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K-16 Info Literacy Collaboration in GA. Proposal for a joint GLA/GLMA committee. The current state of K-16 IL collaboration in GA:. Scattered local efforts by librarians: Athens, Rome, Carrollton: K-16 librarians meetings/workshops to assess the state of IL instruction in our localities.
K-16 Info Literacy Collaboration in GA Proposal for a joint GLA/GLMA committee
The current state of K-16 IL collaboration in GA: Scattered local efforts by librarians: Athens, Rome, Carrollton: • K-16 librarians meetings/workshops to assess the state of IL instruction in our localities. • Separate but complementary ACRL/AASL standards • Vision, goals, teaching methods and challenges virtually identical
Overall Vision: • IL as a lifelong learning skill that is acquired gradually, grade-by-grade and can’t be taught in scattershot fashion. • Need for an articulated, assessable program of across-the-curriculum K-16 info literacy instruction.
Goals: • Embedded Information Literacy: • in school and college curricula • in teacher education programs • In continuing education programs for teachers • Design easily read, practical IL standards that speak to teachers and parents as well as librarians • Create effective methods of assessing IL learning
Teaching methods • Sessions are integrated into class projects • Hands on, active learning • Collaborative learning
Challenges • Students IL skills vary widely • Overcrowded lesson plans & syllabi • Not embedded in curriculum • Administrative well-wishing but no practical support • Inadequate ways of assessing IL learning
Moving beyond local efforts: • Getting involved with USG’s “Office of P16 Initiatives” programhttp://www.usg.edu/p16/ • Finding a fit within our state and national support organizations and institutions • Examining K-16 collaborations in other states
Bd of Regents P-16 Initiatives Programs:GSTEP: “Georgia Systemic Teacher Education Program” http://www.coe.uga.edu/gstep/ GOAL: Collaboration between teachers, administrators and college faculty to improve teacher prep programs FOCUS: Shaping the teacher education curriculum: • 9 subject-based curriculum committees Supporting Induction • Develop strategies to support teachers during their first 2 years of teaching
Bd of Regents P-16 Initiatives Programs:PRISM: Partnership for Reform in Science and Mathematics 4 regions = university + surrounding counties: East Central/ Georgia Southern www.georgiasouthern.edu/prism/ Metro Atlanta: Georgia State http://education.gsu.edu/prism/ Northeast: University of GA: www.coe.uga.edu/prism/ Southeast: Armstrong Atlantic www.prism.armstrong.edu/ Opportunities: • Monthly meetings • Join ‘Learning Communities’, which team teachers from schools and universities on specific projects or problems
Bd of Regents P-16 Initiatives Programs:”Early College” Outreach to non-traditional high schools: Gateway to College Academy at GA Perimeter College http://www.gpc.edu/~gpcgway/ High school + first two years of college for at risk students Classic City High School (Athens) http://www.clarke.k12.ga.us/do/schoolView?id=3522 Alternative high school for at risk students
Potential partners in GA: GALILEO • GALILEO is the tool that binds us together • Strong support from GALILEO administration • GALILEO Planet newsletter • Potential voice in GALILEO Reference or Electronic Collection Development subcomittees? • Potential voice in K12 Advisory Committee? • Potential role in GALILEO training workshops?
Potential Partners in GA: Colleges of Education • Pilot projects get attention • Work with TA’s - often the most flexible instructors • UGA: Certificate in University Teaching • Create K-16 teaching tools for assignments : • Example: IL K-16 lesson plan checklist (This is a first, rough draft which borrows heavily from Ryan and Capra’s Information Literacy Toolkit Chicago: American Library Association, 2001.)
Potential Partners in GA: GA Dept.of Education K12 Library Media Services http://www.glc.k12.ga.us/pandp/media/homepg.htm • Articles in their monthly “Media Matters” online newsletter • Presentations at their conferences • Infusing a K-16 awareness in K12 administrations
National Guidance AASL/ACRL Interdivisional Committee on Information Literacy Charge: The joint AASL/ACRL Joint Committee on Information Literacy will focus on how to prepare K-20 students to be information literate and will provide a channel of communication to the respective divisions. In general, this joint committee will be a forum for sharing ideas on information literacy in K-20 environments and a source of professional development opportunities in this area.
Examples of Current K-16 Collaboration: New York • Rochester Regional Library Council • http://www.rrlc.org/ • “Information Literacy Contiuum Committee” • Core Library and Research Skills Grade 9-14+
Examples of Current K-16 Collaboration: Pennsylvania • Central Pennsylvania K-16 Information Literacy Network • http://www.libraries.psu.edu/gateway/k-16collaboration/index.html • Media Specialist Tool Kit for Implementing IL in schools
Examples of Current K-16 Collaboration: Ohio • Institute for Library and Information Literacy Education at Kent State • http://www.ilile.org/ • Grant funding • Academic Content Standards Checklists • TRAILS (IL assessment tool) • Parent Toolkit for IL advocacy
Examples of K-16 Collaboration: California • LILI: LifeLong Information Literacy • http://www.library.ucla.edu/college/lili/index.htm • Fall 2006 Survey: “IL Instruction in California Libraries” Snapshot of instruction in K-16, public and special libraries.
K-16 IL in GA: Where do we go from here? • Propose a GLA/GLMA joint committee? • Outline committee membership and possible goals? • ???????????