctoral education:. a 4 years experience of implementation. Jean Chambaz. Institute of Doctoral Training. . A major challenge for universities : professionnalization * of training. . The world changes : globalisation.
at The new European vision of doctoral education: a 4 years experience of implementation Jean Chambaz Institute of Doctoral Training
A major challenge for universities : professionnalization *of training The world changes : globalisation The problems to face change : complexity, interdependence The way to address these problems change: transdisciplinarity A strategic role for the higher education systemin a knowledge-based society: • in producing knowledge- in training highly qualified staff and leaders • in educating citizens World Bank, OECD, EU… *in its broadest senseaccording to the « Dublin » descriptors Why a transition in doctoral education is needed for ?
not (mostly) training for a specific job but giving key competences, skills and vocational guidance - to develop their professionnal career in a changing environment - to prepare to life-long training allowing an exit by success at each level based on an informedchoiceto fulfill the needs of Europe economy and society Bachelor Master Doctorate Professionalization of Higher Education Training a mass issue, not only the successful training of a small elite
Long tradition of excellence academic conservatism Great diversity in higher educational system: • regulations - management- funding - degrees, technology courses • research organisation Strengths and weaknesses of doctoral education in Europe Poor recognition of doctorate at its social and economical value A large increase in the number of doctors trained in Europe this last decade, exceeding the most optimistic estimations of Europe needs in researchers
No, if considering the needsin creative workers and the skillsacquired during trainingthrough research Yes … if reproducingour species Are we training too many doctors ?
The added value of training by research is the acquisition of a double competence: in the (highly) specialised field of the thesis, and performing an original research project = in generic personal and managerial transferable skills facing the unknown - quickly extracting and synthezising knowledge elaborating innovative solutions - solving of complex problems developing strategies by combining varied perspectives - networking communication - quality, time and resources management failure management A key issue: promote the added value of doctorate
performing an original research project • at the edge of knowledge and/or innovation - under the supervision of a senior scientist • in a high quality scientific environment ensured by a critical mass of strong research groups or scientific milieus • i.e. in a structured doctoral program, graduate or doctoral school building up one’s own professional project • arousing awareness of candidates on their skills • giving clues for future carrier EUA Doctoral Programmes Project - Salzburg Principles one goal - different routes - a common frame and, as such, a full professional experience
Implementation of the new European vision of doctorate Structuration of doctoral education Development of awareness on doctors competences Quality assessment Mobility , exchanges and partnership
Implementation of the new European vision of doctorate Structuration of doctoral education Development of awareness on doctors competences Quality assessment Mobility , echanges and partnership
Before 2000 : a fragmentedand scattered organization Shift to « LMD » in 2004 :Implementation of theBologna process 2000 :set up ofdoctoralschools DS thesis doctorate 3 yearsno ECTS DEA maîtrise master DESS 120 ECTSthesis ~30 licence DEUG licence(bachelor) 180 ECTS DS gather a critical mass of research teamson a site and/or disciplinary basis Bologna implementation in France
GS doctorate • master degree includes initiatition to research : - courses / workshops on tools and methods • research work under supervision • comprehensive scholarly report master • DS only in charge of doctorate • doctorate dedicated to the realization of a 3yrs-original research project • during doctorate : complementary training, no more courses = no ECTS The Master – Doctorate link in France recruitment procedures defined by DS,based on master degree (or equivalent) DS During master one evaluates his(her) potential and desire to be further trained through research during D or to enter the job market with an M.
Before 2000 From 2004 106 doctoralcursus 20 doctoralschools a broader scope of: -pre-doctoral courses -doctoral schools - 106 narrowly-specializedpredoctoral coursesin charge of doctoral enromentand follow up 106 DEA 30 DESS 10 masters(60 specialities) maîtrise greater clarity, flexibility and institutional responsibility - 30 profession-oriented courses Implementation at UPMC (1)
the need of autonomy Weaknesses of the French system Doctoral schools are often associated to several universitiesand gather research groups from many different research institutions « Without walls » schools have not the means to fulfill all their goals,and their institutional embedding is uncertain This weakens the capacity of research-intensive universities to embed doctoral programmes in institutional strategy Results from long-lasting suspicious policy toward universitieshardly replaced by a posteriori control of a clear contract
the creation of an overarching structurestressing the doctoral vocation of UPMC: the Institute of Doctoral Training including the 20 doctoral schools and all the services contributing to doctoral training at UPMC harmonisation of doctoral follow up mutualisation of training : a larger and more diverse offer a task force on the building of the professional project Implementation at UPMC (2) The 2005-2008 action plan at UPMC: - a thorough assessment of our doctoral policy - crossed with a European perspective: the EUA DPP
20 Doctoral Schools in partnershipwith otherinstitutions House of Doctoral Schools building ofprofessional project knowledge of job market,training in personaland managerial skills Alumni association University Pierre and Marie Curie Research directory Education directory Institute of Doctoral Training European and international mobility and networks PhD follow up database 3500 PhD candidates
Structuration of doctoral education Development of awareness on doctors competences Quality assessment Implementation of the new European vision of doctorate
- Transferable skills developped during training through research are otherwise difficult to acquire and master - They cannot be mastered by only taking courses - They are directly linked to the employability of PhD holders for academic as for non-academic careeers - Doctorate candidates, holders, supervisors and employers should have a high degree of awareness of the transferable skills acquired during a thesis run as a professional experience Doc-careers EUA projecton transferable skills and employability of doctors Outcomes of the 1st ans 2nd workshops (march/may 2007): - Doctoral programmes should offer (not impose) a positive environment to develop transferable skills for both academic and non-academic careers PhD programmes should provide a common core of processes andoutcomes, without overcharging, and respect diversity and provideindividualised training
- series of seminars and specific workshops - lecturing and case-study by professionals and UPMC alumni - no ECTS Open-mindednessscience and society Scientific deepening Communicationand management Knowledge of organisationsand their environment Professional projectand career development Innovation and transfer Implementation at UPMC (3) Developing awareness of doctoral candidates IFD and HDS provide a continuing training plan Approval of individual plan and individual follow up by Doctoral Schools
UPMC continuing training plan for doctoral candidates Knowledge of organisations and their environment - organisation, social, financial, legal, regulation aspects job opportunities and career development - for each type of organisation (companies, SMEs, start-ups; NGOs; public administration; academy; in France and in Europe; etc) - case studies and on site visits Innovation and transfer - intellectual property and industrial property; patent - innovative entrepreneurship; business set up - Doctoriales: residential seminar on innovation
Professional project and career development - project running - skill analysis - knowledge of the job market - job seaking technics UPMC continuing training plan for doctoral candidates Communication and management - institutional and interpersonal communication - team working and networking - training in managerial skills - knowledge diffusion Individual councelling and coaching
Implementation at UPMC (4) Developing awareness of supervisors - « habilitation à diriger les recherches » only based on reseacrh criteria - a European seminar on the new vision of Doctorate - worshop # 1 on job opportunities and career development for PhD holders - worshop # 2 on doctoral project management Developing awareness of employers - developing partnership, lecturing and case study in our workshops - meetings, round tables with top managers and recruiters - targets ? where are jobs ?
Structuration of doctoral education Development of awareness on doctors competences Quality assessment Implementation of the new European vision of doctorate
a code of practice, a charter and contract for funding and supervision rate openness and transparency at all steps of procedure regular follow up of the thesis progress log, tutor, mid-term committee, etc regular follow up of the professional project quality assessment of doctoral schools based on indicators Implementation at UPMC (5) IFD provides an overarching administrative structuremanaging all the services contributing to doctoral training institution-wide multipurpose portal institution-wide multipurpose data base and publicity on indicators
Some challenges for Universities Promote the value of PhD training and the vital roleof doctorate holders in a knowledge-based society Develop evidence-based doctoral policy including raising of awareness of embedded transferable skills Funding of full-time doctoral candidates (early-stage researchers) and of doctoral programmes