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“A Raisin in the Sun”

“A Raisin in the Sun”. Vocabulary. In your groups, for each of the following words find the following: Definition Part of speech Synonym and antonym Used in a sentence A picture/symbol to go with your word. E-mail it to kmbradle@volusia.k12.fl.us

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“A Raisin in the Sun”

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  1. “A Raisin in the Sun” Vocabulary

  2. In your groups, for each of the following words find the following: • Definition • Part of speech • Synonym and antonym • Used in a sentence • A picture/symbol to go with your word. • E-mail it to kmbradle@volusia.k12.fl.us • I will put it together in a PowerPoint for you to use as a study tool.

  3. Doggedly (adverb) persistent in effort; stubbornly tenacious • Synonym: constantly • Antonym: changeably   • Sentence: He doggedly tried to recover his business.

  4. Furtively (adverb) attempting to avoid notice or attention Synonyms: by stealthAntonyms: candidly openly publicly Sentence: After skipping school, Molly furtively avoided her mother all day.

  5. Permeated (Verb) • To spread throughout: pervade • Synonym -saturate • Antonym - unsaturate • The stinky garbage can permeated the air. 

  6. Raucous – (adj) - making or constituting a disturbingly harsh and loud noise.Synonym: shrillAntonym: calmSentenced: The drum was raucous.

  7. Vindicated – (Verb)To clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt  with supporting arguments or proof. • Synonym: absolveAntonym: accuse • The judge vindicated me after the trial because I was not guilty.

  8. Insinuate – (verb) Suggest it in an indirect and unpleasant way. • Synonym - Imply • Antonym - Conceal • Used in a sentence - Are you trying to insinuate that I am a liar?

  9. Eccentric (adjective)-unconventional and slightly strange • Synonyms: unconventional, uncommon, abnormal • Antonyms: boring, common, dull • "My favorite aunt is very eccentric."

  10. Implore (verb) - Beg someone earnestly or desperately to do something • Synonym-beg • Antonym-deny • "I implore you, put me out of my misery"

  11. Incredulous (adjective) - Unwilling or unable to believe something  • Synonym- skeptical • Antonym-Believable • Sentence- There was an incredulous look on my mom’s face as I tried to explain to her why I was home late.

  12. Oppressive (Adjective) -Unjustly inflicting hardship. Synonym: Harsh, cruelAntonym: Merciful, lenient"An oppressivedictatorship."

  13. Amiable (adjective) - Having or displaying a friendly or pleasant manner • Synonym:  Friendly • Antonym:  rude • Sentence:  The teacher was amiable on her very first day.

  14. Undaunted (adj) - not frightened; not afraid or deterred by the prospect of defeat, loss, or failure • Synonyms: fearless, unconcerned. • Antonyms: cowardly, shrinking, scared  • Sentence: I was undaunted by the task my teacher set out for me.

  15. Epitaph – (noun) a phrase or statement written in memory of a person who has died, especially as an inscription on a tombstone. • Synonym- monument • Antonym- testimonial • Used in a sentence- Most of us would prefer a more generous epitaph when we leave this world.

  16. Ominous (adjective) • giving the impression something bad or unpleasant is going to happen, threatening. • synonym-- threatening. Sinister. • antonym-- promising • As the ominous clouds rolled in, I could hear the loud claps of thunder

  17. Reverie (noun) - the state of being lost in one’s thoughts • Synonym: Daydream • Antonym: Focused • The students in 1st period were in a state of reverie as the teacher went over the homework.

  18. Write the top 10 most significant moments for the novel Lay That Trumpet In Our Hands. In a sentence or two, explain why that moment was significant. • When you are finished, I have a survey for you to fill out for the county.

  19. Write the top 10 most significant moments for the novel Lay That Trumpet in Our Hands . In a sentence or two, explain why that moment was significant. • When you are finished, feel free to complete the survey I will be handing out. • Write a sentence using each of your vocabulary words.

  20. Invitation to Write • Current Event: You will be expected to bring in a current event article from a reputable news source. Write an open-ended question for the class to discuss. • Let’s read the first few paragraphs of the National Geographic. • Is bullying a problem at Seabreeze High School? How can we, as a school, eliminate bullying? If it is not a problem, why may someone view it as a problem? What can you do to help eliminate this perception?

  21. Characterization • Speech: What does the character say? How does the character speak?

  22. Thoughts: What is revealed through the character’s private thoughts and feelings?

  23. Effect on others: What is revealed through the character’s effect on other people? How do other characters feel or behave in reaction to the character?

  24. Actions: What does the character do? How does the character behave?

  25. Looks: What does the character look like? How does the character dress?

  26. Speech: He has an accent. His speech is demanding. He’s hostile. • Thoughts: He is scared that Lucy Wilde will reject him. • Effects: He makes the minions put out the fire. He bosses them around. • Actions: Gru burns his phone out of frustration. • Looks: Gru looks intimidating. He is big. He wears dark clothes. Gru is also bald.

  27. S – A full paragraph. • T • E • A • L

  28. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-blu2QYxP70 • Gru • Speech: Angry. Nervous. Anxious. He had an accent. • Thoughts: He didn’t want to look at the phone. He was thinking about Lucy Wilde. He did not want to get turned down by Lucy Wilde. • Actions: He set the phone on fire. • Effects: Gru treated the minions as though they were an annoyance. • Looks: He wore all black. He wore a scarf. He was bald. His nose was long and pointy.

  29. Pick two characters. • S – A full paragraph with complete sentences. • T • E • A • L

  30. Pick two characters: • Walter • Mama • Benethea • Asagai • Ruth • Travis • George • Willy • Mrs. Johnson • Lindner

  31. Agenda • Invitation to Write • Raisin in the Sun character analysis with the ‘STEAL’ method.

  32. Agenda • Raffle today – get out your raffle tickets and put your name on them! We will be pulling tickets for prizes. • Invitation to Write. Refer to your handout. • Read “The Monkey’s Paw” in your blue lit. book. • Please have your id on Tuesday. We will be getting out book that day.

  33. “Dream Deferred” by Langston Hughes • What happens to a dream deferred? • Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore-- And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over-- like a syrupy sweet? • Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. • Or does it explode?

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