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What in the world do the PTACs do?

What in the world do the PTACs do?. Rita Haake Mary Turner Lyndsay Hughes Illinois PTACs. Quote. “ I feel like I am swimming in the middle of the ocean with no direction or idea of where to go! ”. Overview of PTAC Services. Customized computerized bid matching

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What in the world do the PTACs do?

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  1. What in the world do the PTACs do? Rita Haake Mary Turner Lyndsay Hughes Illinois PTACs

  2. Quote “I feel like I am swimming in the middle of the ocean with no direction or idea of where to go!”

  3. Overview of PTAC Services • Customized computerized bid matching • One-on-One counseling, customized assistance.   • Registrations – we take our clients through all steps needed as required by Illinois and federal government to be a considered vendor. • Certifications – WBE, MBE, SDB, 8A, SDVOSB, DBE , HUBZone, WOSB, EDWOSB– we assist those clients that are eligible to get certified. • Assistance with proposal preparation and post contract award contract compliance. • Market research – for our small businesses we can identify the Small Business Specialists at federal agencies to make initial contacts. • Procurement histories – if a product and the federal government has supplied an NSN – we can do additional research based on that information. • GSA Schedules – we assist our clients in submitting and being awarded a GSA Schedule contract, if applicable.  

  4. Why Government Contracting? U.S. Economic Development - Most government agencies have programs in place encouraging them to do a certain amount of contracting with small businesses of various socio-economic backgrounds. State/Local Government goaling: • City of Chicago: 25% MBE/WBE • Cook County: 25% MBE, 10% WBE • Illinois: 20% Small/MBE/WBE/PBE

  5. Why Government Contracting? • Federal Goaling– (over $500 billion spent) • 23% Small Business • 5% 8a – prime • 5% Small Disadvantaged Business/SDB (self certify) - subcontracting • 5% 8W - Women Owned Small Business (WOSB) • 3% HUBZone certified • 3% Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small (SDVOSB) • Veteran Owned Small Business (VOSB) - VA

  6. If a WOSB states they are minority and retired military what would they qualify for? • What types of contracts would they qualify for? • To begin in federal contracting you must have basic knowledge of CCR, DSBS, ORCA and FAR!

  7. New Client Session - Initial • Scheduled appointment – 2 to 4 hours • Evaluate client – • What is their business? • What have they done governmentally? • Are they women owned? Minority owned? Veteran owned? • Where do they believe their target market is? • Begin counseling session: • How to find opportunities • State of Illinois contracting requirements • Federal government contracting requirements • Local government contracting requirements

  8. Initial Advising Session Finding Opportunities • Bid Match System (Outreach) • 400+ websites daily • Comprehensive (local, state & federal) • Keywords • Unlimited • Descriptive words that may be used • NAICS

  9. Initial Advising Session State of Illinois • Basic registration • IDHR Number • CMS Bidder’s Application Form (what is a small business?) • W-9 • Ethics Requirement • Certification • WBE/MBE/PBE Certifications • DBE (do they qualify based on transportation rules?) • Other states?

  10. Initial Advising Session Federal Government • Basic registrations • DUNS • NAICS (what is a small business?) • CCR/DSBS • ORCA • Certification Validation • 8a VOSB • HUBZone SDVOSB • WOSB (new SBA program) • SDB (self certification)

  11. Initial Advising Session • Other considerations? • Are they qualified for mentor-protégé? • Should they consider teaming and/or joint venture agreements? • Subcontracting?

  12. Initial Advising Session • Local Government • College/University • MAFBE • IPHEPB • County • City • Township • Municipality • Park Districts • Over 90,000 municipalities require products/services

  13. Follow Up Advising Session • Client identifies a federal opportunity • Solcitation, RFP, Sources Sought • What type of business is being sought? • Do they qualify? • What is required in the response? Proposal? • Do they know their pricing? (SBDC referral) • How should they format their response? • Are there FARs cited? • Decode the FAR • Do they have a capability narrative?

  14. Follow Up Advising Session • Client that wants to be proactive in marketing • What is the market? • FPDS • Who is the contact? • CO • SBS • What should they send? • Capabilities narrative • Email or telephone contact?

  15. Follow Up Advising - Certifications • Do they qualify for certifications? Which ones? • MBE (local, state - private) • WBE (local, state, federal - private) • 8a (federal) • SDB (federal) • DBE (federal with local certifiers) • HUBZone (federal)

  16. Follow Up Advising - Certifications • Assist with the process of applying • Managed • Bylaws • Resume • Owned • Birth certificate/passport • Business documentation (stocks, articles, etc.) • Source of Capital • Controlled • Financial (balance sheet, loans, leases, bank signature) • Independence

  17. Follow Up Advising- Market Segment • Bid Match (Illinois Power Search 400) • Reactive vs. proactive • Shortened timeline • Limited research potential • Target Marketing • Proactive • Building relationships • Utilize actual federal systems (FPDS) • Opportunity to make FOIA requests

  18. Follow Up Advising - Technical • Understanding contracting • Contracting Methods: • Micro purchase - Credit Cards • Purchase Orders/RFQ • Blanket Purchase Agreements • Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) • Fixed Price Contracts/RFP • GSA/Federal Supply Schedules • NSN applicability • Reviewing and understanding- Regulations/specifications • Creating a proposal – What to address/How to address

  19. Follow Up Advising - Technical • Federal Small Business Goals • 23% Small Business • 5% 8a • 5% Women Owned Small Business • Economically Disadvantaged • 3% HUBZone certified • 3% Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business • Subcontracting Goals • Federal flow down ($650,000 or more) • 23% Small Business • 5% Small Disadvantaged Business • 5% Women Owned Small Business • 3% HUBZone certified • 3% Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business

  20. Follow Up Advising - Technical • Subcontracting possibilities • 4 core federal agencies with listings • SBA, GSA, VA, DoD • SBA alone is 290 pages • Business to Business relationships • Need to build relationships • Do homework • Website (supplier diversity databases) • Website (what kind of contract with federal government do they hold?) • Mentor-protégé relationships

  21. Follow Up Advising - Technical • Contract Award • Post award assistance • How do they get paid? • CCR • WAWF registration • Packaging requirements? • RFID/UID requirements? • Reporting required? • Contract close out? • Termination for convenience? • Termination for default? (cause)

  22. Miscellaneous Assistance • Communication • Timely for federal and state regulation changes • Special procurement opportunities • Monthly newsletters • Workshops/seminars • Government Contracting 101 • Certifications • Packaging • WAWF • Local, state & federal conferences • Matchmaking events

  23. Follow Up Advising - Technical • Educating (1on1)on online resources • Procurement websites • Historical data • Opportunities • Registrations (local, state, federal) • Competitive research

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