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ETHICAL LEADERSHIP. Implications for the new generation of Nigerian academic leadership. Presented by Msgr Prof Dr Obiora Ike UNN leadership Mission, Vision and Action Workshop September 2010.

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  1. ETHICAL LEADERSHIP Implications for the new generation of Nigerian academic leadership. Presented by Msgr Prof Dr Obiora Ike UNN leadership Mission, Vision and Action Workshop September 2010

  2. Ethics refers to the rational basis for human action on a normative level (what ought to be) and on an empirical level (what actually happens). • Ethical leadership is like a business strategy that promotes sustainable, competitive advantage of organizations (innovation, trust, stakeholder satisfaction and reliability) despite fierce competition.

  3. Ethical leadership is the power of ethical trust which is stable and resilient. • Ethics helps leaders build high trust and high performance in organizations for competitive excellence. • It offers leaders sharp examples as to how values in the hearts of people not only guide day to day activities but get them pursue strategy consistently, reliably and flexibly in the face of unforeseen events.

  4. A CEO who sticks by his principles, even at the toughest times earns trust and credibility. • Ethics brings a special type of trust into an organization for both the individual and the group. • Ethical leadership has competitive advantage if it is adopted for its own sake, not as a means to an end. • Ethics leads to trust and trust leads to sustainable competitive advantage.

  5. Culture, values and norms are critically important to ensure ethical behavior (internalized values offer the most effective form of behavior and self governance. • Ethical behavior arises deep from within people – from positive motivation rather than negative regulation (you cannot legislate against dishonesty. It is a value from within).

  6. Less regulation and more inspiration from leaders results in self-discipline. • The best form of governance is self- governance. The best business is Ethics. • values are a set of core beliefs as to how we should or ought to behave in a broad range of situations. • Ethical companies and institutions are reliable and survive the tempest.

  7. A leaders greatest challenge is to embed values in the organization’s culture. It is dangerous to ignore this challenge. • Consistency is essential in a competitive environment. • The true test of an ethical organization is how it behaves in tough times when unethical behavior is tempting. • Reliability is one of the most important factors in business and leadership.

  8. A business, society or any group of people living together express its preferred values by means of behavioral norms. • Socially-praised worthy behavior is about living and working together harmoniously and interdependently. • Trust is the bond of society. Trust is hard to build and easy to break down. Deception is the most dangerous enemy of trust.

  9. A business culture that actively rejects deception will nurture trust. • The best checks on deception are active enquiry, checking of information, accessing evidence and accessing whether good reasons for trust exists. • Deception is the prime enemy of trust, but any act of bad management erodes trust. • Placing trust is risky. Not trusting is also risky. Distrust is part of authentic trust.

  10. Team concern is ethical. Members of a great team do things for the members of the group. They have WE intentions. Good teams make sacrifice for mutual benefits. • Cohesion pushes productivity. Belonging boosts identity. Bonded interdependence leads to well being and high performance. • To make a stand for what is right for others is one of the most self-defining things we can do.

  11. A spontaneous sense of obligation by the leader to do the best for the organization is a key factor for sustainable competitive advantage. • Normative trust is about trusting one another to do what is right. Ethical trust cuts transaction costs, simplifies complexity, facilitates creativity, networking and membership pride. • Generalized reciprocity is the most reliable kind of trust in business.

  12. Ethical leadership implies ability to: Think Strategy, Think Structure, Think Culture. • To be competitive, you must innovate or else you die. Good leaders coordinate people and resources through inspiration. • Good strategy is a never ending preoccupation. It is long term, sustainable in competitive advantage and is not short cut. • The leader’s own personal ethics and trustworthiness are essential to his tasks.

  13. The new generation of Nigerian academic leadership is private sector driven, not civil service or public sector oriented. • Private sector values are result oriented, innovative, enterprising and profitable. • Time is of essence in ethical leadership and management is by example. • Stakeholder understanding of business involves community, entrepreneur and environment beyond shareholder value.

  14. Ethical leadership in education speaks the African voice by retrieving the past, engaging the present and shaping the future. • The university as a teaching institution trains skilled personnel and does not manufacture unemployment. • Research systems elicit responsibility which point to the way forward. • Indigenous philosophies and spiritually centered wisdoms are within the academy.

  15. Ethical leadership in African education exhibits a mirror of humanity. • Africanisation of knowledge explores mathematical and scientific experience embedded in local cultural practices. • Indigenous revolutionary education utilizes local content in curriculum development, practical discourse and liberation philosophies.

  16. Thank you for your rapt attention as I now look forward to a lively discussion within available time.

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