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Product Launch Checklist Product Launch Checklist DurationStage Department Task Description Owner Start End Status (Days) Validate the understanding of Market1 Market Problems Product Team Market Needs Problems that this new product was Sally 6-Jan-11 35 10-Feb-11 Completed developed to address Review the customer requirements that2 Customer Requirements Technical Requirements resulted in this products feature set Jim 10-Feb-11 35 17-Mar-11 On Track Make sure that the Marketing and PR functions have the product specifications2 Customer Requirements Product Team Feature Specs and feature detail to help craft supporting Michael 17-Mar-11 35 21-Apr-11 Overdue marketing materials, web pages, press releases, etc. Make sure that the Support function understands the new products feature set2 Customer Requirements Product Team Support to prepare needed documentation, training Tom 21-Apr-11 28 19-May-11 At Risk and support materials. Review the competitive analysis to understand the differentiation that exists in3 Competitive Analysis Marketing Competition the new product. Make sure that the Jim 21-Apr-11 21 12-May-11 Not Started product launch marketing messages reflect this differentation. Understand the market position that was determined for the new product. Verify that4 Positioning Marketing Positioning the Positioning is still valid and the Sally 10-May-11 21 31-May-11 Not Started products differentation. Work with Marketing, Sales and PR to4 Positioning Product Team Messaging make sure that all key product messages Paul 1-Jun-11 30 1-Jul-11 Not Started flow from the Positioning. Determine if the launch of this new product is still aligned with corporate strategy. If not, understand what must change - the4 Positioning Executive Alignment product or the strategy - to not create Nancy 1-Jun-11 21 22-Jun-11 Not Started market confusion or potential embarrassment when the product is
Review the Business Case to understand all assumptions that must go into the pricing for the new product. See if anything5 Business Case Finance Business Case has changed since the Business Case was Nancy 1-Jun-11 21 22-Jun-11 Not Started approved that might require you to adopt different pricing. Work with Product Management and any5 Business Case Product Team Pricing other stakeholders to finalize launch pricing Jim 15-Jun-11 28 13-Jul-11 Not Started based on the Business Case. Review the Product Roadmap to ensure that all the planned features for the pending product release are in fact in the6 Product Roadmap Technical Roadmap new product. If some features were Sally 1-Jun-11 49 20-Jul-11 Not Started omitted, make sure there are no references to them in launch and marketing materials. Set specific, measurable goals for this7 Product Launch Product Team Set Goals Product Launch. Most often, the goal of a Tom 15-Jun-11 21 6-Jul-11 Not Started Launch is to create sales momentum. Select someone to lead the Product7 Product Launch Product Team Pick Leader Launch, ideally someone from the Product Nancy 21-Jun-11 21 12-Jul-11 Not Started Management function. Ensure that the Launch team leader has7 Product Launch Executive Sponsorship executive sponsorship. Sally 15-Jun-11 21 6-Jul-11 Not Started Select members from each of the following functional areas to serve on the Launch7 Product Launch Product Team Build Team team: Product Management, Marketing, Jim 6-Jul-11 21 27-Jul-11 Not Started Sales, R&D, Support/service, Channel Management. Begin meeting well in advance of the anticipated General Availability date for the new product. A new product launch7 Product Launch Product Team Meetings typically takes 6 -12 months to properly Michael 15-Jul-11 21 5-Aug-11 Not Started plan and execute. Determine how frequently the team needs to meet. More Decide on a set of communication protocols and frequency of regular7 Product Launch Product Team Protocol communication between members of the Paul 15-Jul-11 21 5-Aug-11 Not Started Launch Team and those outside the Launch Team with a need to know. Review the Business Case to understand all assumptions that must go into the pricing for the new product. See if anything5 Business Case Finance Business Case has changed since the Business Case was Nancy 1-Jun-11 21 22-Jun-11 Not Started approved that might require you to adopt different pricing. Work with Product Management and any5 Business Case Product Team Pricing other stakeholders to finalize launch pricing Jim 15-Jun-11 28 13-Jul-11 Not Started based on the Business Case. Review the Product Roadmap to ensure that all the planned features for the pending product release are in fact in the6 Product Roadmap Technical Roadmap new product. If some features were Sally 1-Jun-11 49 20-Jul-11 Not Started omitted, make sure there are no references to them in launch and marketing materials. Set specific, measurable goals for this7 Product Launch Product Team Set Goals Product Launch. Most often, the goal of a Tom 15-Jun-11 21 6-Jul-11 Not Started Launch is to create sales momentum. Select someone to lead the Product7 Product Launch Product Team Pick Leader Launch, ideally someone from the Product Nancy 21-Jun-11 21 12-Jul-11 Not Started Management function. Ensure that the Launch team leader has7 Product Launch Executive Sponsorship executive sponsorship. Sally 15-Jun-11 21 6-Jul-11 Not Started Select members from each of the following functional areas to serve on the Launch7 Product Launch Product Team Build Team team: Product Management, Marketing, Jim 6-Jul-11 21 27-Jul-11 Not Started Sales, R&D, Support/service, Channel Management. Begin meeting well in advance of the anticipated General Availability date for the new product. A new product launch7 Product Launch Product Team Meetings typically takes 6 -12 months to properly Michael 15-Jul-11 21 5-Aug-11 Not Started plan and execute. Determine how frequently the team needs to meet. More Decide on a set of communication protocols and frequency of regular7 Product Launch Product Team Protocol communication between members of the Paul 15-Jul-11 21 5-Aug-11 Not Started Launch Team and those outside the Launch Team with a need to know.
Using this template as your guide, develop a detailed checklist of all activities that7 Product Launch Product Team To Do List must occur to successfully launch this new Sally 21-Jul-11 28 18-Aug-11 Not Started product. Develop the pre and post-launch Marketing7 Product Launch Marketing Marketing Plan plan Jim 30-Jul-11 35 3-Sep-11 Not Started Develop the pre and post-launch Communications plan. Consider both internal and external communications.7 Product Launch Marketing Communications What press activities are planned? Will Michael 5-Aug-11 28 2-Sep-11 Not Started you communicate the launch to your current customers differently that the Develop your pre and post-launch events7 Product Launch Marketing Event Strategy strategy (this can be part of the Marketing Nancy 5-Aug-11 28 2-Sep-11 Not Started plan). Determine the product release milestones - working prototype, Alpha test, Beta test, Release7 Product Launch Technical Milestones General Availability. Document in the Michael 10-Apr-11 35 15-May-11 Not Started Launch Plan and develop a launch timeline around these dates. Stay in close communication with R&D and Manufacturing to determine if anything is7 Product Launch Technical Testing occurring during testing that might delay Paul 1-May-11 63 3-Jul-11 Not Started the General Availability or Launch date. After youve completed your detailed7 Product Launch Product Team Budget Launch Plan, develop a budget for the Jim 10-Aug-11 21 31-Aug-11 Not Started Launch and get it approved. Estimate how many impressions7 Product Launch Marketing Metrics (exposures), leads, sales and profit will Tom 15-Aug-11 14 29-Aug-11 Not Started result from executing your Launch Plan Using the approved Launch budget and estimates from the previous step (or from7 Product Launch Finance ROI the Business Case), develop an ROI Sally 15-Aug-11 14 29-Aug-11 Not Started projection for the Launch. Using this template as your guide, develop a detailed checklist of all activities that7 Product Launch Product Team To Do List must occur to successfully launch this new Sally 21-Jul-11 28 18-Aug-11 Not Started product. Develop the pre and post-launch Marketing7 Product Launch Marketing Marketing Plan plan Jim 30-Jul-11 35 3-Sep-11 Not Started Develop the pre and post-launch Communications plan. Consider both internal and external communications.7 Product Launch Marketing Communications What press activities are planned? Will Michael 5-Aug-11 28 2-Sep-11 Not Started you communicate the launch to your current customers differently that the Develop your pre and post-launch events7 Product Launch Marketing Event Strategy strategy (this can be part of the Marketing Nancy 5-Aug-11 28 2-Sep-11 Not Started plan). Determine the product release milestones - working prototype, Alpha test, Beta test, Release7 Product Launch Technical Milestones General Availability. Document in the Michael 10-Apr-11 35 15-May-11 Not Started Launch Plan and develop a launch timeline around these dates. Stay in close communication with R&D and Manufacturing to determine if anything is7 Product Launch Technical Testing occurring during testing that might delay Paul 1-May-11 63 3-Jul-11 Not Started the General Availability or Launch date. After youve completed your detailed7 Product Launch Product Team Budget Launch Plan, develop a budget for the Jim 10-Aug-11 21 31-Aug-11 Not Started Launch and get it approved. Estimate how many impressions7 Product Launch Marketing Metrics (exposures), leads, sales and profit will Tom 15-Aug-11 14 29-Aug-11 Not Started result from executing your Launch Plan Using the approved Launch budget and estimates from the previous step (or from7 Product Launch Finance ROI the Business Case), develop an ROI Sally 15-Aug-11 14 29-Aug-11 Not Started projection for the Launch.
If you plan to launch in international markets, ensure that localization7 Product Launch Product Team International requirements, pricing and distribution are in Jim 1-Aug-11 28 29-Aug-11 Not Started place. Discuss as a team the risks to the Launch Plan, particularly those risks that might7 Product Launch Executive Risk delay the launch or cause the launch to fail. Tom 1-Aug-11 21 22-Aug-11 Not Started Where possible, develop contingency plans against these risks. If you plan to launch in international markets, ensure that localization7 Product Launch Product Team International requirements, pricing and distribution are in Jim 1-Aug-11 28 29-Aug-11 Not Started place. Discuss as a team the risks to the Launch Plan, particularly those risks that might7 Product Launch Executive Risk delay the launch or cause the launch to fail. Tom 1-Aug-11 21 22-Aug-11 Not Started Where possible, develop contingency plans against these risks.
Risk International ROI Metrics Budget Testing Release Milestones Event Strategy Communications Marketing Plan To Do List Protocol Meetings Build Team Sponsorship Pick Leader Set Goals Roadmap Pricing Business Case Alignment Messaging Positioning Competition Support Feature Specs Requirements Market Needs2-Jan-11 21-Feb-11 12-Apr-11 1-Jun-11 21-Jul-11 9-Sep-11 Risk International ROI Metrics Budget Testing Release Milestones Event Strategy Communications Marketing Plan To Do List Protocol Meetings Build Team Sponsorship Pick Leader Set Goals Roadmap Pricing Business Case Alignment Messaging Positioning Competition Support Feature Specs Requirements Market Needs2-Jan-11 21-Feb-11 12-Apr-11 1-Jun-11 21-Jul-11 9-Sep-11