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Sustaining Sustainability: Success Beyond the Starting Phase

Sustaining Sustainability: Success Beyond the Starting Phase. New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility Webinar June 10, 2009 Alex Moss Praxis Consulting Group, Inc. What We Do. Who We Serve. About Praxis. What is Sustainability?.

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Sustaining Sustainability: Success Beyond the Starting Phase

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sustaining Sustainability:Success Beyond theStarting Phase New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility Webinar June 10, 2009 Alex Moss Praxis Consulting Group, Inc.

  2. What We Do Who We Serve About Praxis

  3. What is Sustainability? • Meet present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs World Commission on Environment & Development (Bruntland Commission), 1987 • Seventh Generation: first an Iroquois philosophy, later also a company • Products and services …and organizations

  4. Assumption for Today You are a founder, key decision-maker, or change agent in your organization • You are building or have built a sustainable enterprise • You are looking to the future 3 June 10, 2009

  5. Big Question for Today: Can Your Leadership Sustain Your Sustainable Organization? • Many organizations that are deeply committed to sustainability are entrepreneurial & founder-driven • Who will maintain and grow your enterprise and its impact in the future?

  6. Entrepreneurial Succession Planning, With a Twist • All the benefits • Vision, focus, & drive • Passion for the Big Idea • All the challenges • Succession • Leadership development • Systems • Ownership • What’s unique? • Commitment & ability to achieve impact: money & mission

  7. Assessing Future Competency Requirements

  8. Implications • Understand your current skill sets – • Business and mission • Founders and middle managers • Build for tomorrow, not yesterday • External environment & strategy • Maintaining mission focus with growth • Focus: competencies, not cloning • Ok to be too dependent on unique leaders…now • Start early…now would be fine!

  9. What Can You Do? • Assess future growth trajectory: business & mission • Identify mission-critical Sustainability Competencies • Virus…or mitochondria? • Insert everywhere • Integrate inseparably into core functions

  10. What Can You Do?Integrate into all your systems • Systems examples • Recruitment & hiring • Training & development • Metrics & incentives • Performance evaluation & advancement • Succession planning for everyone • Ongoing: continuous monitoring & enhancement

  11. Bottom line • Idiosyncratic is fine, early in the life cycle • As you evolve, systematize & integrate

  12. Discussion:Your Questions…and Ours • Give & get: helping each other thrive • What practices would you be willing to share with others? • Where would you most like help from others? • How else can NHBSR facilitate? • Depth vs. breadth: what would you like to hear about in more detail?

  13. Contact Information Alexander P. Moss | Principal Praxis Consulting Group, Inc. 8506 Germantown Avenue | Philadelphia, PA 19118 office 215.753.0303 | mobile 267.918.1312 www.PraxisCG.com | alex@praxiscg.com

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