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DCS STRATEGIC PLAN 2009/10 – 2013/14

DCS STRATEGIC PLAN 2009/10 – 2013/14. Presentation To Portfolio Committee Presented by CDC OMS 2009-06-19. Contents. Background Contents of Strategic Plan MTSF Priorities DCS Transformation and Strategic Focus Areas Budget Programmes & MTEF allocations Regulatory & Monitoring Strategy

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DCS STRATEGIC PLAN 2009/10 – 2013/14

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  1. DCS STRATEGIC PLAN 2009/10 – 2013/14 Presentation To Portfolio Committee Presented by CDC OMS 2009-06-19

  2. Contents • Background • Contents of Strategic Plan • MTSF Priorities • DCS Transformation and Strategic Focus Areas • Budget Programmes & MTEF allocations • Regulatory & Monitoring Strategy • Operations Strategy • Service Delivery Improvement Plan • Portfolio Management Strategy & Contract management register • Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting • 2009/10 Key Deliverables

  3. Background • DCS in transformation 2000 - 2025 • White Paper approval, policy & procedure development • White Paper Implementation Plan • Alignment of Strategic Plan, White Paper, & Performance Management • Long Term Visioning in Aug/Sept 2009 • Planning reporting & resourcing –alignment • Inadequate alignment identified as risk – Risk Mitigation plan & reporting framework developed • Policy developed • Indicators developed – for Strategic Plan & ENE & Annual Report • Planning Improvement • Introduction of Project Portfolio Management Strategy aimed at improving programme and project planning • Regulatory & Monitoring Strategy focusing on policy development, monitoring & impact assessment • Operations strategy that drives delivery at centre level and implementation of White Paper

  4. Contents of Strategic Plan 2009/10 • Foreword, Preamble, and Overview • Strategic Direction – DCS Transformation, Vision, Mission and Strategic Focus Areas • Capital, Physical, Information and Financial Resources • Master Information Systems Plan • Plans • Programme Purpose, measurable objective • Programme Performance • Regulatory & Monitoring strategy, • Operations strategy • Portfolio Management strategy, • Service Delivery Improvement Plan • Integrated Human Resourcing Strategy (as determined by DPSA)

  5. MTSF Priorities Medium Term Strategic Framework of government & DCS Strategies • Speeding up economic growth & transforming economy to create decent work & sustainable livelihoods (strategy A2.2 in Operations Strategy) • Strengthening our skills & human resource base (strategies A2.6 & E1.2 & E1.4 in Operations Strategy) • Improving health profile of nation (strategies D1.2, D1.3, & D1.4 in Operations Strategy) • Comprehensive rural development strategy linked to land & agrarian reform & food security (strategies E1.5 & E1.6 in Operations Strategy) • Intensifying fight against crime & corruption (strategies in Corrections & Security programmes & A3.2 in Regulatory & Monitoring Strategy)

  6. MTSF Priorities • Massive programme to build economic & social infrastructure (Infrastructure Development strategy in Project Portfolio Management Strategy) • Building cohesive, caring & sustainable communities, sustainable resource management & use (strategy E1.7 in Regulatory Monitoring Strategy • Pursuing African advancement & enhanced international cooperation, (strategy A3.5 & A2.7 in Regulatory & Monitoring Strategy & A3.3 in Operations Strategy) and • Building developmental state including improvement of public services & strengthening democratic institutions (strategy A3.6 in Regulatory & Monitoring Strategy)

  7. Consolidated Priority Strategic Focus Areas Dept identified three key Priority Strategic Focus Areas • Improved centre level service delivery on core mandates • Corrections as societal responsibility • Building internal capacity for improved centre level service delivery • These will be focus over medium term (next three financial years) & will enable delivery on Cluster Priorities. • These priority strategic areas will be underscored by specific strategic activities • Intended work to deliver on each of these areas is summarised below, with reference both to JCPS Programme of Action & to DCS Programme Performance Plan:

  8. 1. Improved centre level service delivery on core mandates • Improved Rehabilitation & Reintegration of Offenders– looks at aspects that are key to service delivery in core business & include elements such as: • Correctional Sentence Plans (See strategy C1.3 in Operations Strategy), • corrections programmes (see strategy C1.4 in Operations Strategy) • Case Management, development & care programmes (see Strategies D1.2, D1.5, D1.6, D1.7 (Development), E1.2, E1.3, E1.4, E1.6 (Care) of Operations Strategy) • effective parole functioning for inmates (See strategy F1.2, F1.3, F1.4 (Social Reintegration in Operations Strategy. • Offender Rehabilitation Path Project (see Project Portfolio Management strategy) will focus in 2009/10 on development of institutional capacity requirements for its implementation & an operations strategy for implementation of all stages of Offender Rehabilitation Path. • Social Reintegration Project (see Project Portfolio Management strategy) aims to transform community corrections & non-custodial sentencing into viable options for criminal justice system, which will enable social reintegration of offenders.

  9. 1. Improved centre level service delivery on core mandates • Improved Rehabilitation & Reintegration of Offenders– cont’d -In recognition of services to citizens DCS will look at • enhancing victim support intervention programme (See strategy F1.9 in Social Reintegration), • restorative justice initiatives (See strategy F1.10 in Social Reintegration) & • increasing community participation through partnering with families, community organisations & employers (see strategy F1.6 in Regulatory & Monitoring Strategy). • JCPS objective of a framework for measuring of recidivism (repeat offending) will also be addressed under this priority & reported on by 31 December 2009. (See strategy A3.4.2 in Regulatory & Monitoring Strategy) • Improved rehabilitation of offenders is a JCPS & Social Clusters Activity &, while achievement on this is a long term objective, DCS will report on this to Cabinet Committee by 31 December 2009.

  10. 1. Improved centre level service delivery on core mandates Improved Remand Detention Management System priority areas include • developing a White Paper on Remand Detention, establishing Branch & appropriately resourcing it. (See Remand Detention project in Project Portfolio Management Strategy, strategy C1.1 in Regulatory & Monitoring Strategy, & C1.6 & C1.7 in Operations Strategy) • Video arraignment will also form part of key activities under branch that will be established. (See strategy C1.8 in Operations Strategy) • This relates to a number of JCPS Priority Activities – creation of a remand detention branch, effective security & safety for remand detainees, improving conditions of detention of women & child remand detainees, increased use of non-custodial options for children awaiting trial. • Department will be reporting to July Cabinet Lekgotla on concept document on Remand Detention, & on other aspects of this work by 31 December 2009.

  11. 1. Improved centre level service delivery on core mandates Enhanced internal & public Safety & Security – under security, • anti-gang strategy (See Anti-Gang strategy in Project Portfolio Management Strategy) remains central & • DCS will embark on training for Security Officials & in particular members of specialised Emergency Security Team (EST) (See Security & Safety Enhancement Project in Project Portfolio Management Strategy) & • consolidate work begin done on development & implementation of a security technology strategy for DCS (See Security Systems Integration Project in Project Portfolio Management strategy). • This work aims to deliver on JCPS Priority activities in relation to effective safety & security in detention facilities, a 10% improvement in security compliance in correctional centres, reducing escapes to less than 4.3 escapes per 10 000 inmates. (See strategy B1.2 in operations Strategy)

  12. 2. Corrections as a societal responsibility Improved stakeholder involvement in correctional services functions – DCS will • facilitate establishment of structure for stakeholders, • develop a remuneration model for civil society organisations (See strategy C1.2 in Regulatory & Monitoring Strategy) & • create a catalogue of services required by DCS. • critical element of this will be establishment with other criminal justice departments & community of Community Safety Forums (See strategy F1.8 in Regulatory & Monitoring Strategy), which is a JCPS Priority Activity, & an approved Community Safety Forum will be developed by 31 December 2009.

  13. 2. Corrections as a societal responsibility Build & strengthen partnerships with Criminal Justice & Social Sector departments, relevant national & international role players in field of corrections this area of work will ensure • DCS participation in Criminal Justice Review in order to ensure corrections issues are addressed (See strategy A4.7), • promote Social Cohesion (See strategy D1.4 of Regulatory & Monitoring Strategy) • Case Flow Management (See strategy C1.7 & C1.8 in Operations Strategy). • In particular resourcing of DCS in relation to appropriate number of community corrections officers/probation officers will be addressed & reported on by 31 October 2009. • On going inter-departmental work to address overcrowding (See strategy C1.5 in Operations Strategy) will be a focus of JCPS work & reporting on this will be done by 31 October, 2009, albeit a long term issue requiring sustained cooperation across criminal justice cluster.

  14. 2. Corrections as a societal responsibility Build & strengthen partnerships with Criminal Justice & Social Sector departments, relevant national & international role players in field of corrections cont’d DCS will also • consolidate poverty alleviation initiatives (See strategy E1.5 in Operations Strategy) & link with War Room on Poverty. • JCPS Priority Activity of revamping, modernisation (See strategy A4.7 in Regulatory & Monitoring Strategy, Remand Detention Project & Remand Detainee & Offender Management System & IJS Board projects in Project Portfolio Management System), & • resourcing criminal justice system (see Social Reintegration Project work stream on community corrections officials /probation officers in Project Portfolio Management) will be delivered on under this priority area.

  15. 2. Corrections as a societal responsibility Extend outreach to inmates, families & victims in order to facilitate social reintegration of offenders – DCS will aim to • strengthen support to Victim Empowerment Programme Task Team & establish database of victims (See strategy F1.9 in Regulatory & Monitoring Strategy) • A critical element under this is to train personnel on victim support processes. • In this respect DCS will participate in work of JCPS cluster in relation to development of a coherent restorative justice strategy (See strategy F1.10 in Regulatory & Monitoring Strategy) under leadership of Department of Justice & Constitutional Development, which will be available in draft form by 30 November for comment.

  16. 3. Building internal capacity for improved centre level service delivery Improved governance & compliance – • anti-corruption strategy, (See strategy A3.2 in Regulatory & Monitoring Strategy), • compliance with policies & procedures (see all programmes in Operations Strategy), holding managers accountable, • Improve vetting & • strengthening Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting (See Monitoring , Evaluation & Reporting Project in Project Portfolio management Strategy) are key to improve governance. • Cabinet & JCPS focus on this will be supported by DCS’s experience drawn from intensive work on anti-corruption & anti-fraud strategy over past 7 years. Ongoing reporting against this framework is in place within DCS.

  17. 3. Building internal capacity for improved centre level service delivery Extending internal capacity • Occupation Specific Dispensation & implementation of 7-day establishment (See 7 Day Establishment project in Project Portfolio management Strategy) have experienced delays. DCS management prioritised these areas as they are key to work of department & delays affect functioning of department. • Included as well under this are issues of alignment of structure & functioning (See strategy A2.13 in Regulatory & Monitoring Strategy), personnel development that is based on DCS priorities & strategic direction & exploring of alternative ways of providing & expanding services & facilities. • JCPS Priority Area of revamping Criminal Justice System includes consideration of required levels of human resource capital, & DCS will participate in cluster processes to ensure that downstream resourcing implications of changes in resourcing in other criminal justice departments are addressed. immediate priority for 2009/10 is negotiation of & implementation of OSD & 7 Day establishment.

  18. 3. Buildinginternal capacity for improved centre level service delivery Learning & Knowledge Organisation • Innovation management forms an important part of this area. (See strategy A4.8 In Regulatory & Management Strategy) • DCS envisages introduction of Brown Bag Seminars (information sharing seminars) & • more importantly secondment of officials to learn from other departments & organizations. • other aspect is to encourage mentoring & coaching in department (A2.14 in Regulatory & Monitoring Strategy) & • sharing of best practices. • This strategic focus area will also contribute to revamp of criminal justice system & implementation of research findings within DCS & across criminal justice departments. (see strategy A3. 4 in Regulatory & Monitoring Strategy)

  19. Consolidated Strategic Focus Areas & White Paper • 3 Strategic Focus Areas - key to realization of White Paper on Corrections in South Africa • White Paper is being implemented through SP in three senses – • conceptual & policy work in R&M Strategy, • through Projects such as 7 Day, ORP, Social Reintegration, Security & Safety Enhancement, & • is ultimately embedded in day to day workings of Dept through Operations Strategy • DCS has set clear targets for 2009/10, & adjusted to reporting time lines set down by Cabinet Lekgotla, • Annual Performance Plan maps implementation & includes lead units, shared responsibilities, monitoring & evaluation requirements • Must be emphasised that DCS transformation strategy remains long term process with objective of full implementation of White Paper as 2025 vision. • Will be conducting analysis of which strategies & projects are implementing what chapters of White Paper – preparation for Long Term Planning Session in August/Sept

  20. Programmes & budgets ADMININSTRATION • Purpose: To provide effective & coordinated alignment of operations strategy, human resources strategy, communication strategy, knowledge management strategy, financial strategy & technology strategy for good governance, improved service delivery & accountability to oversight institutions • Measurableobjectives: • To provide effective & efficient financial & supply chain management. • To improve human resource capacity & management to enable department to fulfill its mandate • To ensure effective, legally sound, policy compliant & corruption free management of Correctional Services; & effective knowledge management through improved information management systems & information communication technology solutions & services in order to ensure information driven decision making. • To ensure effective planning, resourcing, delivery, project management, monitoring, evaluation & reporting for improved service delivery

  21. Programmes & budgets B. SECURITY • Purpose: Provide safe & healthy conditions for all persons incarcerated, consistent with human dignity, & thereby provide security for personnel & public. • Measurable objective: Prevent persons incarcerated from participating in criminal activities & escaping, by providing an environment that ensures safety of all persons entrusted to department’s care as well as safety of public. C. CORRECTIONS • Purpose:Provide needs-based correctional sentence plans & interventions, based on an assessment of security risk & criminal profile of individuals, targeting all elements associated with offending behaviour, & focusing on offence for which person is sentenced to correctional supervision, remanded in correctional centre or paroled. • Measurableobjective: Address specific rehabilitation needs of persons who have been sentenced to correctional supervision or sentenced to incarceration in correctional centre or paroled, through regular assessment & providing needs-based correctional programmes to address all elements associated with offending behaviour.

  22. Programmes & budgets D. CARE • Purpose: Provide needs-based care programmes & services aimed at maintaining personal well-being of incarcerated persons in department’s care. • Measurable objective: To ensure personal well-being of incarcerated persons by providing various needs-based services. E. DEVELOPMENT • Purpose: Provide needs-based personal development programmes & services to all offenders. • Measurableobjective: Provide needs-based educational, skills & other development-related programmes, to facilitate reintegration of offenders into communities.

  23. Programmes & budgets F. SOCIAL REINTEGRATION • Purpose: Provide services focused on offenders’ preparation for release, their effective supervision after release on parole, & on facilitation of their social reintegration into their communities. • Measurable objective: To provide needs-based programmes & services to offenders to facilitate their social acceptance & effective reintegration of offenders into their communities G. FACILITIES • Purpose: Ensure that physical infrastructure supports safe & secure custody, humane conditions, & provision of corrective services, care & development, & general administration. • Measurable objective: Provide facilities to support department in its core functions of security, corrections, development & care & social reintegration.

  24. MTEF Allocation 2009/10-2011/12

  25. 2009/10-2011/12 ENE Allocation Per Prog And GFS: Programme Administration

  26. 2009/10-2011/12 ENE Allocation Per Prog And GFS: Programme Security

  27. 2009/10-2011/12 ENE Allocation Per Prog And GFS: Programme Corrections

  28. 2009/10-2011/12 ENE Allocation Per Prog And GFS: Programme Care

  29. 2009/10-2011/12 ENE Allocation Per Prog And GFS: Programme Development

  30. 2009/10-2011/12 ENE Allocation per prog and GFS: Programme Social Reintegration

  31. 2009/10-2011/12 ENE Allocation Per Prog And GFS: Programme Facilities

  32. Earmarked Funds 2009/10-2011/12

  33. 2009 MTEF Baseline And Additional Allocations

  34. Regulatory & Monitoring Strategy - Strategic Plan 2009/10 • Focuses on work to be done at Head Office (excluding projects) • Policy & procedure development • Monitoring, evaluation & reporting • Co-ordination, provision & improvement of operations strategy • Cross cutting strategies across all programmes • Monitor delivery against performance indicators & service delivery targets in operations strategy • Implement centralised database & information system for monitoring performance information • Development of policies & programmes • Compliance of policies & programmes • Management of stakeholders

  35. Regulatory & Monitoring Strategy - Strategic Plan 2009/10 Regulatory & Monitoring strategies • Monitor • Compliance with policies, procedures, standards & applicable legislation • Delivery against performance indicators & service delivery targets in operations strategy • Implementation of Poverty Alleviation Strategy. • Provide • Human resource development programmes & services • Legal support to Department.

  36. Regulatory & Monitoring Strategy - Strategic Plan 2009/10 • Co-ordinate • activities of Integrated Justice System (IJS) Research Coordination Committee. • support to sourcing of international best practices in corrections • monitor Implementation of integrated employee health & wellness programme • improvement of provision, maintenance & management of human resources

  37. Regulatory & Monitoring Strategy - Strategic Plan 2009/10 • Develop • Develop Corrections monitoring & evaluation tools • Remand detention tools & protocols • system for service level agreements / MOU's & remuneration of NGOs • Procure new needs based care programmes. • Guidelines for community corrections service providers • Leasehold office accommodation for all needs

  38. Operations Strategy - Strategic Plan 2009/10 • Implementation of strategies to improve service delivery • Mechanism through which White Paper becomes embedded in DCS • Clarifies roles & responsibilities (Head office & regions) • Improve monitoring, evaluation & reporting Key problem – under-funding remains problem in regions • Need for an appropriate resourcing strategy

  39. Operations Strategy - Strategic Plan 2009/10 Cross-cutting strategies • Compliance with policies, procedures, standards & applicable legislation • Participation in local cluster substructures • Relations with stakeholders

  40. Operations Strategy - Strategic Plan 2009/10 Key strategies re: Implementation of White Paper • Improve security management to improve detention & working environment of inmates, staff, service providers & safety of public • Implement Operation Vala • Implement Correctional Sentence Plans • Improve effective & compliant administration & management of Correctional Centres • Implement correctional programmes • Improve Management of Offender population levels. • Effective management of remand detention • Management of court appearances • Video Arraignment • Effective Participation in JCPS regional & local substructures

  41. Operations Strategy - Strategic Plan 2009/10 Key strategies re: Implementation of White Paper • Provide primary health care services to all offenders, awaiting trial detainees & babies of incarcerated mothers. • Provide Social Work, Psychological & Spiritual Care needs based programmes & services • Improve stake holder involvement in delivery of Social Work, Psychological, Spiritual Care & HIV & AIDS needs based programmes & services

  42. Operations Strategy - Strategic Plan 2009/10 • Key strategies re: Implementation of White Paper • Improvement of skills utilisation of offenders & enhancement of opportunities for their employability • Enhance education levels of offenders • Effective administration of Correctional Supervision & Parole systems • Implement systems & tools for community corrections • Audit of immovable assets for immovable assets register & management system • Management of maintenance plan & implementation of own resources programme

  43. Operations Strategy - Strategic Plan 2009/10 Key strategies re: Implementation of White Paper • Coordinate & monitor improvement of provision, maintenance & management of human resources • Management of service terminations • Implement performance management systems • Improve human resource data integrity & access security to HR systems • Provide human resource development programmes & services • Coordinate & monitor Implementation of integrated employee health & wellness programme • Improve employee relations • Manage workforce representation in line with Employment Equity Plan & accelerate empowerment of women & people with disabilities to achieve substantive equality • Implement Safety, Health & Environment (SHE) programme at all levels of department: Provide human resource development programmes & services

  44. Operations Strategy - Strategic Plan 2009/10 Key strategies re: Implementation of White Paper • Effective management of spending plan aligned to delivery on operational plan • Improve Asset Management • Provide legal support to Department. • Enforcement of Disciplinary Code • Mainstream corrections & criminal justice into multilateral processes • Implement operation Masibambisane (local govt) • Improve communication with internal & external publics including inmates • Promotion of DCS Corporate Image • Maintain accurate & up-to-date, web based information systems • Improve levels of compliance in DCS

  45. Portfolio Management Strategy - Strategic Plan 2009/10 Portfolio Management & Contract management • What we want delivered within specified time, with determined resources, whether it involves tender or not Portfolio Management Strategy becomes embedded in Regulatory & Monitoring Strategy &/or in Operations Strategy Portfolio Management Strategy goes into Life Cycle Programme Plans for duration of project life cycles • Life Cycle Project Plans translate into one year detailed Project Plan

  46. Portfolio Management Strategy - Strategic Plan 2009/10 4 Portfolios – • MISP • Organisational Development and • Infrastructure Development • Crime Prevention Key programmes and projects within each of these mapped over 5 years – largely multi-year

  47. Master Systems Information Plan (MISP) - Strategic Plan 2009/10 pp85-88 Key programmes and projects within each of these mapped over 5 years – largely multi-year • Remand Detainee Offender Management System (RDOMS) programme • Integrated Corporate Service System (Phetogo) programme • Integrated Legal System (Lesedi) programme • Collaboration Services Management System programme • Solution 3 Contract Management programme • Solution 4 Strategic Planning & Corporate Performance Management System (Farisanani) programme • Enterprise Resource Management system programme • Security management systems programme • Information sharing functionality programme • Electronic Document & Records Management System (EDRMS)

  48. Organisational Development Strategy - Strategic Plan 2009/10 pp89-91 Key programmes and projects within each of these mapped over 5 years – largely multi-year • Capacity Building programme • 7day and job refinement • Corrections Professional Body • Management Training • Training of Investigators • Records management • Modernisation of Facilities Fund • Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting programme • MER Regulatory framework • Indicator databases • Management Information Centre • Budget programme structure • Centres of Excellence • Organisational Culture programme • Image Turn Around • DCS Rehabilitation TV and Radio services • Integrated resource Centre

  49. Infrastructure Development Strategy - Strategic Plan 2009/10 p 92 Key programmes and projects within each of these mapped over 5 years – largely multi-year • Infrastructure upgrading programme • Provision of additional bed space in existing centres • Construction of new centres • Construction of new social reintegration facilities • Infrastructure procurement programme • Procurement of DCS Head Office • Procurement of 5 PPPs

  50. Crime Prevention Strategy - Strategic Plan 2009/10 pp93-95 Key programmes and projects within each of these mapped over 5 years – largely multi-year • Remand Detention Management System programme • Regulatory framework • Video remand • Inmate Tracking • Management of 11 dedicated RDFs • Rehabilitation programme • Offender Rehabilitation Path (ORP) • Procurement of Psychological Risk Assessment Tool • Procurement of Youth Resilience Programmes • Installation and maintenance of TV monitors • Social Reintegration • Electronic monitoring for probationers and parolees • Safe, secure and humane conditions of incarceration programme • Safety and Security Enhancement • Anti-=Gang Strategy • Security systems installation • Perimeter fencing

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