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Annual General Meeting. 8.00 p.m. 18 th July 2010. AGENDA. 1. Apologies 2. Minutes of Previous Meeting 3. Matters Arising from Previous Meeting 4. Chairman’s Report 5. Chief Coach’s Report 6. Honorary Treasurer’s Report 7. Budget & Membership fees 2010/11
Annual General Meeting 8.00 p.m. 18th July 2010
AGENDA 1. Apologies 2. Minutes of Previous Meeting 3. Matters Arising from Previous Meeting 4. Chairman’s Report 5. Chief Coach’s Report 6. Honorary Treasurer’s Report 7. Budget & Membership fees 2010/11 8. Election of Officers and Management Committee 9. AOB
Apologies • Bob Duck • Keith Smith • David McCoubrie • Helen Rogers
Life Members – Graham Holt Club Secretary • Currently there were currently 8 Life Members: Pauline Adams, Herbie Adams, Ken Guy, Neil Holloway, Andrew Lane, Giles Evans, Mo Timbrell and Karen Payne. • However, the term “Life Member” is not defined in the constitution • We need to amend the constitution to reflect what Life Members are i.e. • Members of the Club who have been awarded the role of Life Member at an AGM • They have their Annual Membership fees paid by the club but they must still pay their monthly training fees if applicable. • They are entitled to attend management committee meetings but are not entitled to vote unless they are an elected committee member
What the Club is all about • Mission - To be a highly competitive swim club that brings on local talent. • Vision -To be an enduring club with a highly valued team spirit competing at the highest levels after achieving sustained improvements in the performance of our local swimmers through excellent coaching, sound management and improved facilities. • Aim • To be the top swimming club in the Bristol area
What the Management Committee does • Position the club for growth • Engage and energise our membership • Demonstrate operational excellence
What the Management Committee does • Position the club for growth • Ensure long term financial strength • Increase coaching/teaching capacity. • Increase land training opportunities • Increase pool time for our swimmers. • Improve swimmer dietary and self-motivation education. • Campaign for improved local swimming facilities.
What the Management Committee does • Engage and energise our membership • Implement an effective web based communication process • Develop the parent education process • Create a social, fun, open and inclusive environment
What the Management Committee does • Demonstrate operational excellence • Achieve and maintain Swim21 accreditation • Maintain short term financial strength • Run efficient and effective home Gala’s. • Increase club profile to attract commercial sponsorship. • Deliver best practice squad training programmes.
Review of the 2009/10 Season • Position the club for growth
Review of the 2009/10 Season • Engage and energise our membership
Review of the 2009/10 Season • Demonstrate operational excellence
Objectives for the 2010/11 Season • Position the club for growth
Objectives for the 2010/11 Season • Engage and energise our membership
Objectives for the 2010/11 Season • Demonstrate operational excellence
Coach’s Report - Overview Clubs and coaches are always judged on their performances and it is often the few top swimmers that stand out and get noticed. The pleasing thing about this year is the broad increase in performance levels across a wide number of swimmers and age groups. It was going to be difficult to follow last year’s excellent performance especially the Southern Junior League Performance and Arena League promotion. However, the season got off to a great start with a fantastic Arena League 4th place finish in Division One as a newly promoted team. We had a great Club Championships with many more swimmers getting qualifying times for the County Championships than before. The County Championships themselves saw us increase our medal haul over last season with a larger range of swimmers gaining top places. The 2010 Southern Junior League again saw good performances and we finished up with a top 10 finish ahead of our local rivals.
Coach’s Report - Headlines The headlines for the year are: • 4th Place finish in Arena League Division One West • Increasing the number of swimmers at the County Championships and our medal tally. • Nine swimmers qualifying for the Regional Age Group Championships. • Nine swimmers at the Regional Youth Championships. • Two Swimmers attaining National Qualifying Times. • Good team performances at the South West Region Relays. • Ten swimmers selected for the Gloucestershire County Team. • Top 10 finish in the Southern Junior League. • Land Training provided for all swimmers in the Competition Groups
Coach’s Report – Why we have been successful • Performances have improved through the hard work and dedication of many people throughout the Club. We lost John Britton’s coaching efforts before Christmas and David McCoubrie slotted well into the Assistant Coach role in addition to the other hard work he does for the Club. • We need to thank Holly again for running the Learn to Swim and Swim Development Groups. The skill standard of swimmers moving from Swim Development is improving and hopefully will improve further in the coming year creating a good long term swimmer feed for the Club. • We made a major stride in providing land training for all competition swimmers this year, led by Caroline. I think this has contributed to the improvements this year but a single session of conditioning per week needs to be supplemented by work at home between the coached sessions for real benefit. • Fundraising has been good with numerous new initiatives and ideas by the “Friends of Southwold” Committee and other individuals. This has resulted in the Club being able to provide a team polo shirt for all next season which should look great.
Coach’s Report – What next? • Are we there yet? of course not, and the Club still needs to work at improving in all areas. It needs to revitalise Swim21 planning efforts, gaining more pool time resources and expand the numbers further to increase the base. All this takes resources and effort and we have to find ways of funding expansion without significantly increasing training fees, or compromising quality. • There is still work to do in improving the commitment of parents and swimmers to the sport. It is a tough sport, and to be your best you have to spend lots of time training, commit to numerous competitions and sacrifice other family and social activities. But the rewards are there if you work for them, not just in being better swimmers, but in general lessons that you can learn and apply for the rest of your life. KEITH SMITH HEAD COACH
Treasurer’s Report – 2009/10 Overview • The main purpose of this presentation is to bring the members up to date with the financial position of the club as/at the end of the 2008/2009 season and as/at today's date. • At last year's AGM I could only give a projection as to the state of the club's funds at the end of the 2008/2009 season as the year end is actually after the AGM. Now that these figures have been finalised, I can report that the club made a small deficit of £224 leaving club funds standing at £17,572 as/at 31 August 2009. • For this 2009/2010 season, my latest projections show a small surplus of £71. This would give the club funds of £17,643 to carry forward into next year. The final figures for the current season will be reported to you at next summer's AGM, but I can use the projection to give you an idea of how the club's funds have been spent this year.
Treasurer’s Report – 2009/10 Overview • On the detailed schedule over, I have put in the budgetted figures for 2009/2010 as they were presented at last year's • AGM and compared them to the projections. As you can see, there has been a claw back of approximately £3,500 of funds over the year as the original deficit was budgetted to be £3,460.
Treasurer’s Report – 2009/10 Overview The main differences from the original budget are: • Income higher than budget - donations received/funds raised £2,270 (including £914 b/fwd from 08/09, Jollys event/donation £1,224) - grant income £9,900 (land training £6,000, other training & equipment £2,850, CSTC £200, YTC £250, lane ropes £600) - level 1 training course income £400 • Costs higher than budget - new session at winterbourne £2,079 - increased lane-hire including Bath £692 - new club kit £2,378 , training course costs £1,433 - extra equipment £869 , lane-rope spindle £690 - Christmas lottery/disco profit c/fwd £1,036
Treasurer’s Report – 2010/11 Overview • The working budget for the season going forward predicts a deficit of £4,859 at present. As usual, this is a fairly cautious forecast which assumes no grant income or funds raised. In reality, this is unlikely to be the case but it would be wrong to make assumptions about the level of income from these areas at this stage. The budget will be reviewed on, at least, a monthly basis throughout the season and any additional income or expenditure worked in. Helen Hall, Treasurer 18-Jul-10
Principles used in setting the budget • Pool-time: • Continue with same overall pool-time but make the most of it! • Allocate more to committed swimmers and the younger squads • Land Training • Continue broadly with level of Land training provided in 2009/10 but reduce number of sessions • Training Group structure • Move to two 6 lanes Training Groups (Reds/Greens)to give greater flexibility • Each squad will have core sessions and invite sessions • Head Coach has authority to allocate swimmers to training groups and to select swimmers for invited sessions.
Approach Used to Set The Budget • Use latest budget estimates from 2009/10 as a base plus inflation • Have modest allowance for training costs (£2.5k) and equipment (£1.5k), assume bigger spend funded by grants, donations and fund raising • Hence no allowance for these in the budget (cf £10k 2009/10) • Use best estimates for training group numbers • Reds/Greens/Masters 98 (cf 96 current ) • Swim Dev 56 (cf 57 current ) • LTS 32 (cf 34 current)
Budget Headlines (compared to 2009/10) • Costs (-£1.0k) • Pool-time +£4.0k (inflation and time added in 2009/10) • Land training -£3.3k (Reduced number of sessions) • Coaches’ fees +£1.3k (Last season without an Assistant Coach for a few months) • Misc Costs -£3.0k (Reduced allowance for training/equipment) • Income (-5.9k) • Membership fees +£1.6k (covers ASA plus contribution to overheads) • Increase in fees +£3.9k (7% increase) • Misc Income -£11.4k (No allowance for grants, fund raising etc) • Surplus/Deficit (-£4.9k) NB Misc Costs have not reduced as much as Misc Income as still have some training and equipment costs in the budget.
New Fees for 2010/11 • Notes. • Swim Dev /LTS modest increases +2-5% to maintain competitive position against YLC. Fees can be reviewed again in December and March. • Annual Membership fees increased to £50 (from £40)) and £15 (from £10) to ensure cover ASA fees and make some contribution to overheads.
8. Election of Club Officers and Management Committee 2009/10
Executive Officers (2009/10 post-holder) • President Herbie Adams – Seasons 2010/11 & 2011/12 (Bob Duck - Seasons 2008/9 and 2009/10) • Chair Richard Tomlinson (Richard Tomlinson) • Club Secretary Graham Holt (Graham Holt) • Club Treasurer Andrew Newman (Helen Hall)
Management Committee (2009/10 post-holder) • Membership Sec Juliet Jones (Juliet Jones) • Competition Sec David McCoubrie (Jacqui McCoubrie) • Championship Sec Sue Robinson/Sarah Bennett (Sue/Sarah) • Officials Coordinator VACANT (Jason Moore) • PR Officer Brian Hamilton (Andy Cox) • Welfare Officer Helen Rogers (Helen Rogers) • Committee Members • David Lowther • Mark Aris