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Parliamentary Portfolio Committee: Energy Dr. Raymond Patel, merSETA 11 September 2012

Parliamentary Portfolio Committee: Energy Dr. Raymond Patel, merSETA 11 September 2012. Presentation Aim and Objectives. Brief overview of the merSETA’s approach to sustainable green skills development

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Parliamentary Portfolio Committee: Energy Dr. Raymond Patel, merSETA 11 September 2012

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  1. Parliamentary Portfolio Committee: EnergyDr. Raymond Patel, merSETA11 September 2012

  2. PresentationAim and Objectives • Brief overview of the merSETA’s approach to sustainable green skills development • The merSETA/GIZ cooperation agreement to launch the 1st SETA sustainable green skills development strategy • The merSETA/GIZ cooperation objectives • Learners enrolled on traditional energy-related programmes, sponsorships & additional agreements

  3. Brief overview of merSETA’s approach to sustainable green skills development • The merSETA’s approach is informed by the King Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa 2009 (“King lll”). King lll claims that sound environmental governance is central to the sustainability of business. • The merSETA has embarked on a process of developing a framework approach to green skills development, which has included: • An internal survey addressed to all merSETA staff; • Meetings with key stakeholders; • Briefing sessions to senior and regional management; • Inclusion of green skills as a prominent component in its Sector Skills Plan and Strategic Plan. • The merSETA has 44000 levy-paying companies with a workforce of approximately 600000. The levy-paying companies includes a large number of SMMEs in the following sub-sectors: • Metal and engineering • Auto manufacturing • Motor retail and component manufacturing • Tyre manufacturing, and • The Plastics industries.

  4. Brief overview of merSETA’s approach continues… The merSETA has always taken a lead role in skills development and regards the Sustainable Green Skills Development initiative as a strategic imperative, inclusive of skills focusing on: • Energy efficiency as integral to sustainable governance and business practices; • The implementation of alternative and renewable energy options; • Waste management, lean manufacturing and recycling, and • Green skills and values to be included in existing and newly developed programmes.

  5. The merSETA/GIZ cooperation agreement • In line with the NSDS lll objective for partnerships and cooperation, the merSETA and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) will officially sign a cooperation agreement on 11 September 2012. • On 12 September 2012, the merSETA/GIZ will launch the internationally bench-marked cooperation at their 1st Sustainable Green Skills Development Forum. • The aim of the forum is to create a dialogue and knowledge management platform to coordinate sustainable green skills development activities. • The 120 invitees to the forum include the Deputy Minister of the DHET, Minister Manana, who will also be one of the speakers. In line with the co-ordination objective of the Forum, all SETA’s have also been invited, to share current initiatives, share challenges, and opportunities. • The chairperson of merSETA’s Governing Board, Ms Phindile Nzimande, is also a speaker on the programme. Ms Nzimande is the CEO of NERSA.

  6. The merSETA/GIZ cooperation agreement objectives Four objective areas form part of the merSETA/GIZ cooperation agreement, namely • Research: a baseline research of the current sustainability and green skills activities across the merSETA levy-paying companies. The aim of the research is to use the recommendations to make informed green skills development decisions. • Green job-specific qualification development and skills programme registrations: the merSETA has been appointed as the DQP for wind turbine technicians. A process has also started to register the Building Energy Auditor Training (BEAT) skills programmes. The occupational trainer assessment system will be strengthened with a green skills focus. • An energy audit of the merSETA head office, facilitated by the BEAT programme trainers and learners. • Career development: collaboration with the SAQA career portal to introduce green jobs and values into the portal content development, specifically focusing on the youth, FET colleges and rural contexts.

  7. Learners enrolled on traditional energy programmes, sponsorship & additional agreements • In the construction process of the Kusile Power Project and Medupi Power Station, 443 apprentices qualified and 415 are still in formal training. • The merSETA is one of the sponsors of the Volkswagen-NMMU solar power car, as well as the Tshwane University of Technology solar power car. The Sasol Solar Challenge, the South African leg of the international solar car challenge, takes place in September 2012 and several SA South African universities are participating. Teams from around the globe race to spark interest in science and technology. • The merSETA’s Innovation, Research and Development Division, through an established relationship with the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) is in the first stages of negotiating an alternative energy collaboration with Tshwane University of Technology. • A photovoltaic solar-focused skills development agreement has been signed with the East-London Industrial Development Zone.

  8. Conclusion • The brief overview of the merSETA’s initiatives and strategic sustainable green skills development strategy has been given. • Various opportunities for sustainable green skills development are unfolding, specifically through the State Infrastructure Programmes (SIPs) and merSETA has started to investigate participation possibilities. Thank you for the opportunity to present to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee: Energy.

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