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Join us for Open House 2012! Learn about our curriculum, classroom rules, homework policy, and more. Get to know our teacher, Mrs. Juliano, and ask any questions you may have. Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with your child's education!
Open House 2012! Welcome Parents and Guardians!
Before We Start • I included, on the desk, a sheet where you can write any specific questions you have for me in case we don’t have as much time as I’d like to answer questions.
About Me! • Undergraduate Degree from Rutgers University in New Brunswick. • Master’s Degree in Education from The Graduate School of Education at Rutgers. Certification in both Elementary Education and Special Education. • Spent 1 year at Wilson School and this is my 4th year here. • I love teaching, animals, the outdoors, reading, the beach, Devils hockey, Baltimore Ravens and Rutgers Football! • Email: ejuliano@cwcboe.org • Website: www.cwcboe.org • Use the tab at the top of the page and scroll down to Jefferson School • Then click on the tab at the top that says Staff and find my name
Goals & Expectations • Class Rules/Behavior Management- We work together as groups and earn rewards. We also work together as a class to gain “stars” for our class “Star Jar”.
Homework • Homework Policy- Homework should be completed on a daily basis. Each night, they receive… 1 Reading/Phonics worksheet 1 Math worksheet • Spelling will begin in October. Pretest on Monday, Test on Friday. • Math speed tests begin in January.
Instruction • To help your child grow in reading, writing and math by providing a supportive and fun environment that considers both curriculum standards and each individual students’ needs. • I differentiate instruction within the class through grouping, small group instruction, and differentiation in whole class instruction. • We will be doing DRA II assessments throughout this year to determine students reading level and help us better instruct them.
Specials Schedule • Monday – Gym • *wear sneakers • Tuesday – Library • *bring library book • Wednesday –Music • Thursday – Library • Friday – Art • *send in smock
Reading/L.A.: Reading Street, Explode the Code (Spelling/Phonics), Lucy Calkins Writer’s Workshop, Wilson FUNdations for Spelling, Handwriting, Leveled LibraryMath: New standards nationwide!, Harcourt Math Series, Touchmath, hands-on and multisensory using various modes of learning Curriculum Many picture books in all subject areas
Curriculum • ScienceFall= Apples, Pumpkins, Water Cycle, BuoyancyWinter= Penguins & Bears Spring= Plants, Ladybugs, Motion • Social Studies- Rules, Laws, Maps, Communities, Transportation, & Our Country’s Past • Centers- Beginning in a few weeks we will have centers for students to explore different concepts we are learning in many new ways.
A Bit More on Writer’s Workshop • They will receive a minimum of 3 lessons per week in writing and frequent writing conferences with me. • There are several different writing units throughout the year covering many genres. • Writing will develop throughout the year. • Less writing will be coming home on a daily basis, but there will be one or two times a month where a lot of writing will come home. Students may use transitional spelling as they learn the • nuances of the English language, and published pieces will • be held to the grade-level standard for spelling.
Technology • Elmo is new age overhead projector with endless possibilities. • Large projector and screen so all students are easily able to see everything that is displayed on the computer or Elmo. • Class computers are used to reinforce concepts we have learned. • Laptop cart will be used throughout the year.
Important Events • 2 Field Trips- 1st one will be to a farm in October which reinforces the Science curriculum. 2nd TBD • Star Students- Starting in January, your child will bring home a poster to fill out and we will display it in the room. Parents may come to read a story to the class on a day during that students’ week. (Notice will be sent home later on this year) • Book-In-A-Bag: Starting in January, every Monday your child will be bringing home one to three books to enjoy reading with you at home. They will do comprehension activity and return to school on Friday. Voluntary enrichment program.
Class Parents and Parties • Birthdays- You may send in goodies for students but nothing edible (ex. Erasers, pencils, etc) • Parties 1. Halloween 2. Holiday 3. Valentine 4. Another party TBD 5. End of the Year Party
If your child is going home with another parent, please do not email the office or myself, send a note to me in the morning. Reason being is if I am absent or we are having computer issues, their message may not be received. • Please do not hesitate to email me with input or questions. Communication is important to me! • On the desk of your child, you can find some of their work from the first weeks of school. • On your way out, take a look at the work hanging on the walls that the students have done. • Thanks for coming!! • Have a great night!
Note to your Child • Please write your child a quick note, on the heart paper, that they can read tomorrow morning.