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H istory——唐杰 F ocus——郑小艳 I nvestments and C ompetitors ——郭伟珍. Part Ⅰ. 唐杰. LOCATION. KPCB 公司 —— Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers 成立于 1972 年,位于美国硅谷,是美国最大的风险基金,互联网产业是该公司的风险投资重点 。. 一切皆有可能. KPCB 公司由 12 名一般合伙人组成 . 短时间内回收实现 4.8 亿美元高利润. KPCB 公司最得意的杰作是网景公司的创立。以浏览器软件创建了网景公司 。克拉克等人创立该公司。.
History——唐杰 Focus——郑小艳 Investments and Competitors ——郭伟珍
Part Ⅰ 唐杰
LOCATION KPCB公司——Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers成立于1972年,位于美国硅谷,是美国最大的风险基金,互联网产业是该公司的风险投资重点。
一切皆有可能 KPCB公司由12名一般合伙人组成. 短时间内回收实现4.8亿美元高利润.
TEAM The world leading venture capitalist John Doerr Sun Microsystem’s co-founder Bill Joy NASA rocket scientist K.R.Sridhar Al Gore and Colin Powell
It has traditional focused on early-stage investment .KPCB isregarded as having the best track record of building world-class companies.
Kleiner Perkins’ founderdistinguished others through their technology industry experience. .
Setbacks In 1974,venture capital firms suffered a temporary downturn . In 1978,the industry raised approximately $750 million.
VIDEO http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjg4NTUwNzc2.html
汝林琪投资的包括阿里巴巴、百度、分众传媒、华友世纪等周志雄参与了盛大网络、橡果国际、ATA、世芯电子、银联商务等 汝林琪投资的包括阿里巴巴、百度、分众传媒、华友世纪等周志雄参与了盛大网络、橡果国际、ATA、世芯电子、银联商务等
KPCB'S FOCUS Digital Greentech Life Sciences
Digital Growth Fund DGFwas established in 2010 as a US$1 billion initiative intended for later-stage digital investments.
Mary Meeker • Mary Meeker focuses on investments in the firm’s digital practice and helps lead KPCB’s Digital Growth Fund, targeting high-growth Internet companies that have achieved rapid adoption and scale.
iFund™ • The iFund™ is established in 2008 in partnership with Apple with a US$200 million investment initiative created by KPCB.
Matt Murphy joined in 1999. His focus areas of investment include mobile applications andcommunicationscomputing infrastructure. Matt Murphy
sFund™ • KPCB’s sFund™ is a US$250 million investment initiative to find, fund and accelerate a new wave of applications and services that enhance and extend the social online experience.
Facebook是一个社交网络服务网站,于2004年2月4日上线。Facebook是一个社交网络服务网站,于2004年2月4日上线。 • 同时Facebook是美国排名第一的照片分享站点,每天上载八百五十万张照片。 Facebook
Bing Gordon • At KPCB, he leads on the sFund, the investment initiative to fund and build applications and services that deliver on the promise of the social web.
Green Growth Fund • It was established in 2008 as a US$1billion initiative to invest in and support later-stage greentech ventures.
Opower • Opower is a customer engagement and energy management software company, providing a multi-channel platform .
Green industry has become s hot spot of investment in China.
Life Sciences • KPCB’s Life Sciences investing strategy — a focus area for our firm since its inception in 1972.
Life Science Do you know more information about it?
Investments KPCB in China Competitor PART Ⅲ
Established in 1972,KPCB has supported hundreds of entrepreneurs in building over 475 enterprises including Google, Amazon, Intuit, Citrix, AOL, Netscape and so on. At present,KPCB has successful helped over 150 companies went public.
KPCB IN CHINA KPCB 凯鹏华盈全球化业务发展的重点之一是专注于中国——这个世界上增长最快的经济体之一。 凯鹏华盈中国基金具备在本地市场运作的独立性和灵活性。
KPCB established its China partnership in 2007, creating a conduit that gives China’s best entrepreneurs access to some of China’s best venture capitalists.
The knowledgeable partners at KPCB China also maintain close ties with their counterparts on U.S. investment team.
中国团队 汝林琪:KPCB的中国使 者 作为KPCB中国的掌舵人,汝林淇与KPCB的承诺是20年甚至更长。 http://www.kpcb.com/china/teams
Globalisation Mobile User Interface Commerce Advertising Content Creatio Authentic Identity Economy USA Inc Closing Thoughts Internet Trends
Sequoia Capital 红杉资本1972年在美国硅谷成立,共有近30支基金,拥有近100亿美元总管理资本。 红杉资本中国基金成立于2005年9月,目前管理总额约20亿美元和约40亿人民币的总计7期基金,用于投资中国的高成长企业,其多数出资者是著名的教育机构和慈善机构。
红杉的投资目标是高质量、快速增长的公司 红杉重点关注的四个方向为科技与传媒、消费品及现代服务业、健康产业、能源与环保。
所投资公司 Apple Google YouTube PayPal Cisco Systems Oracle Yahoo! Zappos Linkedln Meebo
红杉中国的投资 新浪网、阿里巴巴集团、万学教育、京东商城、文思创新、唯品会、豆瓣网、诺亚财富、高德软件、乐蜂网、奇虎360、乾照光电、焦点科技、大众点评网、中国利农集团、乡村基餐饮、斯凯网络、博纳影视、开封药业、秦川机床、快乐购,蒙草抗旱、匹克运动等
福布斯:KPCB中国投资表现远逊于红杉资本 美国《福布斯》杂志网络版撰文称,同为硅谷老牌风险投资公司,但KPCB近些年来在中国的表现却远逊于红杉资本。其主要原因是KPCB的合伙人纷繁离任。 考虑到中国风险投资的发展时间还比较短,因此现在就说KPCB在中国已经失败还为时尚早,但当前的情况的确不容乐观。 KPCB全球管理合伙人雷·莱恩: 还有很多时间让KPCB中国做得更好。