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Skákþjálfunarkerfið í Rússlandi GM Mikhail Kobalia. 1. Að kynnast skákinni (4-6ára) 2. Grunnnám í skák (7-8 ára ) 3. Menntunar og þjálfunarstig (9-10 ára ) ELÓ 2000-2200 4. Stig fullkomnunar (11-12 ára ) 5. Æðri skilningur (13-14 ára ) 6. Atvinnumennska (15-16 ára).
1. Aðkynnastskákinni (4-6ára) 2. Grunnnámískák (7-8 ára) 3. Menntunarogþjálfunarstig (9-10 ára) ELÓ 2000-2200 4. Stigfullkomnunar (11-12 ára) 5. Æðriskilningur (13-14 ára) 6. Atvinnumennska (15-16 ára)
- Aldur – 4-6 ára • Kennarar – fjölskylda, næstiskákvettvangur • Aðferðir – æfingarírökhugsun, frumkennslufræði, teflaskákir. - Aðalmarkmið– að auka áhuga á skák. Aðkynnastskákinni
Aldur – 7-8 ára - Stofnun – “Íþróttaskólibarnaogunglinga” - Fjöldinemendaíhóp– 10-15 - Fjöldiklukkustundaáviku - 10 • Aðferðir – fræðslaígrunnatriðumtaktíkur, stratigíuogtækni;uppgötvagetutilað taka þáttískákkeppnum; innprentasamviskusamlegamætinguáskáæfingar. Grunnnámískák
- Skákir – fjöldiskákaogtegundfereftirþroska. - Aðalmót: borgaroghéraðskeppnir, rússneskibikarinnogrússneskameistaramótið.
Aðalmarkmiðþjálfunarinnar: -nemandinnveljiskáksemaðalíþrótt.- nemandinnhafitileinkaðsérgrunnatriðitækni, taktíkurogstratígíu; -myndunstöðugsáhugaáskák, þekkingágrunnatriðumísöguskáklistarinnar.
Stofnun– “Íþróttaskólibarnaogunglinga” • Þaubörnsemhafalokiða.m.k. einsársþjálfunígrunnnámioghafatileinkaðsérnauðsynlegagrunnfærnifærastáþettastig. Menntunarogþjálfunarstig
Aldur – 9-10 ára • Fjöldinemendaíhóp– 8-10 - Fjöldiklukkustundaáviku– 13 - Kunnaágrunntólskákarinnar - Öðlastkeppnisreynslumeðþátttökuímargvíslegumkeppnum; - Eflaalhliðaúthald; - Ná FIDE stigum - 2000 Fyrrihlutimenntunar
Aldur – 11-12 ára • Fjöldinemendaíhóp– 5-7 - Fjöldiklukkustundaáviku– 16 - Markmiðogáhersluríþjálfuninni: • Bætatækniíbyrjunum, miðtafliogendatafli; • Aukahiðsérstakaskákúthald; - Aukakeppnisreynslu; - Ná FIDE stigum- 2200 Seinnihlutimenntunar
Aðalmót: Rússlands-, Evrópu- and heimsmeistaramótíviðkomandialdursflokki. RússneskaunglingabikarkeppninByrjaaðteflaímargskonarmótummeðfullorðnum.Byrjaað taka þáttíþjálfunundirhandleiðslu IMs og GMs.Keppnisskákiráári– 50-60
- Organization - “Children and youth sports school of Olympic reserve” • The group stage of sports perfection are formed on a competitive basis . • Transfer by years of education at this stage is carried out under condition of positive dynamics of growth performance. - Age – 13-14 years old - Number of students in group – 3-5 - Number of hours per week – 20 Stage of sports perfection
The main goals:- Improvement of chess technics- Development of increased training loads; - Achievement of maximum special chess endurance - The in-depth mastery of the technique of playing in all stages of the game: the opening, middlegame and endgame- Construction of individual «opening repertoire»
The main aim: performance characteristic zone of the first big successand obtaining of the standard international master, FIDE rating - 2400Main competitions: International tournaments.European and world championships in appropriate and high age.Russian Cups (adults).Tournament games per year – 60-70
- High ownership of strategic and tactical methods in all stages of a chess game, to be able to conduct independent research work. - Age – 15-16 years old - Number of students in group – 1-3 - Number of hours per week – 25 Stage of higher sport skill
Main competitions:International swiss and round-robintournaments. World championships in appropriate and high age, Russian and European club championships.The main aim: performance of stable success resultsand obtaining of the standard international grandmaster, FIDE rating – 2500.Tournament games per year – 80
- Age – 17 and above - Group of 1-3 young players, dedicated for chess - Permanent research work in all stages of chess game - Using many training sessions (10-12 days) with opening researches, playing many training games with different time controls Professional stage
Main competitions: International swiss and round-robin tournaments. Russian and European club championships, Russian and European Championships, selection for World Cup. The main aim: performance of stable success results in adults competitionsand obtaining FIDE rating 2600+Tournament games per year – 80-100
To achieve its goals and objectives in teaching in all stages, use the following forms and methods teaching and training work:- participation in the competition- contests solutions combinations of tasks and etudes- sessions of simultaneous game
- independent work with chess books and chess computer programs- thematic game with a sparring partner, with a computer- examining games with quality notes with answers to test questions- analysis of critical opening positions with development of own innovations- trainingexercises