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Future proof, student centered undergraduate studies at the TU/e

Future proof, student centered undergraduate studies at the TU/e. Taskforce Redesign Ba-Curriculum May 2011. Two major problems with current TU/e bachelor’s programs. Intake problem Graduation problem. bachelor’s programs TU/e. intake. graduation. drop out. 1. Intake problem.

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Future proof, student centered undergraduate studies at the TU/e

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  1. Future proof,student centered undergraduate studiesat the TU/e Taskforce Redesign Ba-Curriculum May 2011

  2. Two major problems with current TU/e bachelor’s programs Intake problem Graduation problem bachelor’s programs TU/e intake graduation drop out

  3. 1. Intake problem The TU/e primarily attracts students who are intrinsically interested in engineering (66% of the current intake) Demographic changes are resulting in fewer students from Limburg / Brabant The TU/e does not attract enough bachelor students from other regions The TU/e does not attract enough female students

  4. Focus on a segment of the market that is too narrow People-oriented engineers (want to address important challenges that society faces) Career engineers (aim to develop a career) ‘Intrinsic’ Engineers (are interested in technology as such) Non-engineers Source: Motivaction, onderzoeks bureau BètaMentality model BètaMentality: different types of engineering student

  5. 2. Graduation problem after year 1, 40% of our students drop out (wrong subject, etc.) an additional 10% drop out in years 2 and 3 of those who reregister after year 1 only 35% complete their bachelor’s degree within 4 years result: 20% of the year 1 student intake complete a degree within 4 years

  6. Combined, the two problems pose a real threat to the TU/e the TU/e does not sufficiently fulfill society’s need for engineers, thus endangering part of its mission study programs in important subjects (physics, chemistry, etc.) are shrinking and will eventually have to close down the TU/e is losing market, along with all that this entails financially the current system is no longer viable, so fundamental redesign is necessary

  7. Requirements for redesigned bachelor programs educate the engineers of the future continue to attract those who are intrinsically interested in engineering attract many more career and people-oriented engineers each bachelor program should prepare students for at least one master program (requirements for Dutch students same as for foreign students) intake and graduation numbers substantially higher proposed changes should be ‘evidence based’ and result oriented

  8. Profile of engineers of the future various sources: National Academy of Engineering (USA), KIvI, KNCV, etc. a variety of types of engineerS will be needed in the future (2020-2025) multi-disciplinarity will become more important, also including the humanities and social sciences each engineer will have a ‘unique selling point’ of her/his own in some area of specialization (depth) strong in analysis, problem solving and innovation engineers will become more important as links between technology and society able to work in globalizing world (communication and cooperation) university education only starting point, life long learning and renewal

  9. Uniek specialisme Engineer 1 Engineer 2 Engineer 3 Engineer n Present TU/e engineer knowledge base knowledge/skills spectrum of engineers (technical & non-technical) EngineerS of the future unique specialization

  10. How to realize this profile? three course levels: basic, intermediate & advanced (cf Utrecht or Leiden); a certain number of bachelor courses should be taken at advanced level competence profile developed in collaboration with ACQA. Minimum standards need to be set for competences belonging to the profile of engineers of the future

  11. How can we attract more VWO students? bèta-mentality research TU/e market research about preferences of VWO students with an N profile (NT/NG/NT&NG) common first year thematic bachelor research on how students make choices

  12. Market research: VWO students (1) non engineer people-oriented engineer career engineer intrinsic engineer 19-11-2014 PAGE 11

  13. Market research: VWO students (2) 19-11-2014 PAGE 12

  14. Market research: VWO students (3) 19-11-2014 PAGE 13

  15. Making choices cognitive research (e.g. Westenberg, 2008) shows that young people are poor at making good choices. They are only able to make these choices and to take responsibility when they are 21-24 years of age therefore we should allow for the possibility to postpone the selection of a major until after the first year we should also make it easier to correct choices and change majors the process of making choices (major, electives) should be supervised by a coach

  16. Steps towards solving the intake problem add courses in the humanities and the social sciences to existing bachelor’s degrees because of the focus on the engineer of the future in order to attract different types of engineers more differentiation between bachelor studies: a general first year as well as quick specialization should be possible moment of choice of major should be flexible it should be easier to switch major more room for electives, so that different types of engineering students will be able to pursue their own interests. more flexibility in setting one’s own study path as few organizational obstacles as possible

  17. Analysis of the graduation problem (1) According to our students: programs involve too many obstacles, because they are overcrowded and the chance of slipping up is high too many parallel study activities makes it difficult for students to focus properly teaching should activate students better Research shows that: reducing the number of parallel courses by 1 results in a student success rate that is higher by 7% (Ellen Janssen, 2003) 19-11-2014 PAGE 16

  18. Analysis of graduation problem (2) According to our students: flexibility in selecting when to take exams results in taking many exams over short periods of time the study load is unequally spread over the semester, and the load is very high during exam periods Research shows that: a better spread of exams results in a 10% higher pass rate (Ellen Janssen, 2003) negative correlation between number of resits and student success putting off exams is a poor strategy, try to prevent it reliability of testing increases when compensatory testing is used 19-11-2014 PAGE 17

  19. Coaching is essential Study coaching: from year one (intake) challenge students to think about their own preferences and the way they make choices students should acquire a better understanding of their own motivation Various aspects: reflection on progress study choices (major, electives) development of professional perspective 19-11-2014 PAGE 18

  20. Steps towards solving the graduation problem larger teaching units fewer parallel courses more self-study fewer resits compensatory testing study coaching (reflection on study progress and study related choices)

  21. Redesigning the TU/e’s Bachelor Programs using the outlined steps using solutions that have worked elsewhere MIT has been a source of inspiration in designing the new overall degree structure research by ICLON (Leiden) and best practices at other Dutch Universities (e.g. Utrecht) have been a source of inspiration in deciding how to facilitate learning design requirement: an honors student should be able to complete a degree in 2,5 years average student in 3 years all students entering the second year should be able to do so in 4 years assuming a 40 hour per week study load 19-11-2014 PAGE 20

  22. 1. Common foundation: 6 dimensions of a TU/e engineer (30 ec) mathematics natural science systems thinking & modelling design user, society, enterprise (USE) professional skills (communication, cooperation, etc.) learning will take place along these 6 dimensions during the rest of the degree

  23. 2. Major (90 ec) is the entrance ticket to master programs at the TU/e current bachelor programs will become majors new majors should be attractive to career engineers and people-oriented engineers (and especially to women) built upon current TU/e strengths in total ca 20-25 majors

  24. 3. Substantial room for electives (60 ec) to accommodate the interests of different types of engineering students (more specialization versus a combination of disciplines) to have fewer hurdles in study programs, something that currently causes unnecessary delays in completing degrees there are different types of electives: fully free, no restrictions, minimum 25 ec within disciplines or areas of specialization within USE component

  25. because of the profile of engineers in the future and to attract career engineers and people-oriented engineers professional skills (communication, cooperation, reflection on performance, 5 ec) education in the humanities and social sciences (25 ec) general part: (5 ec) specialized part: choice of 2 out of 3 10 ec learning trajectories user & technology society & technology enterprise & technology embedded in foundation, major and electives 4. Substantial humanities and social sciences component (30 ec)

  26. Four components of the new bachelor programs electives 60 basis 30 basis 30 USE 25 major 90

  27. definition: a path is a route of 180 EC (3 years) that a student follows through the bachelor school and that leads to a bachelor’s degree it is an entrance ticket to at least one of the master programs a path consists of a common foundation, a major, electives and a USE component paths can be unique, students design their own study programs coaching is key: students must keep portfolios of their work and monitor the development of their competence profiles (ACQA); both should be discussed with their coaches on a regular basis. Bachelor structures and portfolios

  28. Alternative paths through the bachelor school Differentiation Common foundation and USE electives major year 1 year 2 year 3 on the job training? 19-11-2014 PAGE 27

  29. Redesign organization of study programs (1): improved facilitation of learning larger teaching units (5 ec or multiple) a maximum of two parallel courses + one OGO project students more actively involved in learning, more self-study, minimum of 30% per course number of concurrent exams limited to 2, minimum requirements for a re-examination proper distribution of exams to spread the work load compensatory testing within and across courses introduction of student coaching, from intake to completion of bachelor’s degree (study progress, choice of master and electives, use, etc.)

  30. Redesign organization of study programs (2): TU/e Bachelor School a common bachelor’s degree structure with four components differentiation between majors, electives, study paths easier switching between majors new combinations of disciplines that are attractive for different types of engineering students (for example industrial physics) is best realizable in a TU/e Bachelor School containing all bachelor programs minimizing organizational barriers

  31. Recommendations discuss, before the summer, the new bachelor program model across the TU/e given the urgency of the problems, make quick decisions about how to redesign the bachelor programs install a new taskforce that looks into implementation (including didactics, personnel, and financial & organizational requirements) as soon as possible

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