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Moodle. Creating quizzes. Angela Cotoara Proffessional Centre. Agenda. What is “Online Learning” What is Moodle Why use Moodle Quizzes Quizzes Quizzes – “The Big Picture” General tab Layout and Behaviour Review options Display. Extra restrictions on attempts Overall feedback
Moodle Creating quizzes Angela Cotoara Proffessional Centre Professional Language Centre – QUEST Romania -ITAAT –2011
Agenda • What is “Online Learning” • What is Moodle • Why use Moodle Quizzes • Quizzes • Quizzes – “The Big Picture” • General tab • Layout and Behaviour • Review options • Display • Extra restrictions on attempts • Overall feedback • Editing quiz screen • Questions • Adding questions • Types of questions • Multiple choice questions • Question choices • Quiz Results • Tips Professional Language Centre – QUEST Romania -ITAAT –2011
What is “Online Learning” • Learning that uses technology, typically by way of the internet. • In some cases, there is no live teacher present. • Online learning typically describes a course where the student never uses a traditional classroom – all activities are done on a computer Professional Language Centre – QUEST Romania -ITAAT –2011
What is Moodle • The focus of the Moodle project is always on giving educators the best tools to manage and promote learning, but there are many ways to use Moodle • Moodle has features that allow it to scale to very large deployments and hundreds of thousands of students, yet it can also be used for a primary school or an education hobbyist. • Many institutions use it as their platform to conduct fully online courses, while some use it simply to augment face-to-face courses (known as blended learning). • Many of our users love to use the activity modules (such as forums, databases and wikis) to build richly collaborative communities of learning around their subject matter (in the social constructionist tradition), while others prefer to use Moodle as a way to deliver content to students (such as standard SCORM packages) and assess learning using assignments or quizzes. Professional Language Centre – QUEST Romania -ITAAT –2011
Why use Moodle Quizzes • Moodle’s quiz module is one of the most complex pieces of the system • You can create quizzes with different question types • You can have the computer score everything • It’s hard enough to score one batch of quizzes, and nearly impossible to score it 10 times for each student using paper • It’s easy to give students a chance to practice taking a test • Easy to give frequent small quizzes Professional Language Centre – QUEST Romania -ITAAT –2011
Quizzes • Feedback on performance is a a critical part of a learning environment, and assessment is one of the most important activities in education. • As educators, we can’t tell what’s going on inside students heads, so we need a way for them to demonstrate what they understand and why they don’t. • A well-designed test, even a multiple-choice test, can give you valuable information about students misconceptions. • If the feedback is rapid enough, it can also be a critical tool for students to gauge their own performance and help them become more successful. Professional Language Centre – QUEST Romania -ITAAT –2011
Quizzes – “The big picture” • Moodle quizzes have two major components • Quiz body • Question pools • The body – is what students see when they take the assessment and also defines how they interact with the quiz • The questions - in a quiz body can be of any type, chosen manually or randomly and displayed in a set, on a new page, grouped on pages, and so on • Quizzes can be shared between classes and courses Professional Language Centre – QUEST Romania -ITAAT –2011
Creating the Quiz Body • Login to the system using an account that has rights to create a Quiz • When creating the quiz body, you are creating a container for the questions and setting the rules for interacting with the quiz • First step is to “Turn editing on” on the Settings block – which changes the appearance and functionality of the page. • Then in the Main Menu block choose Add and activity and select Quiz Professional Language Centre – QUEST Romania -ITAAT –2011
General tab • In the general tab do the following • Name your quiz • Give the instructions and the details of the quiz(text to read, hints for the quiz, anything you think students should know) • Specify if the case, the availability of the quiz • time to start • time to end • Time limit(days, hours, minutes or seconds) • Attempts allowed to take this quiz • Grading method(specifies what grade will be considered as final) • highest grade between attempts • average grade … • first attempt … • last attempt … Professional Language Centre – QUEST Romania -ITAAT –2011
Layout and Behavior Question order – Choose As shown on the edit screen if you need a certain order or Shuffled randomly to randomize the questions each time a quiz is taken. New page – Choose Every question to display each question on a single page or Every n pages to split the questions Shuffle within question – Choose Yes if you want to randomize parts making individual multi-choice or matching questions Adaptive mode – If Yes students will be allowed to answer a question multiple times, but a penalty will be applied to the score Apply penalties - If enabled, a penalty is subtracted from the final mark for a question for a wrong response Each attempt… - This allows a quiz to be completed over several attempts. Each new quiz attempt contains the result of the last attempt Professional Language Centre – QUEST Romania -ITAAT –2011
Review options • These options control what information students can see when they review a quiz attempt or look at the quiz reports. • "Immediately after the attempt" means within two minutes of the attempt being finished. "Later, while the quiz is still open" means after this, and before the quiz close date. "After the quiz is closed" means after the quiz close date has passed. If the quiz does not have a close date, this state is never reached. • Using this tab you can control what information is shown during or after a quiz. Settings like Answers and Responses are set per question, not necessarily when adding the quiz Professional Language Centre – QUEST Romania -ITAAT –2011
Display • In this tab you can set whether to show the users picture from the profile when taking a quiz, decimal places shown for the grades of a quiz or decimals show in grades of questions Professional Language Centre – QUEST Romania -ITAAT –2011
Extra restrictions on attempts • Require password – you can use this to protect the quiz with a password, so only students that know it can take the quiz • Require network address – with this option you can restrict the quiz to particular subnets in the LAN or INTERNET Other options in this tab allows you enforce a delay between the first and second attempt and the later attempts Professional Language Centre – QUEST Romania -ITAAT –2011
Overall feedback After you set all the options for the quiz, optionally you can set a feedback that is shown depending on the grade obtained by the student. For example grade 100% can have feedback like “Congratulations you made everything perfect” or you can set for grade 50%, “Please learn more and try taking the quiz again” After you are done click the button Save and displayto be redirected to question submission page. Professional Language Centre – QUEST Romania -ITAAT –2011
Editing quiz screen The next step in the quiz is to add questions. Questions can be added on a single page or can be divided into several pages. All questions in a quiz are stored in the questions bank into categories Here you are also allowed to set the grade for this quiz. Add a question – will take you to the screen where a new question can be added Add a random question – will add a random question to the quiz from a category you choose, so students will get each one different questions Add a page – this button will insert a new page in the quiz allowing you to split questions. Professional Language Centre – QUEST Romania -ITAAT –2011
Questions You have a quiz, what’s next? Professional Language Centre – QUEST Romania -ITAAT –2011
Adding questions This screen allows you to choose the type of question you would like to add For our example we will use a multiple choice question. Multiple choice questions allows you to add a question and then add as many responses as you need, and of course grade each response or add a penalty. Matching allows you to add questions and and answer for each question. When taking the quiz student will be shown all questions, on a page or on multiple pages depending on your settings and will have a combo list from which to select the correct answer. Professional Language Centre – QUEST Romania -ITAAT –2011
Types of questions • Calculated - Calculated questions offer a way to create individual numerical questions by the use of wildcards that are substituted with individual values when the quiz is taken • Essay - In response to a question (that may include an image) the respondent writes an answer in essay format. • True/False - In response to a question (that may include a image), the respondent selects from two options: True or False Professional Language Centre – QUEST Romania -ITAAT –2011
Multiple choice question For our example we will add a multiple choice question and a matching question. • Choose a Category this question. For your quiz you should select the default category, with the name of the quiz • Type in the Question name, which is mandatory and should be any name that makes sense for you or other teachers. It’s not shown to students • Question text – this is the question body • Default question grade – is the default mark for this question • Penalty factor – this applies only when the quiz is set to be in adaptive mode(students can answer to a question more than one time), and will subtract this portion from the maximum grade of this question at each successive attempt Professional Language Centre – QUEST Romania -ITAAT –2011
Multiple choice question In the same General tab of the question you have the following settings • General feedback – if you set a text here, it will be shown to students after the question has been attempted • One ore multiple answers? – select One answer only if your question has a single response or Multiple answers allowed for two or more correct answers • Shuffle the choices – check this box if you want your answers to be randomized each time a question is displayed • At last select how you would like to Number the choices – a), b), c)…1), 2), 3) and so on.. Professional Language Centre – QUEST Romania -ITAAT –2011
Question choices The last step in adding you question is to set the choices Type the Answer, select a Grade for this question and type a Feedback. Adding feedback implies more work, but is a good practice to tell your students why each answer is right or wrong. Answer Feedback Professional Language Centre – QUEST Romania -ITAAT –2011
Quiz Results After you finish your quiz and students attempt your quiz, all results can be viewed in the Results page of the quiz. From there you can export all information needed into several formats like excel, pdf, and so on… You cannot add or modify questions in a quiz unless you delete all attempts Professional Language Centre – QUEST Romania -ITAAT –2011
Tips • Moodle Quiz Module allows almost any type of test scenarios • A student can attempt a quiz as many times you specify • Students cannot delete their attempts • Results can be exported into a suitable format Professional Language Centre – QUEST Romania -ITAAT –2011