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Energy Resources

Energy Resources. Ayşenur Sekban 9/D 234. Mos of the energy that we used come from fuels that are burned in power stations, factories, homes, and vehicles. In addition, most o this energy comes from the sun. The energy releases by a process called nuclear fusion.

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Energy Resources

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EnergyResources Ayşenur Sekban 9/D 234

  2. Mos of the energy that we used come from fuels that are burned in power stations, factories, homes, and vehicles. In addition, most o this energy comes from the sun. The energy releases by a process called nuclear fusion.

  3. The energy resources that we have been using on earth can be renewable or non-renewable. • Renewable energy sources such as wood, wind, sun can be grown in a short time. • Non- renewable energy sources such as oil, coal, petrol can not be grown in short time. It tooks millions of year so they cannot be replaced

  4. Füzyon ya da nükleer kaynaşma, fisyonun (nükleer parçalanma) tersine, farklı iki element çekirdeğinin birleşerek daha ağır bir elementatom çekirdeğioluşturması. Çekirdek tepkimesi olarak da bilinen bu tepkimenin sonucunda çok büyük miktarda enerji açığa çıkar. • Füzyon tepkimeleri Güneş'te her an doğal olarak gerçekleşmektedir. Güneş'ten gelen ısı ve ışık, hidrojen çekirdeklerinin birleşerek helyuma dönüşmesi ve bu dönüşüm sırasında kütle kaybı karşılığı enerjinin ortaya çıkması sayesinde meydana gelmektedir. Kütle kaybının karşılığı enerjinin büyüklüğü Einstein'in ünlü E = mc²formülüyle rahatlıkla hesaplanabilir.

  5. Non-renewableenergyresources B. Nazlı YALDIR 9/D 211

  6. Fossilfuels • Coal, oil, andnaturalgas • Remains of plantsandtinyseacreatures

  7. Fossilfuels Oil, • Petrol, diesel, and jet fuel • Rawmaterial of plastic

  8. Fossilfuels’ Problems • Limited supplies • Atmospherepollution • CO2production • Global warming

  9. Nuclearfuels • Containsuranium • Fission

  10. Nuclearfuels’ Problems • High safetystandards • Thewaste of nuclearfuel • Expensive

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