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Apologetics to the Glory of God. Ch4 Existence of God. Proof of the Existence of God. This proof should help the reader to see in what sense the evidence for God is obvious.
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God Proof of the Existence of God This proof should help the reader to see in what sense the evidence for God is obvious. The conclusion of the argument will not be some bare theism, but the distinctive God of Scripture: Trinitarian, sovereign, transcendent, immanent, absolute and personal • Moral Argument • Epistemological Argument Metaphysical Arguments: • Teleological Argument – Purpose • Cosmological Argument – Cause • Ontological Argument – Being
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God Psalm 71:14-19 v.14 Faith is being sure, or confident, of the hope you have. I will speak so God is praised and v.15 His salvation is clearly displayed. Proofs of God’s righteousness and his deeds of salvation are more numerous than I can count. v.16 Speak with POWER from the Holy Spirit v.17 I have known God from my youth and I keep on proclaiming His wondrous deeds in my life. v.18 Preserve me till I’m old so that I will proclaim You to another generation. v.19 Your righteousness extends into infinity. You do great things, Who is like you?
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God Moral Argument • Moral Values • We cannot see them • We cannot feel them • We cannot hear them • We know they exist • Ex. A witness can see a thief walk into a bank and rob it, but they cannot see the moral evil of the robbers action. The evil is without a doubt there. • Right and Wrong cannot be seen or heard
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God Moral Argument • Ethical Values • Truth is an ethical value • Jean-Paul Sartre • Ethical values are hierarchically structured
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God Moral Argument • Morality • We learn morality, typically, in the family • Moral standards presuppose absolute moral standards, which presuppose the existence of an absolute person • If God is absolute then he has no beginning and no end
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God Epistemological A Cursory Look at Christian Epistemology • What is knowledge? • What can we know? • How do we come to know what we know? • How do we know we really know? • What are the limits of knowledge?
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God Scripture is God’s voluntary self-revelation and our knowledge of who the Creator is and who we are must come from this authoritative Word. The Psalmist says, “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein” (Psalm 24:1)
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God Circular Reasoning • Circular reasoning is the only reasoning that is possible for finite man • we either reason from God to God-given and God-interpreted facts • or, from man to man-interpreted facts.
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God Two levels of knowing • God’s knowledge is ultimate and absolute • Man’s knowledge is derivative and dependent
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God Three states of epistemological consciousness 1. Adamic Consciousness- although this state does not exist at the present, it was extant with Adam and Eve prior to the fall. Adam as a finite being was created with an innate knowledge of God.
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God Three states of epistemological consciousness 2. Unregenerate Consciousness- Scripture tells us that when Adam broke the law of God, a profound change took place in Adam and subsequently in all men. Instead of being inherently receptive to the revelation and law of God, Adam’s reason, will, and affections sought to suppress the same law and revelation (Rom. 1:18-23).
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God Three states of epistemological consciousness 3. Regenerate Consciousness- After regeneration the intellect, the will, and the affections are renewed in principle (Col.3:10). By the renewing work of the Holy Spirit man’s mind is in principle returned to its normal (Adamic) condition.
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God • If evolution was true, why does only man have logic? - Some say it was an evolved improvement to preserve the human species (e.g. we don’t just step in front of a car expecting not to be hit, because of logic) - According to evolutionists cockroaches and other animals have been around longer than humans
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God In Conclusion The power of logic is normative and ethical. It tells us what we ought to confess as a conclusion, granting our confession of premises. And if it is ethical, it is covenantal; like moral values, it rests on the dependable word of a trust worthy person, a Lord, or absolute divine personality. Thus, when unbelievers use logic to raise objections against Christianity, they are using something which, manipulate it how they may, points in the opposite direction.
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God Teleological Argument
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God Teleological Argument * The name “the teleological argument” is derived from the Greek word telos, meaning end or purpose. * It is important to keep in mind that when we say that the world is “designed” we are comparing it to man made objects.
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God * Science is a Religion * Definition of religion: is the way one believes * Science is not a religion. Creation is a religion but not science. * Science is based upon faith. For example: evolution has not been seen and has not been tested but with faith people believe that it happened.
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God * Scientist dated Fossils by the Rock layers they were found in and Rock layers were dated by the Fossils in them. This is CIRCULAR REASONING. * Logical reasoning tells us that rock layers that are lower are older than those that are higher. But sometimes to find the age of a rock we have to look at the fossils inside that rock. * Was that circular reasoning?
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God * Life is evolving but only in a downhill direction. * There is plenty of evidence for beneficial mutations and natural selection as seen in the way bacteria adapts to new environments. * Everything can adapt to new environments, but can a group mutate into a whole new species?
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God Therefore The universe has an intelligent DESIGNER Psalm 8: 3-4
-The basics of Cosmological- -Came from the Greek Word “Kosmos”, which means “World” or “Universe” This argument generally begins with the existence of the world or some part of it and seeks to establish the existence of a necessary Being whocauses the existence of the world. The Three Forms of the Cosmological Argument 1. The Thomist argument – Discussed later 2. The Leibnizian argument – The existance of God is important and necessary 3. The Kalam argument – The world was caused to exist at the beginning of time Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God Cosmological
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God The Thomist Argument • Got its name from St.Thomas Aquinas • Humans are restricted, contingent beings • Such beings need something to be dependent upon • Must come from one Essential Being like God
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God Sub-sets of the Thomist Argument • Motion – every motion is caused by a previous motion, ultimately requiring an “unmoved mover” • Cause – much like the motion argument, but simpler. Every effect is caused by a previous action; the whole process requiring a “first” or “uncaused” cause.
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God Opposition to Thomistic Arguments • Irrationalism – believe some events are “uncaused” • Ironically try to build rational arguments to prove their beliefs. • However any effect resulting from an “uncaused” cause would have no meaning or rational grounds. • How can we find meaning in an irrational world?
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God Overview of the Kalam Argument Universe Beginning No Beginning Caused Not caused Personal Not Personal
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God From the view of Christianity • The world is not self-existent and self-explanatory. • It is not Causeless • God is the ultimate source of the world. If we assume that the world is rational, we must assume that God is the author of the reason.
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God Ontological Ontological Argument The ontological argument attempts to prove God’s existence through abstract reasoning alone. Ontological Argument Alone? -All arguments should be presented and used together. For example: Many strands of one rope. Proving God’s Existence -If arguments are united, God’s existence becomes convincing to unbelievers.
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God Ontological Continued… Formulating the Ontological Argument: Premise 1: God has all perfections. Premise 2: Existence is a perfection. Conclusion: Therefore, God exists. Definition of God: Perfection: greatest possible being, not merely the greatest thing that happens to exist. He is the highest great-making property to the highest degree.
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God Ontological Continued… Argument Based on Reason: The fact that we can conceive the idea of God shows that He exists, because we cannot conceive anything greater than ourselves, unless that being gives us the ability. Ontological Argument Claims: that the idea that God doesn’t exist is just as preposterous as saying a four sided triangle exists.
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God Ontological Continued… Confusion of Atheists: Perhaps atheists doubt in the existence of God because they can’t believe in the existence of a perfect being. Conclusion – Anselm of Cantebury: He stated that he was seeking “not to understand, that I may believe, but to believe, that I might understand.”
Apologetics to the Glory of God Ch4 Existence of God